Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cats and Spider Toxins?

I have a question regarding cats and eating spiders, more specifically, poisonous spiders. Canines are unaffected by most neurotoxins that certain spiders produce, such as the Tunnel Spider but what about felines? My young feline recently chewed but did not digest what I suspect to be a Tegenaria agrestis, commonly known as a Hobo Spider. Considering the type of toxin this species has and the fact my cat has not ingested the arachnid, is it safe to assume he wouldn't be affected? And if he was bitten in the process of attacking this spider, would the toxin it produces effect him? Please, only answer this question if you truly have an answer and have done the extensive research I have. This isn't a question for amatures. I will contact my vet regardless but I have about two hours until I can do so and I'd like to hear some educated opinions on the situation.
My Pharmisist told me to use Neosporin for spider bites; the vet does.
I apologize in advance for not researching this question.
Trust the research you have already completed.
some poisons work only if they enter the blood stream - so must be injected into the blood in order to take effect, I am not sure about spider venom specifally and doubt your vet would know either, an expert on arachnids would (like call the biology department at the University and ask to speak to an expert there)

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