Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cat that won't quit shedding?

I have a cat that keeps on shedding massive amounts of hair not matter how often I brush him. My fiance and I both think this is abnormal. Anyone else experiencing this with their cat?
Excessive shedding can have a dietary base. It is not normal if you are keeping the cat combed.

Please look into a better food for your cat. If the food you are using has 2/3 corn (two of the first three ingredients) I would get a food with a high quality protein source as the first ingredient, chicken, chicken meal (no by-product meal) and rice as the third ingredient or filler.

Natural Balance makes such a food. CA Natural, Nature's Variety, Eagle Pack, etc.

Click on my name at the icon for a "recipe" on switching dry foods for cats.
sometimes cats will shed because of stress ,,,,moving changes fighting yelling any lil changes as food something diffferent then its used to. keeep brushing it though it will help each day .or more if you have to and mention it next vet visit!!..also duct tape works great for removing hair from furniture
Our damn dog is the same way!! Its disgusting but what do you do? I made it clear to my husband that this will be the last dog that lives in our house because I'm sick of the broom and mop daily! Its not abnormal unfortunately.
They shed a lot in spring and again in the Fall. They shed all year round but except for the fall and spring you can pretty well keep them brushed and mininum amout of cat hair shed.
well considering that it is fall they are shedding their summer coats in preparation of getting their winter coats also if they are under stress for some reason they tend to shed alot.and if you feed them the cheaper foods this could also be a reason.try purina one if you go on they will send you a coupon for a free bag and my cats eat it and they have beautiful coats and mimimal shedding
do you have a long haired cat? it's harder with long hair cats to keep them from shedding. other than brushing - you could take it to a groomer to have their hair cut, try giving them a bath, or there's this "new" brush some people swear by (i haven't used it, so i don't know personally)

good luck!
mine does it to you cant to anything about it
You should consider better cat food, is that cat stressed out, or does that cat have thyroid problems if you are concerned I would advise taking to the Vet and get a blood test. To see if they run within normal range. My cat use to shed alot untill I got her a better cat food with more protein and less junk. Good luck,.
Exactly stress causes shedding. Ive got two long haired cats and they never shed. Take it to the vet and get a shampoo to prevent shedding or buy the hairball/shed foods out there to help.
We seem to think fleas are gone come fall. Yet spring and fall are the worse. Try a flea control, I did two weeks ago on my cat Gizzy. He was shedding but in large clumps , but noticed he was chewing a lot. I kept thinking he would stop shedding and start his winter coat. No, more hair loss in clumps. Best Wishes
First off, what kind of cat is it and what is the thickness of its hair? Whats the age? It could be its nerves. Cats tend to shed badly when upset and when the weather changes. Its a really hard question for me to answer not knowing all the details. If you would like I would be happy to help you out on yahoo messenger. I am mfroeh. I have raised cats of all breds all my life. Hope I can help. By the way, I live on a very large farm with lots of different animals.. I guess i should have been a Vet.
All cats shed. I could bet yours is a long-hair. I have a very pretty Maine Coon. It is amazing where I find cat hair, but it would be very hard for me to give him up.
none of my cats do that u need 2 brush her more often on a daily basis and give ur cat more water.
Talk to the vet, it could be as simple as changing her diet. Some pets can be very sensitive to food. Your cat may not be getting all the nutrients it needs.
cats shed all the time, it doesn't have anything to do with being seasonal, all cats do it

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