Thursday, July 30, 2009

cats and valarian?

Is valerian safe for my cats? I take capsules to help me rest at night, and whenever they smell it they go absolutely crazy and try to grab it out of my hands, almost like they do with a catnip toy.
Hi there.Although, Valerian is a sedative for humans it is a stimulant for cats. Pure valerian root oil is too potent for cats, but the dried variety probably what is in your herbal supplements is alright. However, valerian shouldn't be given to cats with kidney failure. For more on Valerian for cats:

An unusual feature of valerian is that the dried root affects the domestic cat in a similar way as that of catnip. If valerian root is left in a place to which cats have access, they will roll in it, salivate onto it and eat it. Burmese cats are attracted to the dried herb and will deliberately destroy containers to obtain it. However, some cats will not go near valerian root.

Valerian cat toys:
my cats do that when they smell my crack cocaine
Is it an herb?
Valerian is not safe for children so I would assume that it is not safe for cats, Stick with some nice organic catnip for them.

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