Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cat without a voice?

My Siamese cat “KUJO” has a very faint cry…..when I first adopted her when she was a kitten she didn’t cry much…I thought in time she will get her voice ….now that she is a little older…..she still doesn’t cry much… January I will have had her a year….she is an indoor cat .I know that Siamese cats have a very loud cry …so my questions are….Has anyone had a cat with this similar issue? …….. Is this common in cats especially in Siamese?
It is very unusual for a pure siamese cat to not be vocal. Ask your vet >
I had a cat who "whispered" a meow for 16 years b4 he had to be put to sleep (old age).
He wasnt siamese but i wouldnt doubt a siamese having a quiet voice.
I don't know about Siamese cats, but in general with cats, it just depends on the individual. I have had cats who were extremely vocal all the time. I have had other cats, even in the same litter, who were rarely or never vocal. Right now I have two kittens, one who always talks to me and purrs loudly, the other one almost never calls out, and if you didn't have your hand on him, you wouldn't know he was purring. My sister told me once that she thought it depends on the owner -- most of the cats I've ever had have been very vocal, which she says is because I talk to them a lot, so they are mimicking me. Her cats have always been quiet, because she has more of a philosophy that animals should be seen, but not coddled.
i once had a siamesa cat that had no voice.he was a mix i later found out of a siamase and an albioo thus no question to the pink eyes. albino,s are known to have an absenbe of certain senses sometimes even full bloodedsiamese have the same disorder.turned out my scouter was deaf and this was the underlying reason for his lack of voice. so no matter what the reason for KUJO's quite cry she loves you and feels your love. why ask for answers to such a beautiful bond. in the spirt of karma philly
I m not sure about Siamese but my two young cats aresisters from different litters and the young one is definately a lot less vocal than her old sister and a heck of a lot quieter when she talks tounlike her sister dont be upset no two animals are alike that is the wonder of them hey enjoy her she will be a treasure to you
Yes, my parents have one with a quiet meow, but she sometimes cries loud when she goes for walk with you and can't see you and her sister Rio is sooo loud. But Whiskey had cat flu quite young 5 wks and nearly died and so we think this could of damaged her voice box`.
Siamese Cats usually do have a very distinctive cry, my mom had Siamese before she passed. I have four cats, and every one of them have their own distinctive cry, even the two brothers I have, some are more vocal than the other, I have had cats in the past that had that "Faint" little meow too, it seemed perfectly normal, and the vet was not concerned. I wouldn't worry about it too much, sometimes I believed it was just their way of being "Lazy" about it.., so don't be surprised if one day, she decides to get your attention by showing off her beautiful voice.
We have a cat who doesn't meow - she makes kind of an airy sound, sometimes with a high squeak at the end. She purrs extremely quietly too. She is a Ragdoll (a siamese cross), but I have heard of this in various breeds.
some cats are more of the strong silent type. I have 2 brothers and one is a big time talker and the other is the strong silent type.
Cat voices are much like human voices - there are loud ones, soft ones, squeaky ones, and even annoying ones. Siamese cats tend to be "talkers". they meow more than others, but that doesn't mean their meow is any louder or softer than the average cat. just that they vocalize more often. If you're really worried, your vet can always check out her larynx under sedation to make sure it's healthy.
We have a big orange male named Parker who is about 1 1/2 yrs old. Ever since we got him he has had a faint meow and hardly ever even uses it.

I think part of the reason he's so quiet could be attributed to the fact that we got him when he was 2 months old from a house that had a little boy who loved to terrorize him. So he was very timid until he realized we weren't going to hurt, flip him upside down in the air, or swing him by his tail:)

The only time he gets loud is when he can hear us but can't find us. He's a very cuddly fellow with a few separation issues.

When he was 5 months old he came down with FELINE BOTULISM which completely paralyzed him for a week. He was at the vets for the whole week on a feeding tube. The vet expected him to die, the stats for that disease are a 1% survival rate.

Since then he has not really used his voice much. Mostly rubbing and voiceless meows. Maybe the paralysis damaged his voicebox.

I think it gives us a very special kitty:) A fighter:)
I used to have cat that looked like she was lip-sinking or something!! She would open her mouth to meow, but nothing came out! I don't think it is common in just Siamese cats. My cat took a long time to start meowing, I think it took her so long because she wasn't used to me yet.. Maybe your cat just isn't used to you yet. It takes cats longer to get used to their surroundings.
When I was 13 I was given a Tabby kitten who was about 10 weeks old when I got her.She never meowed and I was very concerned about that. I had her for about 11 months.thats all. Then one day,during Spring break, she started meowing.nonstop.
I was very upset,because it wasn't a normal meow.Well,it didn't sound normal to me. It sounded like a mixture of pain and fear. I kept telling my mom that we needed to take her to the vet,but she said no,that my cat was fine.And she was not acting her normal self either. Well,around a few minutes before 2:30 am,my mom came into my room,and told me she was dead.I did not believe her at first,but she told me not to leave the room.I heard my brother and mom talking quitely,so I had no choice but to believe her.I asked her how she died,and she told me she had a seisure,fell off the counter,hit her head.I will assume you will know the rest,as I do not like to talk about it. Still very upsetting.
If your cat keeps silent ,then she's probably fine,but if she starts acting unusual,have her checked out,just to be safe. It might not be anything,but better safe than sorry.
Good luck
Meowing is an adaptation that cats use to communicate with humans; such vocalization only occurs between kits and their mom naturally.

There may be nothing physically wrong with your cat; she may simply be meowing above your range of hearing. Why? Because she doesn't understand that human hearing is so limited!

In rescue, we have seen both Siamese who yowled themselves hoarse and Siamese who "silent meow" above human hearing. Not all are noisy in a human-audible range.
We had a Siamese cat mix that had a tiny voice. It seemed weird, but thats how he was.

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