Friday, July 31, 2009

Cats, stress and travel?

We are moving across the country by car in a couple of weeks, but before that we will visit the in-laws for a week. I have weighed the pros and cons of car and air travel for cats and decided on driving them. My two cats have only been on rides to the vet, so in the next few days we will be taking them on quick trips in town so that they get used to car travel that does not involve needles and barking dogs. My question is, would it be of any help to prepare the cats for the 3-4 day journey if they went with us on the three-hour journey to the in-laws (nice people), and took the three-hour journey home a week later, or would this long period in the car and away from home be unnecessary stress and they would be better left at home to be checked on every day by a neighbor?
I wouldn't take the cats to your in-laws as I think it would be added stress. What I would do is start getting your cats used to a cat harness and leash for traveling. That way when traveling you can give them breaks from the cage without worrying about them getting away in a strange place. Give them only small amounts of food and water at a time throughout the day to avoid car sickness.

When I moved with my cat it was only 300 miles but it took her months to get back to her old self. I think the new place is more stressful than the traveling. It's like someone dropping you off in a foreign country and you having to learn your surroundings.
i've never had much luck trying to get my cats to travel well. You can talk to your vet about a sedative or check into something called felaway. I know they have something for in the house. I don't know if they have a spray for the car. but it helps release the feirmones that help keep cats calm.
I don't know if my Stimpy is just different but she set up on my shoulder when we drive. She DIDN'T like coming all the way from Alberquerky to Clinton OK . TOO much confinement I guess.
I'm not sure about taking them to your in-laws. I doubt that would really prepare them too much for the cross-country move. I just moved my 3 cats (and 2 dogs, 2 rabbits and 3 fish) 1800 miles and they did just fine. I had them each in their own carrier (good sized so they could move around a bit) and we stayed in motels every night.lots of 'talking' but they made it with no problems.Good luck!!
I moved my cats from Michigan to Florida and from South Florida to Georgia. The best thing I found was a SEDATIVE. They were much much more at ease especially the second time around.
you'd better leave them at home FOR SURE.I had this problem with my cat after the journey she became so mean that we couldn't have her any more and she really made as mad during the journey
so you don't make my mistake.

Cats, can you really trust them?

Presumably it was a cat that set you up as a page three model.
well i had this cat that when u were petting him he would just randomly scratch me.. but now i have 2 different cats that i do trust and i love them:)
i trust my cats
no, but you can trust dogs
Only to torture field mice, slaughter baby birds and pee in your house.
of course
We have four! I don't trust three of them but I'd trust "Mogglie" with my life :-)
No they are really sly.
Oh yes =^.,.^= :)
hi im a ginger tom - i roll on my back so u can stroke my tummy - for this u can trust me totally - i never gossip to the other cats they are just b
i love dogs - wanna date?
Of course you can. I trust my cats. I trust them to wake me up at 5am right before the alarm, so i can feed them. I trust them to watch me take a shower and get dressed and do figure 8's at my feet, then try to trip me when I go down the stairs until I feed them. I trust them to ** at me when I have been gone all day. All in all, I love my cats..They can just be a pain in the .
Yes . But you have to earn it first. They make you earn your trust.
Cats lead a double life. One minute they are sitting on your lap purring away as content as content can be. The minute they are out of your site they are PREDATORS, out for the kill, enjoying the hunt and the satisfaction that comes with it.

If you are nice to them then yes, trust them. Just don't turn your back for too long.
no they can be very unpredictable.especially when they are angry
Of course you can!
I don't think so. I know they talk behind our backs.
I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.
It depends on what you want to trust them with.

You might clarify your question a bit more.
Not on your life!! Cats are evil creatures, reincarnates of strange and bad people from long ago..steer clear..
I trust my cats they are so loving
No, mine stole my identity, and rang up thousands of dollars in credit card charges.

Cats are very untrustworthy. They lie, then connive, they eat mice, they think only of themselves. Do not ever leave valuables where a cat can find them. Cats would steal the paint off a board if they could.
I trust the cats that I love like my neighbour's and my best friends they're adorable. But I don't like the other cat my best friend has he's always mean to me and a few others on my street. So its almost like human, if the cats knows you and you know the cat you can trust them, everyone has bad days and if a cat has one they'll scratch or hiss. I wanna have my own but my parent's don't like them, so one day I'll have my own.
I trust my babies, they are cunning and very clever, but also come for lots of cuddles.
no my cat promised not to kill my pond goldfish anymore,hes still killing them!.
People who have cats believe they own the cat, but that is not true, it is the cat who owns you, I had a cat for many years and one day he decided to up and go only to return a year later with a new Collier. No I would never trust a cat
Not really, no. You don't really own a cat, they stay with you until they get a better offer somewhere else. And who knows what they really get up to when they're out prowling around after dark.
I trust mine but it's best to be cautious as cat's enjoy playing mind games."Love me, love me, Adore me, stroke me.." s-l-a-s-h "now go away, you bore me". It's mentally exhausting sometimes.
Yes.Dogs, can you really trust them? NO!


my cat is kinda mean some ppl have said its because it was treated badly when it was a kitten which i could understand is this true??
EMPHATICALLY - YES! 97% true. 1% possible it could be its personality, 1% mentally ill ,1% sick. Where, when did you get the cat? Did you just adopt it? Did you take it to the vet for evaluation?

What you can do is treat it with kindness and patience. Give it all the love, affection, cat treats that you can, eventually, it will come to you.
IT could be true, my grandmother had a dog that was treated badly, and when she sees men she sometimes would go after them. Now she is more settled down, and is not so mean. You cat will hopefully slowly adjust to you and your friends.
Cats can be feral if they were abused before. Depending on how bad she is you might want to get a small cage for her and place a bed, a litter box, and her food in it and put her in it until she gets a little more comfortable. Feral cats take a lot of time to adjust especially to new places. That is why the cage sometimes help and when they are ready then you slowly open them up to the house room by room. Feral cats usually do things on their own terms and when they are ready and used to you and know you won't hurt them they will come around. Just show her lots of love and be patient.
Yes, it could be true. However, if you give your cat a lot of love and play with it gently, your cat can calm down and be very loving and loyal.

I have two cats who were both born feral. Both are very loving and loyal. However, one is very nervous and he is afraid of everything and everyone except me. He follows me around and sleeps next to me, buy he is afraid of my husband and will hiss at him if I'm not around.

One thing that animals like is to VERY GENTLY rub the tips of their ears between your thumb and forefinger. At first, barely touch the ear. As the cat gets used to it, he or she will learn to like it and will see it as a sign of love and friendship.
Possibly. Can you give more info about the cat? Age, gender, neutered/spayed, declawed? This information helps because unneutered male cats can be very aggressive. Declawed cats also can become aggressive because they're only defenses have been removed (don't declaw! it's cruel!)

Anyway, it's not normal for a cat to be "mean". It may be "aloof", but that's very different from "mean". Many cats are one-person cats. They love one person and only that person. They could care less about anybody else. If your cat is loving to you and you are loving to it, who cares what anybody else thinks. If your cat is spayed/neutered and not declawed and it's still mean, consider spending more time bonding with it and socializing it. It can only help.
Ever kitty has it's own personality. My cat Charmin was very mean and I had her since she was a kitty, she never lead a bad life, but was just grouchy all of the time. She got groucier with time and began biting after she was only 3, so I had to get rid of her once she hurt my youngest child. Now if she is kind to you and your family, I wouldn't worry, she may have been treated poorly when young, but if she is mean to you and your family, try spoiling her a bit, giving her lots of care, love and attention. see if she pops out of it.

Good luck.
Yes! Absolutely!
Cats don't have to be abused to be aggressive. I had my last cat from when she was about 5 or 6 weeks old and she just became very aggressive once she got out of her kitten stage. She could be very sweet too, but it was nothing for her to swat at, bite, or try to claw us every day. Sometimes it is just in the cats personality to be this way. If your cat was stray she could just be shying away from people because she was an outside cat and they are leery of people. One thing I have heard works, but I never used it, was Feliway. It's kind of like a plug-in that you put into an outlet and it emits a pheromone which is supposed to calm down the cat (for instance, if you have a lot of guests in from out of town and a cat may become anxious). You can find these at PetSmart or PetCo but they are kind of pricy. I think the refills are about $40 a piece and the plug is about $20 or so. There was one thing I tried called "Good Cat" which was a vitamin supplement you add to their water but my cat spit up right after so I never used it again. If you can't afford the FeliWay I would just suggest being calm and going with the mood of the cat. If she wants to be by herself, she will be by herself. If she wants to be held, hold her. Once your cat understands that you are taking care of her and are there for her she should start to come around and be more lovable. It was really hard for me at first--vet visits were a nightmare because she freaked out and I felt like she didn't like me--but she came around and things got a lot better. Some cats just aren't lap cats. If you've just gotten her, then give it some time. If you've had her for a long time, then that's just the way she's going to be.
Yes, that could be the reason. However, there's nothing lots of love, sincerity and attention on your side can't fix. Also, if she's not neutered yet, try and do it soon, which can help calm her down, particularly if she's already mature. Some adequate behavioural training would help too, i.e. cuddles, gentle praises, and attention when she's exhibiting acceptable behaviour, and getting ignored when she's not. Remember.never punish your cat in physical ways. Your furry friend's been through a rough patch before, and you need to give her lots of patience and time to get to trust human connections again. Keep in mind her point of view when communicating with her, and she'll come to love and trust in you in time to come.

