Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cat weighs 23 pounds. Is that unhealthy for a cat?

Yes.. that is, without doubt.. too FAT for a cat. It could lead to a number of diseases to include, principally, diabetes. Put that cat on a diet by using/choosing a food/feed that is for overweight cats. Check with the PetSmart manager to find out which brand/feed is best and do not cave in to its crying for more food
Yes. Try a different food. Maybe some toys to encourage exercise.
It's ok look at garfield
That all depends on the breed and gender of the cat. For your average domestic shorthair, 23 pounds is considered obese. That is an extremely unhealthy weight that puts a cat at risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, as well as muscular-skeletal problems. If your cat is a pedigreed Maine Coon male, 23 pounds is about normal. That is a very large breed cat. Same is true of the Siberian, Ragdoll and Norwegian Forest Cat. It is not uncommon for these breeds to reach a weight of 20 pounds. For other breeds and your average run-of-the-mill housecat, however, 9-12 pounds is the norm. Get your cat on a diet %26 exercise plan. It's life may depend on it!
depends on spcies of CATS. it looks good on garfield but may be not on ur cat
I think that is a heavyweight maybe this link will help.

Probably so. But you would need to consider the overall size of the cat. I'd brought in a ferrell cat that was fairly large in size. He had a large frame and was very muscular. Having a simpler life he took advantage of easy access to food.

As he broke 20 pounds Jeff was renamed Bubba. overall he was just a bit overweight but he was a large body. If your cat is along the same body type a diet would not be a bad thing. If your cat is a smaller frame than you need to get serious and make some changes. If you can, talk to your vet. The important thing is to find a good food and stick with it. Varying foods for your cat too frequently is not a good way to go.

Good Luck!
An average cat weighs around 10 pounds. If a human gains five pounds or so, it is okay, but for a cat that is equivalent of gaining 50% of his body weight! That stresses his internal organs, makes him more suceptible to disease, kidney failure and just a less comfortable existence. Even a mild degree of weight gain in a cat can be bad because their average weight in itself is so low. So yes, an overweight cat *is* unhealthy.

However weight is not always an indicator of bad health. The cats height, his breed, and his gender matter. A ragdoll, the largest breed of domesticated cat can be 26 pounds at fighting weight, but a siamese of the same weight would be heading for some really tragic consequences.

So how do you know if your cat is overweight (which is always unhealthy for cats)- is to run your hands along his sides.

1. If you cannot feel his ribs, then he is most likely overweight.
2. If his ribs are poking out, he is most likely underweight.
3. If you can feel his ribs without them pushing on the skin- congrats! Despite his impressive weight he is in fighting weight.

If you want to help your cat lose weight, encourage him to play more, and practice portion control of a reputed brand of food where meat is the first ingredient. Since his ability to absorb nutrients might be limited, it might not be advisable to switch to a `light' or `overweight' formula that has less protein. You want your cat to develop more lean muscle, which means a normal food, split into two smaller portions twice a day- do not free feed, and plenty of indoor exercise fun.

Good luck.

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