My nine-month-old female, Gidget, went into labor and when she started pushing, there was a tiny tail sticking out of the birth canal. I thought, this can't be good. She pushed and pushed and pushed for several hours and didn't get anywhere. It was late at night and I was really tired and I went to sleep and she woke me up a couple of hours later and she had a tail and two little legs sticking out. I figured that since she worked on it so long that the baby must be dead, so I helped her by wrapping the legs in part of the towel she was on ( for grip) and pulling the baby out while she pushed. Yes, she actually let me do this. The placenta was wrapped around the head, making it bigger and harder to expel. I don't think she could have expelled it by herself without giving herself heart failure. Did I kill the kitten or do you think it was already dead?
the kitten was already dead. its feet and tail were coming out first then it would not have survived as everything gets wrapped up and it smothers if not expelled immediatly.anytime you see the tail and feet coming first go ahead and help mom get it out very gently as this will help mom out and not get her so tired from trying to get it out on her own.when she tries for an ample amount of time and the kitten is dead it is natural forthings to swell up in the head area as all the fluid is pushed up,and she just could not get it out so there is nothing you could have done to save this kitten except help mom out a little sooner, she will be fine if she has delivered one healthy kitty just watch to make sure she gets rid of all the afterbirth if she retains any it can sometimes cause an infection.good luck with your new little one
seems already dead so dont worry
First if you cat is having problems birthing you need to take it the ER vet you hick.
Second get your cat FIXED, again you hick.
It sounds like it was definitely dead. A human would be if that happened.
No, i don't think u killed the kitten. If it was wrapped around it then it wouldn't last long. Especially if it had been like 2 hrs.
Probably already dead. First litters are not the most successful. Cats don't go through labor for that long - think about it this way - cat's life is about 14 years.. cat labor should be no longer than 1 -2 hours.. Sounds like your cat went through an equivalent of several cat days of labor. Put yourself in her shoes (I mean paws) - wouldn't you rather get some professional help if you were in labor for ages and ages?
It was probably already dead. The fact that a tail was coming out first is not good. Hey look at it as saving the mothers life. I think you did good and cared enough to help. Your a good person.
I should imagine the kitten was already dead, it sounds like the placenta was cutting off it's air supply. I don't think you would have harmed it much by pulling it out, doctors do it with forceps all the time. And it may have harmed your adult cat to go through the labour unaided.
What I don't understand is why you didn't call a vet when your cat went into labour, let alone went to bed!
it sounds like the kitten was already dead. s/he probably suffered from brain damage and died due to strangulation by the placenta.
when my cat had a litter of kittens she had one she had a hard time giving birth to. she was in a lot of stress and it was taking a long time for the kitten to be born. my mother ended up doing something similar to help the kitten and mama out; he lived, but was just a bigger cat that she had trouble with.. we also think he was deprived of some oxygen during this stressful and longer birthing period; he just seems a little off..
It was probably already dead. Don't beat yourself up!
Im sure the kitten was already dead. After it's in there for a couple hours it would have suffocated. There really isn't anything you could have done. Especially at 2 in the morning. Things happen don't feel bad.
This is why cats shoud be spayed.poor cat having to suffer for that many hours because you where tired and went to bed and just left her in that condition. SHAME ON YOU!
It sounds like that kitten was stillborn and you didn't kill it. That might have been one of the reasons the mother kitty had such a difficult time passing it through. Don't blame yourself, you did what was right. This happens all the time. Were there anymore kittens? I would check mom to make sure there aren't anymore kittens still inside her.
sounds like the cat was breach, there was nothing else you could do.
i think it dies from being there too long and i think it was already dead because i think dead cats r harder to push out than live ones.
It was probably already should take her to the vet as soon as posible.
A nine month old is too young to be having kittens. You should get your cat spayed. Leaving your cat in that condition could have killed her and not just the newborn.
Aww i'm so sorry to hear that your grandkitten didn't make it. and i absolutely don't think it was your fault. Its not like you ar a vet hun. Don't beat yourself up or feel bad. It wasn't your fault . And you helped the cat cause she couldn't take the kitten out herself right. She could have had complications if you didn't help her when you did. I don't know what i would have done. I probally would of been knocking on all my neighbors door to help cause i might be so nevous or even scared to help. I think that you did your best and you are brave. Cause not many people are even brave enough to help a cat give birth.
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