Thursday, July 30, 2009

cats claws?

what should i do? my cat keeps on clawing up all of the furniture how should i get it to stop other than getting rid of it?
Most vets as well as pet stores sell a nylon cover you can place over the cats claws. They have to be replaced every so often so it will take some work. You can also try scratching posts. When the cat starts to scratch some where unacceptable say no, pick him up and take him to the scratching post, hold his paws and make a scratching motion on it.

Alternatively, and it depends on your feelings and your vet's you could have the cat declawed, provided and ONLY if it is an indoor cat and still young. I have had cats for many years, some have been declawed and others haven't. It really depends on the age of the cat and how well it learns.
Trim her toenails.
You can get him declawed. You can buy these little nail covers from Drs Foster and Smith online the slip over the claws so they can't scratch.
Two options.
One: get a scratching post with carpet or sissel rope on it and show it to scratch there and use a spray bottle of water to spray it every time it uses the furniture instead of the post.

Two: Take it to a vet and get it declawed.
get her claws cut. spray her with water when she claws the furniture.
You have two options, you can get it declawed, which doesnt injure the cat, the vet simply removes the last digit on the paw so the nail doesnt grow back and your kitty will have marshmellow feet- or you can buy claw caps: which are tiny little caps that can be glued onto the claw which make it impossible for them to shred anything with them.
They also sell clear caps for sliding over each claw- at Petco (if they're not in your area Petco you can probably buy them online) I've never had to resort to that because my kitty is pretty good but its worth a try.
Take the cat to the vet and have it declawed.
Two opitons. Geting it de calwed or geting it a scratching post. Good Luck!
I have three cats. The best thing that has worked for me is buying one of those corregated cardboard cat scratchers then showering it in catnip. My cats rarely scratch elsewhere. Notice I said rarely, once in a while they forget, they are like humans, but usually a shout of their name or a good clap gets them to stop. .. check it out !

an Please dont de-claw the poor thing .. Imagin having Half of all your fingers Cut off .. thats what De-clawing is .. Soft Claws is a WONDERFUL way around it.
If you pick him up everytime you catch him scratching something and put him on his cat condo or scratching post, he should get the message. It may take a bit of work since he will think its easier to scratch wherever he wants, but if you keep up with him, he should start scratching on his post or wherever you want him to. Also, put his paws up and scratch on the post with them just to make sure he gets the idea.
My kitty has been tearing up everything in sight, curtains, carpet and my couches. I went and bought softpaws from Pet Supplies Plus and they are awesome! They are little caps that cover the nail to keep her from causing damage to things she scratches. She does not act bothered by them, she plays and scratches things just like normal. She picked at them a little on the first day and that's it. check it out:
get the cat declawed it don't hurt them at all they can live without the front claws and they can tear up furniture with the back ones
buy or make it a scratching post they really do work
Dont get rid of it . Get a sraching post instead . Or when ever he or she does something you dont like just spray it with water . him or she will learn not to do that. Dont get your cat declawed. It's very cruel and painful for them and they need thier claws to balence and defend themself from danger and to climb up trees. Or try getting a can and put penneys in it and shake it and the cat will stop , very loud sounds scare the cat , it's not cruel , but declawing is. Good luck , hope this helps.
I would suggest using a pair of finger nail trimmers that humans do and just giving them a little snip this will help from wrecking your furniture. Cat might not enjoy it, but it does help. I have two cats and it does work.
You have not trained him well enough! Make sure he or she has a scratching post to use - so there is a place to scratch. Use a water bottle to stop him from scratching the furniture.

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