Also, when your friends or relatives want to touch or cuddle her, do ask them to gain her trust first. Get them to hold out her favourite treats to her on their flat palms (one person at a time only, to prevent overwhelming her), allow her to accept the treat in her own time. Remind them not to get discouraged or offended if she simply walks away. As before, you need to give her time to accept new people.

At first, it might be hard to really hold her. in any case, many cats don't really appreciate excessive handling, since they're mostly individualistic creatures with a mind of their own..which only adds to their unique individual character! :)

My cat was abandoned when I found him 3 1/2 yrs ago too. And it took him quite a while to other people other than me. He's so much better now, and so much more trusting and accepting of others he knows he can trust. So yes, I do believe there's nothing lots of love and patience can't fix.

Good luck.

Cats! Cats! And more Cats!?

The problem I am having is with one of my cats. She refuses to get along with one of my other cats. I have a male (fixed) and 3 female (fixed) but one of the females was born with a big eye (nomal)size and a small eye(abnomal) one of my females will not get along with her so what can I do? Is it because of the deformity or what? please help! I love them all.
It has nothing to do with appearance. If the cat with the deformity came after the other cat (about 2 months), they will not get along. This will especialy happen if the cat that you ad before you got the other is an older cat and the deformed cat is young.
Animals are territorial, you may have too small of an area for all of your animals, the weakest one (or a newcomer) will be picked on. Maybe you should see if a friend would take one of your cats. If you love them, you will want what's best for them, not what you want.
It's not the eye problem. You need to work on the cats.Call the pet store or where you got the cats and ask them .Also the local vet can tell you what to do. You need to slowly introduce the cats to eachother and DO NOT put them together right away. That is way too much trouble and will stress all the cats out! You must keep them separated until they get used to eachother if that means keeping the cats in one room or using a gate to block the openings in your home. Then take the cats and play with them together, if that means holding one first in front of the other then taking him away for a few minutes than repeat.
Unless they are drawing blood, just let them sort it out. Cats are territorial. Once they have got the pecking order sorted out and who has the right to what perch and what bowl, it will settle down.

IF they are drawing blood, find the problem cat another home. The problem is not with the deformity but the personality of that cat.

I wouldn't get any more cats than you have. They are probably having problems finding enough territory in your house to satisfy them. The more cats you have, the more squabbles.
Maybe the eyed cat is the little one or maybe the oldest one. I think you should keep them apart for a time.
I have a female like that too, and haven't completely solved the problem, but do watch so that she doesn't get out of control. She tries to run off my old 15 year old male, but he's not going anyplace and wants to be #1 too. The other old male gets along well with her for some reason. Cats are just as strange as people! If your cat starts picking on the other, maybe a spray bottle when she can't see it would be one way for her to get the hint.
It's possible. Animals will sometimes turn on one of their own kind that they perceive as "deffective". If you can't keep them seperated, I don't know what else to suggest.

cats won't stay down!?

i have 5 cats and i can't keep them off the tops of things. it is all of the sudden too! suddenly they want on top of the entertainment center knocking things down and one even sleeps on a shelf on the wall i hate to give them a little smack to get down it makes me feel so bad!
Get them a cat tree to climb on. The water gun works if you want to just sit there with a bead on them all the time. Mine climb stuff but since we got the cat tree, it's not as bad. Cats love to do stuff they aren't supposed to.
get a water gun and whenever they get up where they dont belong, give them a spray, i have done this with several of my cats, it doesnt take long for them to learn if you are consistant.
Try using a water pistol on them - it worked when my cats were kittens. Just a small, quick squirt - nothing that will drown them or damage the item they are on. At the same time tell them (firmly) 'NO' and tap their paws. They will soon get the message and then you should only need to say 'no' and that should be enough to control them.
put some pepper down cos cats usually sniff around and they wont like the smell so they wont lay there and besides it wont ruin your furniture. Spraying water may damage your furniture. prehaps purchase one of those cat clawing posts so they can claw on that and have the dangling bells so they can play with it and the noise will amuse them and prehaps some more toys with bells so that will divert there attention from climbing on everything :) Good luck.
drug them
U should train them nicely.

cats with two diffrent colored eyes?

I have a kitten and she is a white fluffy one, but a friend of mine said that because she has 1 gold eye and 1 blue one that she's inbread. Is this true?
no. inbreeding has nothing to do with it. That characteristic is a recessive trait. just a matter of luck between her parents.

I have known humans with two different color eyes. that is weird

And, contrary to common belief, inbreeding (even in humans) doesnt always produce negative results. Sometimes actually positive results. But the off-chance of negative results is why incest is illegal for humans
i dont know..

but it is common..two different color eyes
i actually thought that all cats had different colored eyes.haven't really thought too much about it though. good q!!
Don't know who it's parents are, but it will be death in the ear of the side the blue eye's on. but the different colour of eyes has no determination of interbreading, just luck.
White cats frequently have two different colored eyes. It is not a sign of inbreeding.
two different color eyes doesnt mean inbred, but alot of times a white cat with two diff eye colors will be deaf. Not always but most of the time
The fact that it is a white cat does give it more of a chance to it being deaf. To find out, snap you fingers behind the ears. If both ears move and show signs that she heard it, you know she's ok. The different color eyes was just passed down by her parents, and come on, that's kind of cool you know?
not true.but have her tested at the vet.if she is pure white and has the 2 different colored eyes she may be blind in one or both of her eyes
No, not at all. I also have a white cat, she has 2 gold eyes, but, I have done a lot of research on white cats %26 it is pretty common for them to have 2 different colored eyes. This doesn't at all mean she's inbred, however, many white cats w/ blue eyes are deaf %26 for those w/ 2 different colored eyes they are sometimes deaf in the ear on the side that has the blue eye.
nope many cats have two different color eyes and it deals with heredity.
You're totally lucky that you have such a unique cat, and no, I don't think that he's inbred.
It is a genetic trait not associated with being inbred. White cats with blue eyes are almost always deaf and are usually deaf in the ear on the side of the blue eye.

Nothing negative though - rather special

Cats with HIV..?

I am helping trap a colony of ferrel cats that are coming up HIV positive. Some are negative and some are positive. The older ones seem to be positive.I worry about them infecting the neighborhood cats. We have been told they will be fine and get them fixed and release them. I personally think they should be euthanized but the doctors at 3 different hospitals have stated let them back out after fixing and vaccinating them. Help..What are your opinions?
I have done the same you are doing. Here is the sad, bad, truth, if an animal has hiv, usually, euthanization is the most humane. Now, I realize that this sounds cruel, but isn't letting them die a cruel, slow, painful death more cruel? Do we want to infect the healthy animals? Personally, I believe it is the fault of the irresponsible pet owner who never got their 'beloved' pet fixed. Good luck. You are doing a hard, but kind thing for the animals.
I think they should be put down, other animals could get infeccted, wow!
My brother had a male outdoor cat about 15 years ago that he was told that it had the feline AID's. I think it is rampant already. I do think that you have a good point in trying to help prevent the spread of an infectious disease.
Cats can CARRY HIV, but they do NOT develop AIDS. In other words, cats carrying HIV can infect other cats, but they will not get sick and die from it.

However, you can call your local Humane Society, as they will euthanize any feral cats. If a cat is truly feral, it can NOT become a companion animal, and the Humane Society will take care of rounding them up and having them put down. Don't put yourself in danger, as feral cats can be very aggressive - and cat scratches and bites can easily get infected. And you don't want to mess around with HIV infected cats - let people trained in the matter handle it. Call Animal Control or your local Humane Society.
If you go to you can read Dr. Jean Hovfe's article, "Living with FIV". The first part of the article gives some statistical information on its incidence in felines, transmission, etc.

The FIV is specific to felines and is not the same as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus.)

I think the vet's assessment of the situation is probably true and that these infected cats are not a real threat to the housecat population in the area.
Put them down.
Why spend funds on Ferrel cats that can infect others when you could be helping ones that can be placed in homes?
I disagree with some of the other responders here. I think you should indeed trust the opinion of the doctors at the three different hospitals who have stated that the threat to other cats will be minimal once the animals have been fixed and/or vaccinated (as stands to reason, since the animals obviously won't be attempting to mate). I say give these feral cats a chance (in the spirit of TNR programs, which I applaud you for being part of). Again, highly unlikely that so many professionals w. an interest in animal welfare are making a grievous mistake here.
Its called FIV and is highly contagious to other cats. Unfortunately cats that have FIV need to be put down. There is no cure.
euthanize them, feral cats are bad for the environment and take a large toll on native wildlife populations. Stop thinking with your heart and think with your head.

Cats with arthritis.?

