Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cat taking seizures?

I have just taken my 12 year old cat to the vets, She had a seizure this morning. Vet is keeping her in until tomorrow to do tests.Vet says there is any number of conditions that can cause this, Has anybody had any experience of this. I am really worried
I read your question and i am sorry that you are so worried,please next time your vet phones try an dhave a chat and ask them questions, having a high temperature can cause mini seizures, problems withh the liver and even diabetes can cause problems. Animal get seizures for various reasons even something as simple as worms, they can get epilepsy and there is treatment but usually i don't treat epileptics unless they are having more than one seizure a month. I know you are worried but every animal is different and you would be best talking things with your vet and asking thenm to explain your cats bloods and their train of thought for the future

good luck
My Mum and Dads old cat used to do this but she went onto live for a considerable amount of years.
I don't know, but thank you for taking her to the vet. Many people just let their pets suffer because "it costs too much money to take them to the vet." To those people I say, then why do you have a pet?

So thank you again. I hope she will be alright.
I'm sorry to hear about your cat, I pray she gets better.

Cats can suffer from a lot of the same illnesses we do, especially epilepsy. If its epilepsy they can give her medication to prevent any further seizures but you'll probably have to give it to her orally or crush it up and put it into her food.
my sisters cat was 12 years old and started collapsing then would come to and be very scared she took her to the vet they kept her overnight for tests.,found out it was her heart kept stopping for a few minutes then starting again.,my sister had the vet come to the house and the cat was put to sleep while my sister nursed it .,it was very upsetting but better than letting the cat suffer because we did not know when the seizures were going to happen she could have fallen and really hurt herself
hope you get better news about your cat god bless
I havn't had experience of exactly this but my previous dog had frequent seizures, we took her to the vets and she had epilepsy.It could be that.
It could be a brain tumor.
Most of the conditions are treatable but some aren't. Don't get too woried though as the vet said it could be a number of things.
I had a kitten that did this many years ago, she got progressivly worse and was passed out all the time.

Turns out she had a brain disese where parasites were litrally eating her brain while she was still alive, we had to have her put down .I dont know how she got it, if its from another cat or not.
if any of my cats take seizures i usually get them put down by a vet if my uncle isn't about to drown them ! he usually is tho ! there is always someone looking to give ye another one !
Get her to the OR stat!
My dad had 2 brain tumours and they caused him to have seizures!

I hope this isn't the case for your cat. Hope he/she feels better soon!
I have and anti seizure medicine given daily at home stopped this for my cat. Don't worry your cat is in great hands and Your vet will have the answers.
No luckily not.!

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