Friday, July 31, 2009

Cats have diarrhea - need help?

My cat is really sick with diarrhea. It's been 3 days since it started and the weird thing is the food 'comes out' and doesn麓t even smell bad. it doesn麓t smell.
Hi there.diarrhoea in cats can be caused by multiple things:

Diary products: cats do not have the proper enzymes to properly break down the sugar in milk which is called 'lactose.' You may have heard of people who are lactose-intolerant. They are also missing these digestive enzymes. If the proper enzymes are not present, the lactose remains undigested and tends to ferment in the intestine and cause diarrhea.
For More on Milk and cats:

The other culprit that could contribute to the diarrhoea may be parasites/worms (coccidia, giardia, roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, etc) so consider a vet visit to have her dewormed since some of the over the counter treatments do not eliminate all the types of parasites. For more on feline parasites:

For more on causes of Diarrhoea:

Contrary to what people believe canned food is helpful for cats with diarrhoea as this is a symptomatic of dehydration. Canned diets can supplement the intake of moisture so having both dry and canned are helpful. Any vet can confirm this fact.

Canned pumpkin (without spices) will also help firm up the loose stool symptoms:

Please keep in mind that also sudden changes in food brands, types will also contribute to diarrhoea symtoms as well. So as soon as your new kitty starts on the cat food she may have lingering symtpoms. For more on this: . Again any vet can confirm this fact.

The above are just only a few causes as there are many more that can also cause diarrhoea such as diseases, illnesses, etc. Therefore, it is always recommended to consider contacting a vet and discussing if a visit is necessary for treatment.
go to the vet.
oh my goodness, go to the vet as soon as possible, and watch giving the cat any milk or dairy
Diarrhea can be caused by several factors. If you have recently switched brands, that could do it. Different bacteria in the animals digestive tract helps digest specific ingredients. If you change food suddenly and the ingredients vary much you are almost guarenteed to get the slippery poops. Always mix the food -some old and some new for at least a week -if you are out of the old food then buy a small bag to mix with the new.

Bacteria can also be a cause and poisoning by ingesting of a chemical or perhaps an animal that may have been poisoned by an exterminator. Could also happen if the cat is drinking toilet or pool water that has chlorine or some other chemicals in it.

Unless you can positively confirm pretty quick have your pet checked out to be sure it isn't something worse as there are some serious things cats can get like feline distemper.
You can give the cat a small dose of keopetate(misspelled). If that doesn't help, I suggest you take her to the vet.
i think you should go to the vets sounds like a severe problem.


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