Thursday, July 30, 2009
Catnip has no effect on my cats. Are they weird?
Hi there.catnip (Nepeta cataria--also part of the mint family of plants) contains a substance called cis-transnepetalactone which when inhaled or eaten is thought to be hallucinogenic through the stimulation of centres in the brain--it gives some cats a europhoric high. Not all cats are responsive to catnip and here's why:
1. Reaction to catnip is genetic (see last paragraph). Cats must possess a gene for it. While most cats do, about 15 percent reportedly do not. Kittens, whether they possess the gene or not, generally do not react to catnip until they are from six to nine months old. Try reintroducing the catnip then and you will probably find that your cat will greatly enjoy it. If your cat is an adult, you may have one of the few adult cats that do not possess the gene.
2. Inferior quality catnip. Many other catnip brands are "cut" with straw, stems and other filler. This may fool the cat owner, but it doesn't fool kitty! Try some Certified Organic Catnip or fresh Catnip.
It's not known why the reaction to catnip seems to occur only among the feline species. What is known is that the ability to react to catnip is a genetic one. Cats that react to catnip possess a gene that programs them to react to catnip. The gene does not develop until after six months of age or so, and not ALL cats possess the gene. About 15 percent of the cat population does not possess the gene, so this may explain why your cat does not react. If they do possess the gene, cats of all sizes - from housecats, cheetahs, mountain lions, pumas, etc. - will love catnip.
it depnds some oare knock offs i just learned that recently tey other brands ^_^
No, I have a cat that doesnt bat an eyelid when ever we put it out. Weird, huh?
Like humans each cat or group have different sensitivies. Catnip is similar to a drug (marijuana) to cats and some have a higher tolerance. You don't really know they may enjoy the smell and feeling but don't go all crazy like other cats. Some people can social drink and don't want to get drunk similar thing.
Only about 60% of cats respond to cat nip. There are many who don't.
no.Not all cats are attracted to cat nip.Its like humans.Some of us like chocolate cake and some people dont.They are 100% normal.
Are they desexed? If so, this could be it. My cats have had NO reaction to any catnip since I got them desexed. My sister's cat would rub all over a towel that she laid catnip on but recently she got her fixed and she now ignores it as well. Might not be the sole reason but seems to be the consensus from what I see.
no catnip it matter the mood of ur cats if u leave it out for a while they will start to be more playful
No, cats react differently to catnip. I have one cat who absolutely loves catnip, drools and purs all over it and i have another who really couldnt care less about it. Also, is the catnip fresh? some times, catnip from stores can be stale and old, try growing some catnip and see if they like that better. you can also grow this stuff called cat grass, its a sweet grass that cats eat. they might like that more.
No, your cats are not weird. Some cats like it and some don't. There are different brands (different fillers). You may need to try several brands. Even then they may not show any interest.
I don't think that all cats go for catnip, most do.
Is the catnip fresh? It can get too old to interest cats. If cats have just had a dose of catnip, they won't have an effect for a while.
I have catnip growing like a weed at my house. I find neighborhood cats here in a state of confusion sometimes. My cats just like to lie underneath their favorite plant and hang out.
They don't get a big effect from it or maybe they know not to get too much at once.
hahaha that's funny
All I know is that I read in a cat book that cats under approxmmately one year are not affected. Poor kitties, they can't get high!
Cat's have to have a certain gene to enjoy catnip. They aren't wierd but you won't have to put them in rehab due to catnip addiction.
no they arnt weird,all cats respond differently to catnip.
I don't think it's weird my ur cats just don't like catnip
No. Catnip does nothing for either of my two cats. Asked the vet why this was so, and he said, "Some cats are not at all affected by catnip." So, your cats are not weird.
I have an 18 year old female kitty that loves catnip (she gets so high) and a 2 year old girl kitty that it doesn't affect at all. Guess it just depends on the kitty.
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