I was wondering what can be done about cats arthritis. Its not to the point where the cat is suffering. Its just hes getting a bid stiff. Any tips or things we should give our cat to help him out? We are thinking of taking him to the vet for a checkup. ONLY SERIOUS ANSWERS PLEASE!
Hi are some websites that offer some suggestions for felines with arthritis in addition to what a vet could offer:
How do you know your cat has arthritis?
Poor thing, I suggest you take him to the VET
Whatever you do don't give him aspirin without consulting a vet,as it can be toxic to cats ,and NEVER give a cat Tylenol;it can be deadly. You might try adding the contents of a fish-oil capsule to his food ;turmeric is good for inflamation as well.
My cat also has arthritis in her spine (from a broken back when she was a kitten) I try to give her extra efa(essential fatty acids) salmon oil is good also flax oil or primrose, you can get in capsules like Vit.E and just poke a hole and put it in their food or if your lucky she might just lick it, you also can get MSM, it's simular to Glucosamine sulphite but better, you can get it at the health food store,or in bigger quantities in a powder at a store that sells feed and stuff for horses. You can also try to give your kitty a heating pad, for her bed to warm her bones. Good Luck!
Include fish with his food, tinned or fresh -not dried.
There is some useful advice here.
try using warm towels when he is on your lap next to his joints
13 is no age. Why do animals have to suffer for ages while thier owners only 'think' about taking them to a vet. If the cat is showing signs of stiffness, take him to your flipping vet for goodness sakes and get a professional opionion and medication if needed.
If this was your grandmother, would you sit about for a few weeks thinking about telling her to see a doctor? How about your child, would you leave it limping for a few weeks while you consider the pro's and con's of getting it to a doctor?
I have arthritis myself and it ruddy well hurts but there are things which can alleviate the pain. It may not even have arthritis. It's only 13 after all which is no great age for a well cared for cat. I have a 17 year old cat and he is as sprightly as he ever was. Pull your finger out for goodness sake and take your cat to get the proper vet treatment it may need instead of dithering about like a twit while it is suffering.
My gorgeous tabby boy has arthritic hips, and my vet gave me drops to put in his food daily. They are the feline equivalent of Meloxicam, only in minute dosage, and this has helped my old fella no end. He is over 16 now, and still jumps up on the worktop for treats, so this stuff does work>>>

Cats who watch tv?

My cats watch tv. Does this make them dumber then other cats. because i heard that cats brains are too fast so they cant see any pictures on the tv all they see is dots
Your kitties are on the opposite end of dumb! In fact, I'd say they're probably pretty darn smart. One of my cats loves watching TV, especially things with animals and lots of movement. I bought a copy of "Video Catnip", which has birds, chipmunks, etc., and she's so enamored by it that she will come and mew at me then go back to the TV and tap the screen until I put on the video. She sits on the piano bench, which I put directly in front of the TV so she can "hit" the animals on the screen. None of my other cats are interested in watching TV, although I have a dog who enjoys anything on the Animal Channel or National Geographic that has dogs in it. I think many pets recognize animals on the screen and enjoy the movement.
my cat likes days of our lives.
At least yours dont run around under salad bowls.
sounds like u need to quit smoking pot lmao
i dunno, my cat watches tv all the time, but she is a little I would love to know who found out all they see is dots?? did their cat tell them this?
I swear my cat watches TV. I know people think I'm nuts when I say that. I wouldn't really worry about it turning them "dumb" or anything like that. I don't believe cats just see "dots", Because my cat will chase the fish on our screen saver and also on TV(she loved shark week!). I hope this helps you.
Whoever told you cats can't watch TV is the dumb one. One of mine watches hockey and he throws some vicious paw checks at the players! Lots of cats watch TV but who knows why? I sure don't.
Cats are not dumb. I had a cat that used to watch NASCAR racing. He would sit in front of the TV for a long time watching the cars go around the track and look for them in the bottom corner of the TV when they were out of site.
My moms cat loves Animal Planet. And she sat on the table and watched that penguin documentary (Morgan Freeman narrates) with her. I think only a truly intelligent cat could appreciate that!

Oh, and she loves the starfield screensaver. Looks under the monitor like "where'd they go"?
my cat Whiskers liked the 2nd season of NipTuck, but he hates the new season.
Pumpkin likes horror movies
Marmalade is always asleep, she doesnt watch tv
then you are lucky if all you need to do is turn on the TV to entertain your kitties. Mine are sooooo high-maintenance! I have to play with them with feather teasers, plastic ball, strings, ribbons, leash them to go walkies, buy expensive treats, give 2/3 of my bed so they can stretch out, build an outdoor cat enclosure and "decorate it" with driftwood. hayyyyyy. You are blessed with such thoughtful cats!
My cat loves to watch hockey. She sometimes lunges at the screen trying to catch the puck.
Both of my cats watch tv sometimes. Their interests vary, sometimes it is animal shows, sometimes movies. My oldest chases the cursor on my computer screen and they both seem normal to me. Except it bothers me when they change the channel when i leave the room. Does that mean they don't like the shows I watch?
Cats do watch tv . it is the movement. Some will even try and catch things moving across the screen
You can get special dvd's to play for your cat. Some are fish tanks, others birds on the trees and butterflies. They are really great.
My cat is always watching Tv and will even try and attack the screen sometimes haha
My cats love to watch TV. They sit with me on the couch and literally stare at the television when I am watching a movie. Sometimes I wonder what they are thinking about.
My cat watches tv and she is smart as a whip.
When my Phoebe was younger, there was a stock car race on the tv. they did a close-up on the cars going around the corner of the track. when the car hit the bottom part of the screen where she was sitting. she ducked. FUNNIEST thing EVER! :-D Yes, Cats watch tv, but it doesn't mean that they are dumb

Cats who eat poop?

We got a new kitten from my fiances mother. However he eats and drinks normally, but finds eating his poop good too. Is there anything I can do to stop him from eating his own and the other cats poop..
Please help.
I used to have a cat that did that. The vet checked him out, and said well, looks like your cat is just a poop eater lol. Tried switching his food? Maybe he's not getting enough nutrients out of the current food? Maybe try to clean the box as soon as they go, though that's not always feasible. I've heard with dogs you could sprinkle some red pepper on the poop. Sorry not much help, good luck with your poop eater :)
No There is something laking in its diet.That makes them eat their poop.Ask a vet .you don't have to take it to the vet just call,they will answer your ?.
Take The Cat To The Vet.
Yummy! maybe he's a window licker too! CATS ARE DUMB LOL!
Had a dog that did this. Put some Adolf's meat tenderizer in/on the kitten's food. Still ate the food, but then didn't like the poop anymore. There is also a powder you can buy from the vet, but I'm told it's virtually the same thing.
The only thing I can think of is Bitter Apple Spray from Pet Co or any known pet store. I use it on the carpet from my bunny and on the wood furniture. It has saved our house! So, why don't ya try spraying it in the kitty box, and just clean it as much as possible!
maybe an self cleaning litter box will stop him,.

Cat's too smart?

My Maine Coon Dixie has learned that the key to opening the door has something to do with the knob. Everytime she wants out, she jumps up and grabs it. I've seen cats on the funny video shows open doors like that and I'm afraid she'll figure it out and get out one day without my knowing. Does anyone's cat open the door like that? She also opens cabinets and jumps into the clothes dryer when I open it (which could end up fatal for her if I don't see her one day and turn it on).
I had to remove everything from under the kitchen sink because our cat throws it out on the floor every night! Today he very thoughtfully unrolled an entire roll of toilet paper. It must not have been soft enough, so he shredded it for me too! That's Max!
See him here:
As for your concerns, I think putting her in another room before opening the dryer is a good idea. As for the door, try putting a wedge under the door. We happened to purchase one of those home alarm systems at Biglots for a couple of dollars. It came with a "wedge" alarm for the front/back door. I guess a wood wedge would work just as well. When you are home, just place it as close to the door as you can, and it will not open! As suggested earlier, lock the door when you leave.
Keep your doors locked when you aren't home to make sure she doesn't esacpe and make sure to check for her in the dryer every time you use it.
My cats can open cabinets, but not doors.
My Calico DSH actually wets the pads of her feet to get a better grip and turns knobs. She opens cabinets and throws things out the door so she can hide and has recently figured out how to get into the sliding closet door. I have had to put deadbolts on most of my doors, child locks on the cabinets and I have no idea what to do about the sliding door. I haven't been able to take a shower with the door closed in 2 years.
there is something you can put on the doorknobs. i can't remember what it is exactly, it looks like some sort of soft cover. I think it's made to prevent toddlers form opening doors. Hmmm. Maybe someone knows what I mean?
Get a chain lock, and maybe some baby safety stuff for cupboards.
I used to have a pair of cats who knew how to open the folding doors to get at the food!
Cats are sooooooo smart. I just did a video clip of a number of them walking into cat traps, eating the food, then walking back out without getting trapped.they know not to step on the plate that triggers the trap door shutting.
YOu can see the video by going to my website at then click on the "kitties laugh at the cat trap makers" cat clip link!
My cat does the same thing with my bedroom door. What I do is throw something at the door to keep her for opening it .you could try that to keep your cat in the house, but to keep her out of the washer don't let her follow to the washer just use the same trick again.It should work like a charm.
Cats are really clever that way. You can get a doorknob cover (it's available where they have stuff you use to child-proof the house). As for the dryer, I would try putting her in another room as a gate probably wouldn't work (cats like to jump).
My Boo never got the hang of round doorknobs (too slippery), but levers and pushbuttons were quickly and easily mastered. My new little guy is not tall enough to reach knobs yet.

Cats that don't travel well?

