Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cat sticks his tongue out almost all the time---breed characteristic? see text?

Our fella (we named him Gargoyle; if you saw him, you'd know why) tends to stick out his TONGUE a lot----at rest, the mouth gapes slightly and you see tongue tip. When he's happy, the tongue goes way out (a little "kitty happiness barometer"?) and he drools.

Probable Exotic Shorthair background; very flat face. Lower jaw has very slight deformity (he was a street cat) which does NOT affect eating, but gives him a snaggletooth, with lower left canine (feline?) sticking out.

Does anyone know if this tongue-out behavior is a characteristic of the Persian-faced cat types? We had a domestic shorthair that would OCCASIONALLY stick out tongue, but nothing at all like our current furbaby.
It can be anything really from jaw misalignment , to teeth problems,to an incorrect bite, to just a genetic thing. It is called "tipping" Unless the tongue is a halfway out of the mouth and then that would be called a "problem
it may not be a characteristic of the breed. it may just be his personality. my cat did the same thing. the vet said nothing was wrong, he just had that kind of attitude
My litte cat is a domestic short hair and she does the same thing, I dont think it has anything to do with the breed.

Maybe we just have strange cats.
don't know if it's a breed thing, but cats usually keep their mouths slightly open to smell better, they sorta "taste" the air to allow greater air flow to their sensory system. as for the drooling, my little guy does it too. in feral jungle cats, "kittens" drool when hanging with mom and dad (especially after a meal) so mom and pop will lick them for grooming, sort of a ploy for attention and a way to spread their scent. your kitty is blissful at home!!
My cat does it, so I don't think it is a breed characteristic. No offense, but maybe your cat is stupid, I think that's why mine does it, unless he just wants to look retarded. Perhaps we'll never no why, but you must admit, it is pretty amusing.

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