My female cat has been liking her bum for a few weeks, I took her to the vet, and she has been on antibiotics, however, since she is having some strange behaviour such as going outside her litterbox, what can I do to correct this behaviour
first answer is good BUT get the (anal glands de-bunged) is a ripper what the hell id -- de-bunged--pulling the assinside out?or removed?
Bag. River. End of problem.
I have no idea, I'm laughing so much about a cats anal gland being impacted.
That first answerer needs to have a violation and I don't just mean a yahoo one. Did your cat have her anal glands de-bunged at the vets? It can be sore for them for a few days afterwards. My dog has to have it done on a regular basis. You could try completely disinfecting her litter tray as she may be associating the smell of it with her problem.
Seriously, This question just sound funny in general
Well, what did your vet say exactly and why was she put on antibiotics? Is she spayed? And her age? Most females who aren't spayed will have problems using the litter box. 1 out of every 3 cats in the world is not litter box trained. If she's young and not spayed, I'd consider getting it done. If she's over a year of age, regardless of being fixed or not, this is most likely a behavioral problem more than a urinary problem. Again, that depends on what type of "gland" problem she's having and if it's a UTI (urinary track infection), you'll just have to wait it out until the problem/infection has passed.
it's often a dog problem with anal glands but cats can have problems too. One of ours did. We first noticed by the stink, she was very uncomfortable and antibiotics didnt help so the vet squeezed the glands and out came some vile goo. Problem was solved. She's going outside the box because she is so uncomfortable and will try anywhere. Take her back to the vet or go to another one and get them to squeeze the blocked glands. Good luck.
She's probably having problems with re-marking her territory - it might by that the old scent she emitted previously is still present in the house and now smells alien to her. Make sure that the litter box is really really clean (use a biological washing powder solution to get it clean and remove the previous odours and then wash it well with fairy liquid and rinse completely). She clearly wants to use the tray as she is going near it, but is being put off by something. Make sure you're using the same litter etc as this won't help. If she still has a problem, try asking your vet for a Feliway diffuser and plug this in near the litter tray - this is a synthetic cat 'hormone' that helps cats to feel safe and reassured within their territory. You won't be able to detect the smell yourself, but it should help to settle your cat down and stop her from fretting about her new scent. Hope that helps.
My cat would go outside the box if she had a urinary tract infection and she had to be put on special food.
Going outside of the litter box usually means one of two things
1. The cat is having mental/behavioral issues because something has changed in the home, like a new pet, new baby etc. This doesn't sound like your problem
2. Medical issues. You should contact your vet again. Maybe the antibiotics aren't working or the vet overlooked something
I'm assuming the vet expressed them? If so, it should be checked again. If not, you should see a new vet.
Going outside the litter box can be signs of many different diseases or health problems. Consult your vet again, as this is a very uncomfortable feeling, having the anal sacs impacted or full, also painful (I only know this from seeing animals with this problem. . .not by personal experience) =)
A high fiber diet may help keep them clear, after all is healed and taken taken care of.
Aww, poor baby. As an expert on cat behavior, I can tell you that this is not unusual. Right now your cat has been experiencing some pain whenever she goes to the bathroom. As a result, she's associated the litterbox with that pain. Mind you, this is not a conscious thought process.this is just her seeking out different avenues to eliminate the pain. Once the antibiotics do their job and she begins to feel better, the pain will go away and she will be more willing to use the litterbox. In the meantime, you might want to make the litterbox "different" somehow. Move it to a new place, replace all the litter with clean litter. Change the litter type (clay to pine, or clumping to non-clumping, etc.) You can always go back to your normal routine once you are confident that she has returned to health and is consistently using her box. In the meantime, these subtle changes will help her out psycholocially with these litterbox=pain mis-associations. Good luck!
Shes associating the litter box with pain. I'm sure as soon as the anal gland problem heals she will be back to using the litter box. have patience.
then she needs to go back to the vets she could have something called urinelogical sydrome disorder or her anal glands could be blocked but keep the cat on the antibiotics as they take a week to work
The poor kitty.. Usually they scrape their bottoms on the ground and it opens up the glands but sometimes it does not work so in that case.. you have to go to the vet to have them squeezed.. pricked open and drained.
I don't have a cat but my dog had the same problem. He was always looking uncomfortable and constantly scraping his bottom on the carpet. All the vet did to fix it was to actually squeeze his anus. The grossest smelling stuff comes out. BUT it sorted out the problem.
Did the vet"empty" the anal glands? If he did, then your cat should be ok in a day, or two. I have to take my female in to have hers done about every three months. I can tell it's time to go when she starts leaving poop here and there, and drags her butt. There are a couple of procedures the vet can do to stop this problem, but both require money and if not done correctly, can make it worse to where the cat can lose all control of it's bowels. My vet offered to show me how to empty them myself, but I would rather pay the fifteen dollars, and have him do it. The smell is awful. Good luck
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