Monday, May 24, 2010

do cats eat raw fish?

Yes. Cats are like miny tigers, lions. They will eat raw meat given the chance. problem is domestication does weird things to the enzymes needed to break down raw meat. Fish will be fine though.

Still be careful though as some stupid cats will choke on the bones, eat too much fish and then eaither smell or be sick!
Cats a eat any fish, not sure about raw fish tho
Yes they do, and raw birds, raw mice and raw anything they can catch!
Yes, but please be cautious about the mercury in raw fish. Tuna is one not to give your cat.

You can go on line and ask Google which fish has the most mercury in it.
Well they never ask me to cook the mice they catch, so they must eat raw fish
Cats + Raw fish = meal.
Some like it, we occasionally give our cats trimmings as a treat, when we are preparing fresh fish.
No they cook it first.
I regullary see our neighbours tabby barbecueing a goldfish caught from the pond before sharing it with the big ginger stray and having a few tinnies.
Mine did, but he also ate cheese Qquavers and if caught flies and moths, no accounting for taste I suppose
Yes, how else would they have eaten fish in the wild?
Yes! Bones and everything!
Cat's eat anything cooked or raw. I know because the steal out of my black bags they don't care as long as it's food.
I don't know if all of them do, but when we were in St. Barth's, the cutest little stray cat came up to our table at dinner and I started to feed him my tuna sushi. He LOVED it!! He was so cute, too. He started to stand on his back legs begging for me. (You would think he was eating lobster!!)

We have a Siamese cat, but he will not eat sushi, although when we have shrimp cocktail, he won't stay away! When I cook fish (monk fish, salmon, flounder) he has no interest. Perhaps it is just the strays, I am not sure.
Yes they can. And they can eat raw meat, especially raw chicken wings which are good for their teeth.
Sadly, yes! They enjoy a spot of fishing too, so if you have a pond in your garden, cover it with netting before they start casting their lines in.
yes they do eat raw fish
They do, but too much is not good for them. My vet actually told me that some cats develop an allergy to canned fish cat food, and cat food contains only some fish, so it is not as strong as regular fish. Only give small amounts of fish as an occasional treat. Feed a nutritionally balanced cat food for regular feedings.
They eat anything they think is good . And cat's eat all fish.
Yes they do. They love it.
yes my cat will eat my my pond goldfish if he gets the chance.

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