Monday, May 24, 2010

do animals fall in love?.. even with humans?

i know animals can fall in love because i have seen it with my two cats. one passed away and the other looks empty without him, but anyways my question is about another cat (i have three :)) this cat doesn't leave my room and snuggles with me alll night. my mom and i were joking about him being a man in a previous life and falling in love with me. its wierd though since i have moved in with my mom the cat doesn't go anywhere near my moms room and majority of time spent in mine waiting for me! my mom is a teddy bear so hes definately not scared of her. the cat licks my face all the time and even puts his paw around me haha! do cats have memories? I have moved in and out a few times - maybe he is clinging to me so i won't leave him again??

cute eh
Awww. that's so sweet! I don't think cats fall in love with humans, but I do think they love their owners just as we love our parents. Their owners are the ones who feed them, play with them, etc. So we give them a sense of comfort. My parents' 2 cats always come running to the door whenever I go and visit them, so yes, I definitely think they have a memory of the people they love. =)
Excellent Question, you convinced me!
The cat has bonded with you. You are it's favorite human. If you want to call this love, its OK. Cats also have learned behavior, if you want to call this memories, that's OK too.
I think animals have love similar to the love you have for your brother, sisters parent and so forth. But i don`t think they have the same love as what you have for your boyfriend and girl friend. My view is that humans had to develop strong love because men are women are so different and tehy would not spend anytime with each other if it was not for this type of love, but they needed to stay together to raise children. But the only way they would to stay together is if a very strong emotion kept them together , which is the love boyfriends and girlfriends have. But since animals don`t raise their young together their is no need for this type of love
the love ur cat feels is the same he feels for his mother since ur his primary caretaker.
I think cats fall in love with humans. Cuz my baby cat does the same thing to me. She just dies when I leave her and when I'm around she's all over me, more than my bf is. If I'm just standing there she will sit sit infront of me and look at me, than jump on me. And I'm the only one she will do that to. She'll put her paws around me and sleep with me and do everything just to be around me. She gets really 'sick' for me when I leave her for a few days, but than she's fine when I come back. And she's always there for me. I'm her momma cuz her's died when she was a week and a half old, so that might be why. Not sure, but yes I do think she's in love.
be careful because then the cat may just * you when your naked I Know you'll like the cats finger up your **

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