Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cats after Death?

Do you think Cats go to heaven like people after they pass on?
Heaven is where Love and Compassion resides. And since I am sure people love their pet cats very much, that very love will illuminate in heaven and is where a cat will curl up like a doughnut and be in eternal comfort and rest :)
Of course-so do all animals-do you think God created all these animals just for our pleasure. Animals think,feel,dream,remember,and LOVE--I'm sure God likes animals with Him also Besides in the Bible it says there is "nothing new under the sun"under meaning below the sun and if not new then must be somewhere else(heavaen)too.
if people do go to heaven, and heaven is run by a benevolent god of questionable and disputable origin, then yes, i believe cats would go there as well
I think they do. I can't wait to see all my old dear departed pets one day. You should read a poem called The Rainbow Bridge. Brings tears to my eyes thinking about it.
There's no doubt in my mind!! I know my old pets are there now waiting on me..I'm sure they're fine, too, cause my mom's up there and she LOVES all animals.she worked at a zoo her whole life!!
I think they do. How could such loving animals be denied heaven, they are so faithful and are such an emotional benefit to us.
oh yes:)
yes I think they do because my cat passed just about a year ago and maybe a few hours later I thought I seen and heard her meow but it is good to talk about them to make them feel better. also your cat can do what it wants now he or she has a good life up their when I die I want to see her .
My kitty did, she was with me for 20 years and then the day finally came when I had to do the humane thing. I came home form the vet clinic and cried my heart out. I'd been home for about 20 minutes, on a nice but cloudy day, the skies just opened up and a torrential down pour started. My friend was with me and after a couple of minutes I said to her, Smokey just arrived in heaven, she's letting me know she's there and she's ok. No one will ever convince me of anything different.
Our pets give us heaven on earth with their love and companionship, so I believe they not only go to heaven, but will be with us forever when we arrive at the Pearly Gates.
If there is a heaven they are certainly more deserving than most people to be there.
no cats are not equal to humans. god did not make Adam, snowbell, and then eve. they just die like atheists think we do.
of course, all God's creations go to heaven. omg, i just thought of something. i know it might sound stupid, but its a serious question. if human have rules they have to live by in order to go to heaven, what about stray cats you steal food from people's garbage cans go to hell?
I think that if God dresses the lilly's of the field as he does, he obviously put care into the creation of those beautiful creatures and would want them to have new life. But that is just an opinion.
Yes I have it on assured authority that pets are and will be there when you die if they loved you and you loved them.
The bible tells us that in heaven, the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and the wolf with the sheep.

Seems to me that if there are lions in heaven, there will be kitties. Scripture clearly states that there will be animals in the millenial kingdom.

Pretty cool, huh?
I like to think that they do go to somewhere like heaven where they are happy and don't have to put up with people that wish to harm them.. they were put here for a purpose so why not!
I think so and I base my belief on more than plain sentimentalism. The apostle Paul had this to say about the destiny of the sub-human creation:

18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not
worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us,
19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the
revealing of the sons of God,
20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope;
21 Because the creation itself will be delivered from the bondage of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of God,
22 For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.
(Romans 8: 18 - 22)

So. I will see all my pets at the other side when it my time to go. :) That can't be too bad, then can it?
yes I do

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