Wednesday, July 29, 2009

cat throwing up?

My 4yr old cat has been throwing up afer everytime she eats. She doesn't eat much, she just sits in my room all day. I'm worried that she isn't getting any food and that she's starving, because she is a bit skinny. My other cat is doing fine he eats alot and he's fat.
Of course the first answer would be to take it to a vet. Another option would be to get a hairball remedy and try that. hairballs could very well be lodged in the throught. You can also give the cat nutri-cal, this will help give her vitamines and the strength she needs.
call the vet and schedule an appointment
make an appointment with your vet and have your cat checked out
thank you
Throwing up every time she eats doesn't sound good. I would take her to the vet and find out what is wrong.
This was happening to my friends cat it turn out that he had cancer :( I hope that your cat doesn't have that. It would be sad
Is she drinking water? If it has been going on for more that a few days please take her to a vet.
big hair ball in stomach. meds can be purchased for this
Sound like she might have a hair ball that she cant get up.. Try getting some hair ball remover and if that don't work see a vet..
It is a very good idea to get you cat to a vet. and make sure it is alright.I have a cat who throws up alot but only because he eats too much!If your cat is throwing up something other than food it could mean it is very ill. But besides that I would have it checked out.
as they clean themselves licking, they create a hairball in their stomach, besides parasites, get your cat to the vet, he'll give some drops for that
do you give your cat hair ball medication? sometimes they end up with hair from licking in their stomach and nothing can stay down. you can buy the paste that you just put on their paws and they lick it off. but if not, then you should probably take her to the vet, it might be something more serious. good luck
you should get your cat to the vet. be prepared that they may want an xray.
Your cat could be allergic to her food. Take her to the vet ASAP.
sounds as though your cat might be having digestional problems.Do you ever give her /he food for hairballs?sometimes kitty,s get hairballs and cannot get rid of them except by throwing up.I give my cat food once a month for hairballs and he throws up and it gets rid of them instantly.You know when cats lick their fur thae get all that hair in their stomach.Im not a vet ,but if this does not work and your kitty continues to act sick,please take it to the vet..Good luck
Is she throwing up hair balls, or is it just bile, she could have a blockage, which would cause her to throw up, regardless you need to see a vet as she is losing weight, You may if you like, research your question on this link,

However, it is best you see a vet,
I would try calling different vets. When my dog was diagnosed with Heartworms, I thought I'd have to have him put to sleep because I couldn't afford the vet bills. There are some vets out there that will accept payments. I found a vet that accepted $25 a month. This would have to be through an adult/parent, but there are vets who are caring enough to do that. Good luck!
Don't give her any more food for a while.NO milk ever..Bad for system after weaned. she may need to eat some grass. It's a salad for animals.Put on leash to go out doors,and stay there till she's done. or go to wal-mart buy some cat grass. she'll come out of it.Lot's of water in dish at all times. Good-luck

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