Yes, your cats need vaccinations even though they are indoor pets. Rabies vaccination is required by law so you must do at least that vaccine. It's much cheaper to vaccinate your cat annually than to risk him or her getting a disease that could have been prevented that will cost you hundreds of dollars to treat. Check with local feed stores in your area. Many of them sell vaccinations for cats %26 dogs that you can administer at home. The rabies vaccine, by law, must be given by a veterinarian. Also check with your local ASPCA for free or low cost vaccination clinics. As for traveling with cats, you can call your veterinarian and ask for a mild sedative to give to your cats before putting them in the car. At the veterinary clinic I work at we use the sedative Acepromazine. It doesn't completely knock them out, but it does make them very sleepy so they are easier to handle. You may also have a traveling veterinarian in your area that makes house calls. Check with your local shelters about that, or sometimes they are listed in the Yellow Pages. Most cats don't lilke being taken out of their comfort zone but as a responsible owner it's your duty to keep them healthy. Good luck!
Oh yeah, I've got one of those - anything longer than a few blocks, she starts barfing and then the diarrhea starts - she's a real joy! Luckily the vet is only about 3 blocks away - we still make the trip saying "please don't barf please don't barf".
most cats dont travel well in cars and will might either vomet pee and poop everywhere in its kennel so bve causios
Hi cha cha:
The best thing to do is always make sure the cat has some way of getting fresh air in his carrier while you travel. Even a small amount of air coming in from an open car window will do the trick.
You might have to go to the vet and get a relaxing agent pill for the cat. You are not the first person with this problem and will certainly not be the last!!
All the best with your cat!
I had a cat that did not like to travel anywhere-across town -across the country nothing .. He would howl the minute he was in the car. Once I was moving back to my home state with kitty and dog and I did not have a carrier for the cat..figured he'd just sit under my seat -fat crapped on the floor in the back seat b4 we left town -I had to stop and clean it up and get some thing to make it smell better back there So now any time I am traveling with my new kitty I have a carrier for her to go in so there are no mess's ( My cat loves her travel tote and she don't Dog's are better at traveling than your gonna travel with kitty you should try it around town first then if she/he don't do so well talk to your vet about a mild sedative so she/he don't' spas out when traveling..
some vets pay house-visits for injections-vaccines etc.

another trick: put each cat / together would work too if not very big -in her carrier-close carrier door- in your appartment. start with 10 min. move the carrier around the appartment. Every time 5 min.longer. First of all cats have to get used to the carrier then they do not care if away from home, 'cause carrier becomes their "little home".
I think you should go to and read Dr. Jean Hovfe's article titled "Vaccination". The articles are in alphabetical order so it is near the end. She also has several shorter articles on vaccination in her newsletter archives, Volume #2, # 4, 5, 6. This should reassure you that annual vaccinations are not necessary for cats living indoors.

I have a cat who is TT (terminally terrified). I have had him since he was a kitten and he is a big, strong boy and very difficult to get into a carrier for vet trips. My vet gave me amatyriptaline (sp.?) in a gel form which I can put on the inside of his ear and he calms down in about thirty minutes and I can get him in a carrier. So you might ask the vet if you could have something like this to have around the house in the event of an emergency. You would need to know if there is an expiration date on the medication.
This might work for you.

I use a thin pillow case when I have to take one of my cats. My oldest hated the cages too.
I had a friend make the suggestion and it works great.
They can still breathe just fine and they can sit right next to me on the seat when I'm driving there and I will pet them and talk to them on the way to and from the vet.
When I get to the vets I will let them peek out of the pillow case but still hold onto them firmly.
If they are just there for shots, I don't even have to take them completely out.
They do need check-ups, even if they're indoors. Some vets say that vaccinations are only necessary every other year instead of the widely-popular once-a-year.
There is dissention, most likely due to the fact that a lot of vets are in it to make money and not necessarily provide the best care. There is evidence that once-a-year vaccinations increase chance of some types of cancer. My very first cat developed a tumor right in the area where vaccination injections were made. I don’t think anything of it the time (I just though it was because she was old) but now I'm thinking that maybe there's a connection.
To ease your cat’s travels, get them a nice soft-bottom carrier, so they can sink their claws into something. Second, allow them to get familiar with this carrier, make it more appealing and less ominous by putting toys in there or maybe even a little catnip. They will eventually explore this, and maybe even take naps in there. Next thing to do is take them on short car rides. Cat’s definitely have their own personalities and some just aren’t as social with other people. The main thing for you is to remain calm and relaxed. If your cat “freaks out” stay calm, don’t touch the cat or talk to it, simply remain calm and wait for your cat to follow suit.
Never try to remove a cat from it’s carrier by pulling them out with your hands. It’s much safer and gentler to simply open the carrier and tip it on an angle, your cat will exit the carrier on its own. Once done at the vet’s, your cat will most likely be glad to re-enter the safety of the carrier when the examination is over (I know my cats always did).
Just remember its important for you to make them comfortable with the carrier and for you to remain calm.
let them get used to the carrier by leaving it open in the house with soft bedding and maybe even a few treats or catnip inside at first. after a while they will accept it as part of the house and hang out in it on their own. cats are naturally drawn to small cavelike places, especially if you put it up high, like on a bookcase.
then, when you need to go to the vet (yes, yearly checkups are a must) just throw a few treats in, and they'll wander, unsuspectingly into it.
tip: a vet recomended this to me: get a herbal relaxer at any healthfood store. they say they are for people (generally they are mouth sprays) but work fine to calm cats down just a bit, and doesn't make them dopy. spray a little on their paws and they will lick it off. good luck!

Cat's Teeth.?

Is there a way to safely brush a cat's teeth? the vet says we should brush his teeth to remove plaque but he's got big sharp ones and nobody wants to volenteer to put there fingers near there. We tried the stuff you spray in his mouth to clean his teeth but he doesn't like it.
Well, if your vet told you to do this, he/she should have told you precisely HOW.
Anyway, put the cat on a convenient flat surface like a table, that he can't grip. Have an apt helper. Have one person hold Kitty down gently but firmly by gripping the "scruff", which is the loose skin between the base of the skull and the shoulder blades, in one hand, while the other hand is cupped (again gently but firmly; don't choke him) under his jaw to hold his head still. Then the other person can place one hand on top of Kitty's head and reach the fingers around to open Kitty's "lips", then use their other hand to manipulate the brush.
An adult people toothbrush may be harsh, you should probably use either a baby people toothbrush, which would have softer bristles and a much smaller head, or just a soft cotton cloth, dampened and christened with whatever substance the vet said you should use. I wouldn't use Fluoride toothpaste, though, because Fluorine in Fluoride is actually toxic. (Not a problem for people since we're really big and we spit it out. but it could make Kitty sick)
Another, probably better, method of immobilizing Kitty for brushing (or cleaning his ears, giving him a pill, cutting his nails, or anything else that's good for him, that he doesn't appreciate), and especially if he's extra hostile, is to put down a large towel, put Kitty on it, hold him in a laying-on-his-tummy position by his scruff (again, get a helper for this) and wrap him in the towel, LEAVING HIS HEAD OUT so he is kind of swaddled like a baby. Wrap him fairly snug, fairly quickly, because if he kicks he will get loose.
Hope this helps.
I don't know I have a dog. We use a regular toothbrush and kind of just lift up the skin around her mouth and brush them that way. It's not thorough like a human brushing but it should be good enough.
That is going to be trickier than you think! LOL! I read using tuna juice, but I usually just have my vet do it. he will end up using them on you if you try!LOL!!
Try some kitty treats formulated for cleaning cat's teeth. I can't remember the exact name of it, but any pet supply should have them stored by the treats. They are usually designed to pick off the placque while the cat chews on the treat. I'm shocked that a vet would tell you to brush the cat's teeth!! If I tried that, I'd be missing an arm!
Hard dried cat food.
Mice with crunchy bones.. Yum.
Birds, ditto.
I can stick my finger in my cat's mouth and she will not bite me, infact, she really tries to avoid biting me. I usually use to my thumb and index finger from below the jaw and open her mouth from the sides. She doesn't seem to like it , but I never get bit.
Yes, let the vet do it. My cat is the sweetest thing, but try %26 brush those teeth.. your gonna lose a digit. So I take him to the vet %26 they sedate him.
I dont think its possible I would try and by some kind of treat that is designed to clean them. good luck you need it!
Get three people
Step 1. Get someone to hold the body down
Step 2. Get someone to hold her mouth open
Step 3. You now brush his teeth
Done squeky clean
My vet suggests first getting your cat used to the taste of the cat toothpaste on your finger for a few days, and then try cleaning the teeth with some toothpaste on these little rubber finger-cover tooth cleaners they sell just for cats (they look like big thimbles). I'm not sure what they're called, but vets usually sell them. You can also buy cat mouthwash that comes with a plastic syringe-like applicator, which is usually easier for most cats to deal with than having something sprayed in their mouth. You just hold up the corner of their mouth with your finger and inject some in over the gum lines. You can also buy specially-formulated cat food that helps to clean their teeth.
Wrap gauze around your finger, put some cat tooth paste on it and slip your finger in his mouth rubbing the sides of his teeth. Its really the cat tooth paste that really does the trick, just make sure you get it in his mouth. Also, make sure you buy some cat treats that specify they clean teeth, that helps too! .I have 2 16 year old cats, it works for them
Check page 6 out.
Hi's a step-by-step video by Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine that demonstrates how to safely and gently brush a cat's teeth:
I wouldn't. Leave poor ** along, the vet just wants to make money. Who cleans feral cats teeth or lions or tigers. No No.
put ur thumb and index finger on the back of the jaw making it open. it can't bite u and u can reach ts mouth. or you could giv it special teeth cleaning food
You can actually get toothpaste for cats/dogs don't use human toothpaste on cats its too severe, brush my cats teeth with toothpaste for cats and they Love it don't brush too hard though cos their teeth are more sensitive than ours.
I give my two cats raw chicken wings to keep their teeth clean. This was recommended by my vet and they love their chicken wings. They get one wing every night.
very easy if you remove its head first
Snap the head of a toothbrush off and some how attach to its paw!

