Friday, July 31, 2009


my cat is kinda mean some ppl have said its because it was treated badly when it was a kitten which i could understand is this true??
EMPHATICALLY - YES! 97% true. 1% possible it could be its personality, 1% mentally ill ,1% sick. Where, when did you get the cat? Did you just adopt it? Did you take it to the vet for evaluation?

What you can do is treat it with kindness and patience. Give it all the love, affection, cat treats that you can, eventually, it will come to you.
IT could be true, my grandmother had a dog that was treated badly, and when she sees men she sometimes would go after them. Now she is more settled down, and is not so mean. You cat will hopefully slowly adjust to you and your friends.
Cats can be feral if they were abused before. Depending on how bad she is you might want to get a small cage for her and place a bed, a litter box, and her food in it and put her in it until she gets a little more comfortable. Feral cats take a lot of time to adjust especially to new places. That is why the cage sometimes help and when they are ready then you slowly open them up to the house room by room. Feral cats usually do things on their own terms and when they are ready and used to you and know you won't hurt them they will come around. Just show her lots of love and be patient.
Yes, it could be true. However, if you give your cat a lot of love and play with it gently, your cat can calm down and be very loving and loyal.

I have two cats who were both born feral. Both are very loving and loyal. However, one is very nervous and he is afraid of everything and everyone except me. He follows me around and sleeps next to me, buy he is afraid of my husband and will hiss at him if I'm not around.

One thing that animals like is to VERY GENTLY rub the tips of their ears between your thumb and forefinger. At first, barely touch the ear. As the cat gets used to it, he or she will learn to like it and will see it as a sign of love and friendship.
Possibly. Can you give more info about the cat? Age, gender, neutered/spayed, declawed? This information helps because unneutered male cats can be very aggressive. Declawed cats also can become aggressive because they're only defenses have been removed (don't declaw! it's cruel!)

Anyway, it's not normal for a cat to be "mean". It may be "aloof", but that's very different from "mean". Many cats are one-person cats. They love one person and only that person. They could care less about anybody else. If your cat is loving to you and you are loving to it, who cares what anybody else thinks. If your cat is spayed/neutered and not declawed and it's still mean, consider spending more time bonding with it and socializing it. It can only help.
Ever kitty has it's own personality. My cat Charmin was very mean and I had her since she was a kitty, she never lead a bad life, but was just grouchy all of the time. She got groucier with time and began biting after she was only 3, so I had to get rid of her once she hurt my youngest child. Now if she is kind to you and your family, I wouldn't worry, she may have been treated poorly when young, but if she is mean to you and your family, try spoiling her a bit, giving her lots of care, love and attention. see if she pops out of it.

Good luck.
Yes! Absolutely!
Cats don't have to be abused to be aggressive. I had my last cat from when she was about 5 or 6 weeks old and she just became very aggressive once she got out of her kitten stage. She could be very sweet too, but it was nothing for her to swat at, bite, or try to claw us every day. Sometimes it is just in the cats personality to be this way. If your cat was stray she could just be shying away from people because she was an outside cat and they are leery of people. One thing I have heard works, but I never used it, was Feliway. It's kind of like a plug-in that you put into an outlet and it emits a pheromone which is supposed to calm down the cat (for instance, if you have a lot of guests in from out of town and a cat may become anxious). You can find these at PetSmart or PetCo but they are kind of pricy. I think the refills are about $40 a piece and the plug is about $20 or so. There was one thing I tried called "Good Cat" which was a vitamin supplement you add to their water but my cat spit up right after so I never used it again. If you can't afford the FeliWay I would just suggest being calm and going with the mood of the cat. If she wants to be by herself, she will be by herself. If she wants to be held, hold her. Once your cat understands that you are taking care of her and are there for her she should start to come around and be more lovable. It was really hard for me at first--vet visits were a nightmare because she freaked out and I felt like she didn't like me--but she came around and things got a lot better. Some cats just aren't lap cats. If you've just gotten her, then give it some time. If you've had her for a long time, then that's just the way she's going to be.
Yes, that could be the reason. However, there's nothing lots of love, sincerity and attention on your side can't fix. Also, if she's not neutered yet, try and do it soon, which can help calm her down, particularly if she's already mature. Some adequate behavioural training would help too, i.e. cuddles, gentle praises, and attention when she's exhibiting acceptable behaviour, and getting ignored when she's not. Remember.never punish your cat in physical ways. Your furry friend's been through a rough patch before, and you need to give her lots of patience and time to get to trust human connections again. Keep in mind her point of view when communicating with her, and she'll come to love and trust in you in time to come.

Also, when your friends or relatives want to touch or cuddle her, do ask them to gain her trust first. Get them to hold out her favourite treats to her on their flat palms (one person at a time only, to prevent overwhelming her), allow her to accept the treat in her own time. Remind them not to get discouraged or offended if she simply walks away. As before, you need to give her time to accept new people.

At first, it might be hard to really hold her. in any case, many cats don't really appreciate excessive handling, since they're mostly individualistic creatures with a mind of their own..which only adds to their unique individual character! :)

My cat was abandoned when I found him 3 1/2 yrs ago too. And it took him quite a while to other people other than me. He's so much better now, and so much more trusting and accepting of others he knows he can trust. So yes, I do believe there's nothing lots of love and patience can't fix.

Good luck.

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