Friday, July 31, 2009

Cats who eat poop?

We got a new kitten from my fiances mother. However he eats and drinks normally, but finds eating his poop good too. Is there anything I can do to stop him from eating his own and the other cats poop..
Please help.
I used to have a cat that did that. The vet checked him out, and said well, looks like your cat is just a poop eater lol. Tried switching his food? Maybe he's not getting enough nutrients out of the current food? Maybe try to clean the box as soon as they go, though that's not always feasible. I've heard with dogs you could sprinkle some red pepper on the poop. Sorry not much help, good luck with your poop eater :)
No There is something laking in its diet.That makes them eat their poop.Ask a vet .you don't have to take it to the vet just call,they will answer your ?.
Take The Cat To The Vet.
Yummy! maybe he's a window licker too! CATS ARE DUMB LOL!
Had a dog that did this. Put some Adolf's meat tenderizer in/on the kitten's food. Still ate the food, but then didn't like the poop anymore. There is also a powder you can buy from the vet, but I'm told it's virtually the same thing.
The only thing I can think of is Bitter Apple Spray from Pet Co or any known pet store. I use it on the carpet from my bunny and on the wood furniture. It has saved our house! So, why don't ya try spraying it in the kitty box, and just clean it as much as possible!
maybe an self cleaning litter box will stop him,.

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