Cats taking over the world?

Why is it everytime i see a cat its giving me or anyone a death stare? do you think 1 day they will hurt us and take over the world?
I love cats. They are very smart. They are also very hard to figure out. I don't
think anyone is giving you the death stare. Cats like to look you over, that's
all. Don't take it personally. When they were wild they used this technique
to hypnotise their prey. Keep moving. You will be fine.
only you.clearly the animal is picking up some vibe it doesn't like from you. the can sense a persons true nature.
It would be the most adorable world government. However, fear not for your safety. I get along with cats and by surrendering to their rule, we can survive.
You obviously don't like cats, but this is normal in cats when they don't know you. Very rarely do you find one who is not afraid of humans who don't feed them. I love cats and even I get the death stare from ones who don't know me.
i think that too
Well, if you look _anything _ like your avatar I'm not surprised. I'd been tempted to give you a similar stare myself. You are very frightening!
But re cats taking over the world. as far as being the most popular household pet, they have already accomplished their goal of world domination!
So take care. the next one you see might devour you!
Ha ha ha. you are funny. Stop reading conspiracy articles and you'll see that the cats' stare is simply their awe at creatures like us who can change coat patterns at will! They are jealous.
No cats are not taking over - that can't happen I just read on here yesterday that cats are almost extent because every time you masturbate god kills a kitten - so maybe the cats know who is getting a lot of the kittens killed and they are thinking of ways to get even
Why do so many people think cats have a "mean" or "pissy" look? It's just their faces.I think my male looks wise and sweet.

But you're right, some do get the "death stare" from time to time. I try to avoid the cats who do that a lot, lol.
Staring is an aggresive tactic cats use when they feel threatened. Don't stare back. Look away or blink often and they will see it as a non aggressive gesture and warm up eventually. As for taking over the world, well mine have pretty much taken over my world. I love them!
I THINK cats rule anyway they take over your house. So why not the world.
ur such a coward. i know that one day when cats do rule the world, i will defeat them and kill all of them off, LOL. so its not possible that cats will take over the world with me around.

Cat's tail?

I have a new cat (he's between 1-2 years old) and he has a curly tail. I've never seen a cat with a curly tail before. The vet told me it could be a birth defect or maybe the tail got broken and this is the way it healed. Has anyone every heard of a breed of cats that have curly tails?
hope this helps:
Cat-dog? LOL
I would think the Vet is correct and would of told you if there was a breed like you speak of
I do not think that there is a breed of cats with curly tails, and if there is I have not heard of it. But I do know of a cat that broke his tail in several places. He was fine, but his tail healed crookedly, giving it the appearance of being curly. Congrats on your new, and unique, pet, and good luck!
I'm not sure I've heard of any particular breed, but I rescued a kitten that had been abused, and it's tail was twisted from when the owner had swung it around in the air by it's tail.I had never met the owner, but sure wished I had the chance of swinging him around in the air by one of his body parts.the kitten grew up quite normally, without pain, and today still has her curly tail.
I googled this.could not find anything.My vet has a "cat chart" on her wall, and I have never seen one w/a curly tail.sounds like your vet is right:) Bet it is cute to see though..
No now if it is just the top that goes to one side or another then my cat's does that and I have seen several others like that. This almost sounds like a pigs tail or something, I think in that case the the vet is right and you have a unique cat.

Cat's tail is really warm?

I know that I should take him to the vet, and I will call, but its 12.00 on friday night and I'm gonna have to wait over the weekend for him to see a vet. I was just wondering if anyone could shed light on this?

My cat's tail is really hot towards the back. The hair also seems thinned there, but I haven't noticed him chewing it. There's no swelling and he doesn't mind me touching it. What could be wrong, is it likely to be serious?
It could whats called a hot spot. Bacteria spread rapidly among the hair follicles in the irritated area causing bald, circular patches of painfully inflamed skin, or hot spot. These will heal on their own if kept clean and well-aired. if it precise for more than a week then make an appointment with your vet. If the area starts to flake, then get some tea tree oil from a health food or lotions and potions store. some pets stores carry it as well. Good luck.
since it isnt bothering him it he will probably be ok till u can take him to vet. or try calling aspca they should be able to give u advice. im in australia and we have rspca that gives advice so the aspca should to.
Hmm. Could be nothing- or at least minor-, especially if he doesn't mind you touching it. I know my cat is really sensitive about his tail being handled, even when it's fine. Maybe a small child pulled on it? Pulled some hair out and left a bruise. Or, he could have a mild infection due to a case of dandruff or mites. Or, a bug bite might explain the warmth, too.

Vet would know for sure- if he starts getting lethargic, stops eating, or the tail starts to swell up take him to an ER vet- those are more serious symptoms. Good luck!
my god women
its got to poop
stand clear now
and dont look up when the chips are down
im sure he will be cats' ears get hot sometimes but it doesnt seem to bother him. dont worry he will be fine

Cats suddenly hissing at each other-why?

Several months ago my cat had a litter of kittens and we kept two females. Mama cat was a great Mom and had a great relationship even after nursing ended. A few weeks ago Mama cat got out for a few days and when she came home she began hissing and striking at our 2 kittens.

Then one of the kittens got sick and went to the vet and when she got home a few days later her littermate had began hissing at her. They are all sweet wonderful cats, but now only to us humans and not to each other. I feel like I am playing referee just to keep them all from tearing each other apart-what is going on! Could it be that the small seperations ruined the dynamic they had.
Is the mother cat fixed? if not that maybe why she is hissing. as to the vets its the smell. The kitten thats back from the vet now has a different oder to her.Put a dab of vanilla on all 3 cats and they will usually calm down as they will all have the same scent. It works well usually.

Do Not put FREBREEZE on your cats!
first of all, when you bring a cat/kitten home from the vet they smell different.. they probably don't recognize each other. give it time.. they'll be fine.
they are just trying to be top cat..
Any time cats get outside or go where there are other animals, they get a scent on them that upsets the other cats in the house.

You could try give them all a sponge bath with Febreze or something like that, to sort of offset the odor that's
bugging them.

The other thing is that any cats who are not neutered will offend other cats. When the kittens start to get older, they upset the whole household, because the older cats are suddenly aware of their sexuality. Have them all neutered, or separate them, if that's the problem.
It is unlikely that the seperations are ruining the dynamics. Female cats are typically a bit funny with regard to their ability to tolerate the attention of both humans and other cats.

Her kittens are growing up and the dynamics between mother and offspring may be changing.

What about the trip to the vet? Any germs going around that might be making them feel out of sorts?
they just got into an argument thats all
Cats are delicate animals. They are easily upset. Do not force them to like each other!!

Here is what might help.

Isolate them; keep them in separate rooms.

Put a cloth on each room where they can sleep on it. When the cloth gets the scent. Rotate them, so everyone gets the cloth of the other. It might be a good idea to rotate the clothes everyday, may be in the morning. Do this for a week and then put them back together. See how it goes.

Cats squinting?

Why does my cat squint at me sometimes, esp when i say his name?
a squinting cat means it likes you! if it closes its eyes slowly then opens them it means it loves u. when ppl who hate cats squint, the cat gets the wrong message %26 always goes towards them. this is why cat hating ppl always say "i hate cats but they always come to me!" thats why!
Are you sure she isn't winking, you vixen?
your cat might be myopic.trying to double check who was calling his name. Get him a pair of glasses.
Isn't that sweet, he is showing you loves you.
that means he is contented.
Probably suffering from a space occupying leasion.
He's most likely plotting your death while you sleep.. probably planning a throat slicing of some fashion. Clearly he despises you! :-)
squint back at him and make purring noises.he'll like that.only make sure no one is watching.folk will think you're nuts.but not your cat
You're cat could just be blinking in your direction, wondering why you're calling him with no food in your hand. but, I would personally have him checked out at the vet. Some cats get scratches on the corneas of their eyes, called ulcers, and eyelid movement against the cornea (like when he turns his head to look at you) can cause a slight irritation. The nice thing is that most ulcers are cleared up with some eye ointment.
he loves you! ; )
It means "i love you". that is how cats say "i love you".
It doesn't like its name. You'll have to change it to something else.
My cat used to do this. I read somewhere that it means they love you ( or what love means to cat). A show of affection.
A cat's pupils dilate and grow bigger when they are agitated, like just before they are about to attack something! When they are content and happy it is the reverse, and their eyes close up completely. It looks like winking but it is a sense of their affection for you.

When approaching a cat it is a good idea to close your eyes too, then that way it knows you aren't going to hurt it.
One of my cats had a permanant squint vet said it was normal
Assuming kitty doesn't have a vision problem (check with your vet to be sure), you can pretty much relax.

