My three year old Maine Coon just vomited a whole lot of clear liquid with little signs of food. I just gave him a new flavor of food and he ate a little and just drank a lot of his water. I was in bed and I just heard him vomiting, it was mostly all liquid as I said. He doesn't have diarrhea and when he vomited his eyes looked a little watery but I think that was from the amount and the force. I gave him clean water afterwards and he drank a lot of it. I am not sure if I should be worried or maybe it was a hairball? He is a long haired cat, so that may be it. Please help someone, i am worried.
I've seen my cats throw up clear liquids many times over the past 15 years we've had them. It's usually in conjuntion with them trying to get up a hairball (they have medium length fur). Sometimes it's just an upset stomach. I've also seen them turn their nose up at new foods/flavors after only eating a little bit.
If you want him to try that food/new flavor again, just try a little bit %26 check his reaction. Something about it may upset his stomach or he may have an allergy to it.
It's safest to just keep an eye on him. If he has any persistant out of the norm symptoms that can't be cured with home care take him to the vet.
I hope your little guy gets to feeling better soon!
Sounds like he is working up a hair ball.
But, you gave him new it red, the food I mean?
it just may be a hairball.i grew up with a hairy cat and he was forever coughing up them.see how he is in the morning.make sure he still eats ect..if he isnt maybe take him in 4 a checkup.
As long as your cat is drinking water and interested in food, most likely your cat is healthy. But the seasonal change has been causing all of my animals to shed, and this will increase hairballs. Your cat might have a hairball, and will be coming soon. I would give your cat a little mineral oil or hairball remedy. You just place it on their paw, and they lick it off. It encourages the passing of the hairball, or helps it come out easier. He probably just has a big one. Check out this page:
You are too cute!! Alright, calm down, I have 13 cats inside and two that keep coming to my house outside that I feed and have made homes for. . cats, I know!
It was probably a hairball that hasn't come up yet. Cats, just like people, all have their own 'habits' and 'querks' to get used to -- I have cats that make all kinds of noise (when vomiting), but never really cough anything up, then I have those that make little noise and leave humongus messes!
I'm guessing you haven't had the cat for very long and before then, you weren't really a 'cat person'. You needn't be worried unless it is something ongoing over a long period of time. The great thing about cats is they really almost do take care of themselves (except for the litter box cleaning, of course). The bad thing is, some can really vomit quite a bit and leave crazy 'presents' for you! I've got a couple of extremely long fured cats in the house and that is something that you come to expect, though it does happen (sometimes just as often, sometimes more often, believe it or not) with short haired cats.
Don't worry for now, . it is completely normal.. and they do love to wait for you to go to bed to 'make with the noise'. it's too funny!! And frustrating! Now go back to sleep, sweetie ;}
Well, your cat is eatting and drinking. It may be dehydrated. Last Thursday, my cat vomited when she got home but didn't eat. Turned out she was constipated. If your cat stops eatting, it would be too :(
As long as he is drinking water then i wouldn't be worried.Sometimes this happens when a food doesn't agrre with them or you give them something new and there body needs to adjust .I hope that helps g luck.
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