Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cat's digestive health?

My cat keeps sitting outside his litter box and whining, even when it is clean. I think he might be constipated. Is there anything I can do about that?

Nothing else seems to be wrong with him. He doesn't appear to be in any sort of pain.
Feed him a few days of canned food only. The extra moisture should relieve any "problems" he has like that.

He may just be saying "Thanks for the clean box, mommie."
Repost your question at the forums on
squirt some diluted olive leaf extract into the side of his mouth
b careful wear gloves %26 hold his jaw closed while doin this.
or put sum in his waterbowl.
u take sum too cos it will help protect u from cat parasites
he may have a urinary tract infection, best to see the vet get it all sorted out in case its worse than u think. if its only constipation try syringing parafin oil in his mouth ( a couple ml) that should sort him out.
Vaseline might loosen that up. Cheap, safe for cats and a bit of a laxative. It is the basis of furball remedy.

If that take him to the VET.
My cat did the same thing for a couple days and I didn't think that much of it. After that he started to lay around and wouldn't be active like he usually was. I took him to the vet to see what was wrong, and it turned out he had an obstruction in his urethra, which had backed up, and shut down his kidneys, which then began shutting down the rest of his organs. I had to put him down right there and then. This was just last week, so I am still very upset about the whole thing. I'm just telling you that you may want to get him seen, just in case.
Good Luck
This could be a medical emergency -- cats that cannot urinate are within 48 hours of dying of renal poisoning. I am assumming it has been at least 24-36 hours since you noticed this.

This is a cat in serious pain, either blocked urinary tract or gastrointestinally. If you do not want him to die a horrible death, get him to a cat vet immediately.

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