You must be a wonderful owner. Your kitty adores you so he's smiling at you. If your cat is happy with you he or she will look you in the eyes and squint or blink really slowly. The slower the blink the bigger the smile. A really slow blink is like a happy little chuckle. Obviously purring and nuzzling are expressions of happiness and contentedness too, but as far as facial expressions go, to paraphrase an old song. "if you want to know if kitty loves you so, it's in his blink."

The best thing you can do is look kitty right in the eyes and squint or slowly blink back at him. Don't be surprised if he responds by coming over for a "cuddle-and-purr" love session.
He's not squinting! He's doing the double-blink thing which means "Ilove you" in cat language! Do it back!
Its a cats way of saying i like you. Humans tend to squint when they dont like something thats why people that dont like cats always attract them
I heard that when a cat squints, he/she is smiling at you >

cats spitting on my lap?

whenever i have dusty , my kitten, on my lap he somtimes starts lightly tappin his paws on my lap and rubbing his head on my lap too. when i lift him up, i notice theres a wet patch. its definately not pee, maybe saliva or tears but is this normal for a cat to do ? i dnt mind it but i jus want to know if its normal pls help!
it's saliva. he thinks he's nursing, believe it or not. if they're separated from their mom too early (before 6 wks or so) they'll nurse on you or your laundry the rest of their life. it's a sign of affection and it makes them feel more secure so don't yell at him.
sorry i've never heard of that if its not cat urine
this is boy cat? if so he may just be a slobberer. or may have a disformation that causes him to drool- or if female - may be in heat
It is what they use to clean themselves. It is spit and it STINKS!

smokey, my cat does this little dance you explained too, but she
does not leave a wet patch, maybe your little one is just excited
i noticed when i put the monthly application of front-line on her back she starts having a runny nose %26 breaths with her mouth open for about 5-10 minutes. i don't think u have too much to worry, but the next time u see the vet ask him/her
Some cats drool when they're kneading their paws (or "making biscuits" as we call it). The paw kneading is part of their nursing behavior and when they feel safe, they do this to you because it's what they did to their mom when they were nursing. I'm not sure why kitties drool during this, but some do and it shouldn't be cause for alarm.
My cat did this when she was just a kitten. She would move her paws back and forth (knead) and also lick, like she was nursing or something. I think she may have been taken away from her mother too soon. Don't worry about it, she'll grow out of it.
He's drooling. The kneading with his paws is natural, it makes him feel comforted, like when he was nursing his mom. It's normal, and one of the adorable things about kitties.
My cat honey buns does the same thing! I asked my vet about it and they didn't really have an answer. But not to worry dusty isn't the only other drooler out their. My best guess is that it's a comfort thing.
you taste delicious. you should be happy.

Cats scratching upholstery?

I have 3 cats who keep sharpening their claws on cushioned chairs in the kitchen despite having scratch posts right next to the chairs. They use these as well, but sometimes they just feel like scratching the chairs for a change. Btw. I got the chairs before the cats. We have tried stopping them but you know cats..sigh Now they have destroyed the upholstery and we would like to have new upholstery made, and was wondering if there is some sort of material that the cats are not/or less likely to scratch. Does anybody have a similar experience?
Hi there.cats who have their nails trimmed every 10-12 days will help blunt the sharp ends which damage furnishings. Here are two resources that helps provide detailed instructions with photos and video to trim cats nails:

Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine:
Cat Scratching:

For further deterrent techniques, consider using double-sided sticky tape in areas you wish the cats to avoid. There are som spray products available however some are not always as effective than another.
Okay, this will definitely put an end to your problem. I have 6 cats and we have no problems with scratching anymore. You need to get a straw mat, just a bit larger than a doormat. Put it out where they can see it. They'll use this all the time. They're cheap to buy and it works like a treat!

Hope this helps
Another thing you could try is capping their claws. I don't believe in de-clawing but these plastic caps slip over the tops of their claws. You will have to have them replaced but its much less expensive then reupholstering the furniture again. Ask you're vet about them.
Hallo there

We live in a house full of shredded upholstery so I can really sympathise! We have pretty much given up and just cover our suite with cheap throws from Argos, which don't cost an arm and a leg to replace every so often.

If you are re-upholstering, I don't think you will ever find a fabric that is totally claw proof - but generally I would say the smoother and more closely woven the better. Anything with a texture is a no-no as it just invites plucking.

Good luck!
Yes. We've got one cat but he scratches everywhere he pleases when we are not home. I bought him scratch posts that don't work. So I let him into the living room only when one of us is around.
Good luck!
My cat used to do this all the time. I found that a pet repellant spray which you spray on the furniture stopped him from doing it. I also gave him an old rug which he now uses to sharpen his claws.
You can get a repellant spray from most pet shops or from your vet.
i had to get mine declawed, this is the only way to make sure they stop doing it. good luck
the cheapest way is to look in those shopping magizines for clear plastic rounded corners that you can fix on to the sides of the chairs and couches, i have had many cats, and cat posts, put cat nip on the cat posts also

Don't declaw them, but check out that link. Make your cats look pretty too.
Cats don't actually scratch to sharpen their claws. The cat is warning everybody that he rules the roost. It is a dominance issue for the cat where he lets everyone in his territory know that he is the hardest. The cat will scratch a piece of furniture or equipment that he feels is placed in a dominant viewing position. Therefore your scratching post is in the wrong place. A cat does not like his masculinity or territorial position ignored.
hi was just wonderin if you have sprayed the scratch poles etc with cat nip this worked for our 2 kittens/cats they havent touched our new sofas it was worth buyin it was 3.99 from our local pet shop they suggested it and worked a treat hope this helps

Cats purring?

Does anyone know, scientifically, what it feels like for a cat to be stroked? This sounds bizarre, but it's just that our cat seems to get so much pleasure from it and acts like it's one massive orgasm! Do you think that's what it feels like for them??!
I think it's because it reminds them of when their mum used to lick and groom them when they were kittens. when i stroke my cat he does the sort of pounding marching thing with his front paws which is what they do to encourage milk from their mums when feeding!! Thats what I think, I remind my cat of his mummy!!
Maybe there is a hormonal influence, because I've found cats either are or aren't in the mood for stroking.
I thought it was more like when you have an itch and someone else scratches it for you. Always feels better that way.
if you itch you scratch if you scratch a bad itch you smile cats purr as a show of affection for your help .
Cats purr when they are happy. Nothing more, nothing less.
We have 3 cats. 2 of them like almost unlimited stroking, the other has to be in the mood, and even then does not like it for long. I suspect that it feels similar to what a back rub does to us. I know that I get great pleasure form a backrub (I'd probably purr if I could)!
It's the same pleasure you would get from a body masage (not of your sex organs).
the sex gland is just below the ears..
There's no science behind it other than the fact that we all have nerve endings in our body that stop at the surface of our skin. That's our sense of touch. Cats have the same sense of touch that we do. But every cat is different, just like people. Some people love to have their hair stroked or brushed.others hate it. Some cats love to be brused or stroked, others hate it. The are no sexual nerve receptors on a cats head and back, so I don't think your kitty is orgasmic from your caresses. It just feels nice!
Cats dont just purr for pleasure though. They also purr when they are anxious or scared.
well am not sure bout orgasmic experiences, but i do know that to be stroked is a sign of affection, and cats really enjoy the sensation!
I agree with Sianny, your cat thinks you're his mum. I also agree with seren; cats don't just purr because they're happy. One theory is that they purr when they're getting attention, which explains why they often purr when they're in pain and being treated at the vet's.
Thats a good question..I have 3 of my own and one acts exactly the same. I can only imagine that it really is pure bliss for them.x.

cats or dogs?

cats or dogs.which do you prefer? I love cats.they never smell, they are very clean.dogs have this nasty smell on their fur espically when they get wet. I am defintely a cat lover
Dogs are very smart and pretty cool in their own way.but cats are easier to take care of and have more smarts than they let on..until you get to know them and watch them. Cats are semi-independent, which is why they act the way they do. I like dogs, but I LOVE cats.I have met lots of cats in my lifetime, and I've been 'owned' by Sylvester(rest in peace, he died at the age of 14 years and was a true friend)and my Tortie gal, Tika!
i love both, but i'm more of a cat lover.
I would get either of them. I have no pet, and having one would be cool.
CATS! Always! Meow!! 鈽?
both but i like dogs more
I have to agree with you on this one!! I have 4 cats myself and my roomie has 2!
cats stink and aren't friendly. dogs are very clean and friendly, that's why they are man's best friend.
but cats bring in dead animals and sometimes alive ones they also get into fights and you cant train them i love dogs
I prefer dogs but cats are ok
I love BOTH! but i definitely am very close to my cat. he's always there for me and is so easy to take care of
Dogs or the BEST!! They are your best friend. Cats are only your friend when they want to be. My dog does not smell but yes a lot of dogs do have an odor.
i prefer dogs.
cats because you already like cats and you have to get what you are interest in or you will be bored with it. if you get something that you don't like then you shouldn't buy it
DOGS! They're alot cuter when they're younger and plus, I'm not allergic to them like I am to cats:)
i don't care, either would have its benefits
I like dogs better, but have 2 cats and no dogs. Dogs are harder to properly maintain.
I have both and have had for several years. Most of the cats have been strays--the last, Bogey, was found on the golf course by my husband (hence her name--we couldn't call her Birdie or Eagle!). We have had Heinz 57 mutts for the most part but did have a purebred Lab and now have a Wheaton. Although I have shed many tears on losing a cat, I must say that my heart breaks when a dog dies or must be 'put down'. I think it must be because the dogs have always been 'attached at the hip'. I love all animals but the loyalty and love in those canine eyes can't be beat!
i agree with you the whole way..i can give a cat a bath though anyway..but you do not have to take them out side when they need to go to the restroom..they lay beside you and are so soft to pet and fun to play just clean the litter box out and if you get the right kind of litter it is not smelly or hard to do at all.cats do not bark either.they may meow once in a while but that is better than loud cat never goes outside and she likes her home..
I have two cats, both male, they stink! (Especially when they use the box and don't cover it up!) Also have four dogs. two stay in and two stay out. We give the inside dogs baths regularly so they don't stink as bad. The cats get one once in a while.
but, which one I prefer? guess that would have to be cats.
A properly taken care of dog (ie: baths, brushing, nail trimming ear cleaning) can smell just as good as the shampoo they were washed in.

Hey im partial to both i have three dogs two cats and two kids.

wait the kids arent animals or are they?!
I don't like either. No pets.
Cats for certain! I love how independent they are and how clean they keep themselves.
Cats!! They are loyal and affectionate! Some of them even have dog qualities. My cat plays fetch and loves water! I like dogs too, but they smell and you have to walk them and always attend to them. Cats are independent and if you work and aren't home that much, your cat will be fine, however a dog will get depressed and lonely!
I like both, and have known wonderful companions that were cats and dogs. But *most* cats can never be as unconditionally loving and fun as dogs. The feeling of having my Shih-Tzus run up to me after coming home from work, having a game of fetch in the backyard, or going for a morning walk is priceless, and I'd be shocked to see a cat that would do any of those things. Plus, they don't smell and are very clean :) Well, that's just me.
I have both so I like them all! You can develop a strong bong with both.
I'm with you! I LOVE cats! They're smart, clean and fun to be around. I also love watching their behavior. Especially kittens.
I am definitley a cat lover also. I have five of them! I'm not a dog person either.

Cats or Dogs,What do u like the most?

cat are the best. they love you and are smart and kind. But on the other hand dogs are loyal to you. they never run off.
hate both
Dogs, I hate cats. Throw them to a pack of dogs i say
Dogs for sure. He's man's best friend.
Cats.They are cute
Cats. Cats are women in little fur coats.

Dogs are butt-kissing tryhards who think licking balls passes for charm.
I love both:)
L luv dogs, but won't hate cats. Loving these voiceless creatures may ease your tension and you can notice the reciprocation of their love.
Dogs; they are much friendlier, easier to train, especially labradors, great with the kids too.
im just one of those guys that loves cats
This sounds dumb, both, animal lovers are animal lovers, I am actually allergic to cat dander, but I had many as a kid, i still love them, pick them up and pet them although when they rub their tail under my nose it makes my whole face itch. I own a bull dog, I wanted to raise a kitty with him, but waited to late. All animals are wonderful if you are an animal lover.
I hate both! If I had the power then I would have killed one and all the street dogs which is MAHA nuisence to us! In our are we have one stray animal per five people --I wrote letters to concered authority but in vain.

I hate Dog, Cat and all all stray animals and I also hate them who love stray animals
dogs.mans best friend
I like them both equally, really, and have both, but have always known that the cats took me for one of their own. Dogs are polite to me, but know that that cats claimed me long ago.
dogs. cats are moody.
cats and puppies!!..they so adorable and cuddlable
I like dogs because they are human beings best friend . They are very loyal . And they are clever n dogs loved to be pampered
Dogs. I have 2 of them. They are so Loyal, As cats are much more independant and dont like to play as Much. Dogs really do suit the name "Mans best friend"
DOG, because of my pet is dog and she is very cute and very helpful other pet. She's name is LUCKY.
cats, but then I have never been in a position to own a dog, so can't really honestly say!
50/50 bcoz both r spread Rabies.
i would like both bcoz dogs are brave and cats are flufy
obviously its cat
doggies.they r more fun
well i like cats better cuz they are small, friendly,not very loud,cuddley,cute, and VERY smart,girls best friend,dont have to walk them,dont have to clean up after them,dont get in trouble,dont chew up shoes or anything else, great mousers. but dogs r kool too
i think """dogs"""

Cats or dogs and why?

I think cats are better right now, but I love puppies! I like that cats stay small, too. Are there any little dogs that aren't spazz's? And which cats are the best?
Cats are the best. They are more independant. Less needy but they are still affectionate. Less mess, less work but all the benefits of a small sweet cuddly baby. I have polydactyl cats- the kind with extra toes and they are my favorite. They are very relaxed. We can carry ours around on their backs in our arms like a baby and they are very playful but never use their claws.
samise cats are the best
cats basically take care of themselves, there very easy and almost always friendly, and dont cause much of a mess around the house
I love the little tiny small dogs they are so cute and watch after you and the kids.
dogs b/c they are cool and furry and loyal and playful and cut and there is a BIG variety of them and they dont lay around sleeping all day
Dogs for me, because I am allergic to cats. Dogs are loyal and any breed of dog would be good with the proper, consistent training and exercise.
Dogs. don't know why but i love puppies.
I'd have to say dogs are better but everyone has their own opinion. Dogs can be loveable at times and the active and energized next. my favorite dog breed is a boxer and they arent spazzes well most of them it depends on the dog itself too. The two boxers that I've had were very loveable and love to play outside. Little dogs that arent spazzes I'd think are pugs. I'm not really sure on cat breeds but I have a tabby cat and he is lazy and occasionally catched mice. But he is also very loveable.
Dogs have masters. Cats have servants. It comes down to your personality and what you like. If you like dogs there are plenty of small breeds out there.

I like both, living in apartments most of my life meant cats as pets.

I also like that cats are far easier to care for, just clean the box every day, food and water and they are happy.
Please don't vote against me, but i don't like them both, they are animals some people, make pets much more important than human "poor human".

it's just a point of veiw nothing else

I say dogs. Cats can be weird sometimes and spazz out whenever they feel like it. But if you like puppies, you have to realize they will get bigger and change. I can't really recommend a small dog. It just depends on the dog itself.
Cats: They're there when you want them and they're not when you don't. They pee in their litter box, unless they spray, which can usually be fixed by getting them fixed. They're low maintenance and they don't slobber. They're softer than dogs, they stay small, and they're a lot less needy.

I'm totally biased though, I had three cats when I was growing up, and I've never like dogs.
Dogs have feelings, personality, loyalty.cats have nothing.
No cat is the best.all cats are selfish loveless creatures that just want food. Get yourself a dog, a true companion, that will love you unconditionally.
I like both. We have three cats and one dog. A lot of times, the dog acts like she is a cat. She spazzes sometimes but not too bad. She is part Bichon and part poodle.
DOGS, they don't climb all over the counters. They are loyal companions, while cats think only of themselves.
I have both, but I must say the cat is less responsibility, she is more independent and she knows how to go potty in her litter box. As for my dog she is always pooping on the floor and chewing things, but she is way more effectionate than the cat.
They both bring me joy in different ways, they are both mutts and I love them.
It all depends on your life style really. Cats can take care of themselves for a few days at a time. You just give them a good size litter box, big bowl of food and water and you can go away for a long week-end. A dog must be let out at least twice a day and so they are much more to worry about in that way. I love both and I have both but I am very lucky that all my pets are very good and well trained. Plus I have neighbors that check on my kitties and dog when I am away. Good Luck!
Dogs and cats are both great pets, but your lifestyle should be a main focus when choosing. If you live in an apartment, condo, or rented room, a cat is better equipped for small spaces. They don't need as much care, if you are not home alot, and don't need to be exercised. Even small dogs need space to run and exercise, and a small dog in a confined space is going to be even more spazzy. As to cat breeds, it also depends on your lifestyle. Long hairs like Persians and Himalayans need to be groomed frequently, both for appearance and health. Maine Coons and other larger cats are good if you like dogs, they have more doglike qualities.
To get a small dog that isn't hyper is not only part of the breed but also part of the personality of the dog that you get. The same thing with cats. You shouldn't have someone chose a cat or dog for you just because of their view but you should consider what you want the dog or cat for. If you want a dog that wants to lay down with you and to be cuddled I recommend a lap dog, which usually is a toy dog. A toy dog are dogs that don't need a lot of exercise. However if you want a dog to be active with you and you have a big yard, I recommend a bigger perhaps a working dog. Working dogs need lots of exercise and they need a big yard to run around in v.s. a small dog that doesn't. Also keep in mind that puppies don't stay small and cute forever.

For cats the same thing. It depends on what your house is like and what breed that will work best for you. Different breeds get to different adult sizes. Some cats will get to 22 pounds others will stay small like kittens forever. It is had to predict which cat will stay small and which cat will become big. I hope this helps in your decision.
this has always been a dumb question. you can't compare cats and dogs, they are completley different. Its like asking, "whats better, a ferret or a goldfish?" they are both great for different reasons, and it depends what you want out of a pet.
Cats, becuase you already registered in the cat category :)
I have a cat, cats are easier to care for than a dog. Much quieter too. And petting a cat's soft furry body is relaxing!

Cats or Dogs ?

do you love dogs
are you a cat lover
or r u a pet hater
or du u have a different pet?
love dogs - esp choc labradors!
Cat lover. Dogs OK but cats are independent!
I have a DOG and they make the BEST pets!
Cats, although I do not hate dogs
cats all the way.
Catsss all the way
Definitely Cats. I like dogs but they are too smelly and need too much looking after
Like dogs. but don't like the idea of pets.

Emotional attachment. sadness.. and massive costs over their lifetime..

Just imagine all of the good that could have been done with that money.
I hate cats. frankly cos i've never met a cat who didn't want to scratch or bite me and then play cute to everyone else.

cats make an excellent stir fry. the chinese do have their uses.
i luv dogs but dunno much abt cats
Dogs, I have a adorable Maltipoooo
Neither I love my hermit crab Otis, he is better than any dog or cat any day.
Cats rule
Dogs def but sadly I live in a flat and can't have one but my hamster bobby is a perfect sub
cats because they dont need as much attention as dogs.
i love cats and dogs. i have 4 cats 7 poodles 1 fish and 2 birds. if its a lovable animal me and my wife will adopt it.
I have 5 dogs and 5 cats and love dogs and cats equally, there are good and bad points to both species, cats are independant so when they show you affection you know you're doing something right, but they don't lick your tears away like a dog does, a dog gives you unconditional love. Dogshave masters and cats have slaves!!
Cats! Wrapped around my feet right now. Love dogs too.
cat lover dogs smell!
A cat lover,but I love dogs too.
Cats definatly independent and in some way glamourous, light on their feet and an affecionate pet.
Hessian sack

Couple of bricks

I have a cat. Would like to get a dog too.
I love animals.
I love all animals but I have 9 cats. Cats are easier to take care of and their not as dependent as a dog. I'd love to have a dog but I work alot of hours, so I wouldn't be able to give a dog the attention it needs. Cats are more independent.
I am an all pet lover! I have 2 fish tanks, 2 dogs and a cat! I have also in the past had Parakeets, a Blue and Gold Macaw, rats, mice, iguanas, and hamsters!

I sometimes still work over at the pet store just so I can earn a little extra cash, help them out and play with the animals! (Don't worry, it isn't one of those dirty pet stores you hear so much about! The animals are well cared for, clean and healthy!)
I love cats i have 1 at home 9 at work and have owned a total of 7 in my life (19 years) cats all the way they are so easy to please and dont need as much attention as a stupid dog.

I also have 2 rats some fish and a rabbit.

and i used to have mice hampsters, guinipigs, stick insects, a cattapittar (now a pupa) and a pink salmon trantula.

woo i love animals! (but not dogs)
My parents had cats when my sister and myself were growing up and I thought they were great but I used to enjoy going round to my grandparents as they had a dog and I used to enjoy going for walks with it over the park.I have to admit that I would like to have one cat and one dog(a Siberian husky)and hope that they get along well with each other.
love dogs!
i like it wen cats ar in trees

i burn trees

Cats nails??

My cats nails stick out from her paws? Will i need to get them cut? She always uses her scratch pad.
I have this problem with one of my older cats who does'nt
go out much. The vet will clip them back for you, please
do not try to do it yourself, they are prone to bleed if
you cut too far..good luck
if u think cut them off !
You can clip the edges with a nail clipper, but only the last 2 millimeters, just the edges, because further back there are veins. Maybe you should ask a vet about the nails sticking out all the time.
Hi can trim your kitties nails yourself quite easily. Here's an article with photos on how to do this: and also a video by Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine:
my cat has a scratch pad, she also has 6 toes on 3 of her legs (Jersey cat, inbred witch thing). This extra toe doesnt really do anything and she cant move it. As a result of this, she cant trim it or use that toe on the scratch pad. You can also hear her tip-toeing on the laminate floor "CLICK, CLACK, CLICK" etc She is not very discrete. Anyway, just thought I would let you know!
If they are causing a problem you can cut them. You need to make sure you dont go into the dark area. I would suggest you get Kwik Stop or something like that first. It is sold at pet supply stores. Or you may want to pay a groomer to do it.
Either have a groomer do them, or do them yourself. You can buy special clippers, but I just use small nail clippers. You have to be really careful to only cut off the tips, not into the "quick" where he can bleed. They get used to having it done after the first few times - I do it once every 10 days or do - and it's no hassle after a while.
Very simple to clip them yourself. They have special scissors, but I just use regular people nail clippers and slip them under the very end of each nail and clip! Seattle has a more elaborate site that will give you some details.

The scratch pad is wonderful for preventing her clawing your furniture (forget the person who suggested inhumane declawing), but it won't help shorten her nails. You can clip them yourself as above, or a groomer or vet tech can do it for you for a nominal fee.
Yes you can buy nail clippers specifically designed for this purpose. Please read up on the technique before you try. I have 4 cats and I trim their nails every 2-3 weeks. As mine are indoor cats, they can't wear them down naturally. If they were allowed outdoors, I probably wouldn't have to trim them at all. Your cat will feel much better after they are trimmed.
you might because if she breaks one the wrong way it could hurt her
hammer them back in
You can buy little cat nail clippers at the pet store. It is really easy to do, just snip the ends, not to close to the quick or you'll make him bleed.
I would never touch the cats nails or declaw them. I am totally against this cruel act. It is not a life threating disease, some cats paws are like this. When they purr, they would stick out a bit or that is the way they are comfortable. Humans always seem to see this as an inconvenience to them. How about the poor animal!.
Yes they will need to be cut
I don't think she was talking about declawing, Bastet - I think we can all agree that is cruel and unecessary. Trimming them is absolutely fine though and sounds like this is needed in this case. Cats that tend to stay indoors often have longer claws despite scratching posts, and quite apart from ruining your furniture it's not so nice for them when they are scratching or grooming themsleves to have such long claws. Give them a trim or get your vet to do it. It totally painless for them, just like us cutting our nails.
boil it vermin

cat's matted hair?

my cat has some matted hair on his back-how do I help him
Get a good pair of sharp hair cutting scissors. Cut the mats by using vertical cuts with the scissors into the mat. This means to point the tips of the scissors towards the skin when cutting the mats. Be careful! Make several cuts into each mat. Then comb with a medium tooth comb. If there is any resistance, then make more cuts into the mat until the comb goes through the cats coat smoothly, without pulling. Cutting the hair in this way helps the cut hair blend better with the uncut hair. If you cut the hair horizontally, then the shorter hair will be much more noticable where the hair was cut.
Then, brush some corn starch into your cats coat. This helps the brush to glide through his coat, as well as remove any debree. For your cats coat maintenance, brush/comb him daily.

Best to you and your cat.
Well it depends on HOW matted it is, you can try brushing it (gently) or if it's really severe wait until the summer and shave him.

He might just be getting matted because he's depressed over the cold weather, my cat gets that way every single winter, there really isnt much you can do about it.
Is it an indoor or outdoor cat?
The fastest and less painful way that seems to work best for my cat is to shave down the matted area. The only drawback is the fact that it may be noisy and may startle the cat.
You can try a detangler (sold in the shampoo isle at the grocery store) that is used for girls long hair, although most cats hate getting wet. However, if you can get enough on him, then you can brush most of that out. Unfortunately, if the matted hair is too much, you might have to shave that part of his back.don't worry, it grows back pretty quick (I'm speaking from experience).

Good Luck!
Take him to pet smart or another groomer and have the matts shaved off. If you have a long haired cat, you need to brush him daily or he will matt again.
For a cat, the only thing you can do for matted hair is to trim it out as gently as possible. Regular grooming will be necessary to avoid this in the future.
I have the same problem. The best thing to do is to cut it off. Its the least painful. You can try and brush it out but it will hurt a lot. Just make sure you brush him frequently to keep his fur mat free.
Shave it or carefully cut it out if you can. If your cat is very squirmy I highly suggest taking him to a vet or a groomer to have it done. They can safely restrain him and remove the matted hair. Take care of it sooner rather than latter because the matted hair tugs on their skin and can be irritating to them and uncomfortable.
Just cut the matted hair off it will come back in a few weeks an bathe time brush him an that will help alot.
The easiest way to help him (and the least painful to you) is to take a small pair of sicissors and snip the mats out near the base. It might take a little time, but believe me, it's safer than trying to use an electric clipper (ouch!) lol My cat freaks anytime I turn the clipper on and she's in the same room.

If you try to wait for warmer weather, the mats will get worse and more painful for the cat. My poor cat gets matted in the fall, no matter how much brushing she gets, it's just her fate I guess. I try to clip her mats before it snows so she has a chance to grow that underlayer back before it's really cold out.

Hope this helps!!
My cat, Mysti, get really bad matted hair. I did everything I could think of brushing, combing, shaving, etc. Mysti hated having me touching her with brush, comb, scissor or grooming tools. It is because that the matted hair is so close to her skin that it hurt her. The only best to have it done is take to the Vet - NOT animal groomer. They will shave your cat while they put him to sleep. You might want to have the Vet check his teeth too. Normally the Vet check cat's teeth and if they need to be clean, they need to put cat to sleep to do it. If you have them do both teeth cleaning and shaving at same time, you will save money and to keep them going under so much.
Cut it off if it is not too matted, if it is then shave it down. That is the best way.