Friday, May 21, 2010

Disciplining my cat?

My cat pee'd on the basement floor twice within a few hours. Litter box was cleaned the night before so maybe the cat was just upset about something. I may not have cleaned the first mess thoroughly enough. After the second time, I held my cat saying NO really loud. He wanted to get away but I held on to him. I just repeated no no you dont do it there. However, my roommate now says that I have to remain the "heavy" or the tough person. He said that only one person should discipline the pet and the other is the "good guy". Is this true? am I know the "bad guy" and my roommate is the "good guy" in the cat's eyes? Is this true?
Your cat may have a bladder infection.they often go outside of the box when this should take him to the vet.
Discplining a cat? I don't think it really works.
I don't know but I trust you will tell us once you find out.
I had 4 cats for about 20 years and I had to discipline them more than once.
But, they always remained lovable.
What not to do :-
Don't tie its tail to another cat's tail.

On reflection. Sorry for my sick answer !
Anyone can disipline a cat. Just get on her case every time she does that. If the problem persists, go see a vet, could be something more serious. Cats don't like to be dirty
The most effective way is to totally remove the prior odor. Try "Urine Gone" it might work. Also, as you point out, litter must be clean. Is the litter in a spot a lot of people go? Maybe put it somewhere quiet if the cat is scared. Never hit a cat. They do not respond like dogs. Good luck. (Also, there is a possibility your cat has a bladder infection. You might want to have that checked out)
Use a spray bottle with what your doing. Just plain water.
everyday nite b4 u go to bed, stand beside ur kitty and MAKE it pee on newspapers u got ready in any particular part of the house. after doing this for a week or so, i think ur kitty would most lykly get used to where its 'restroom' is and it wud naturally poo/pee there. XP
you probally scared your cat by yelling at her when you catch her use an spray bottle and squirt her til she learns the lesson
Hey I've had a lot of cat's they can't be disciplined. They are the most willful creatures on the face of the earth. Usually when you try and discipline a cat they will do it again despite you. The only luck I ever had getting one to not spray or potty on the floor was when I lived in the country, I'd hold their nose down to the mess and then pitch them outside and not let them back in for a day or two, that seemed to work.

Good Luck,

By the way be careful trying to hold a cat's nose to anything, they are such little scratchers.
You have to clean the litter box with bleach to remove any other smells.they will appreciate the cleaner box.
I think you should have used the squirt bottle .they don't like to get wet.
I had a friend use a squirt bottle to teach a rabbit to use the litter box.take them immediately to the box after the incident.
Peeing on the floor may also be a sign of something physical with that cat. My mom's cat accidentally pees in places he shouldn't when he has a UTI (he has a chronic disorder with crystals in his urinary tract.

Invest in some "nature's miracle" or other such product to eliminate the smell so he doesn't continue to go on the floor because of the odor.

Is this a new issue? How old is the cat? Have their been any recent big changes in his life? I t could be a behavior or a physical problem. I'd have a vet check to rule out anything physical.

Best of luck!
Pets should have one leader who does the disciplining. If your basement floor is concrete or tile, you can mop some ammonia on the floor every other day or so. The ammonia should keep your cat from peeing on the floor. Did you switch to another brand of litter? Is your litter box on the first floor? Maybe you need two litter boxes, one on each floor. Just some suggestions and some things to think about.
Hogwash on the good guy bad guy. I discipline my cats with a good squirt from a water bottle. If you catch the cat in the act of doing something repeatedly, you want to spray him but not let him know you are spraying him, so be sneaky with it. This teaches him that everytime he behaves in a way he isn't supposed to, he gets wet! Oh my! Yet, if he doesn't see YOU do it, well, he still loves you, you see? Good luck with kitty and don't listen to the roommate.
Both of you should take part in the discipline. You've probably seen what happens when two parents raise a child, and only one of them enforces the rules. Disaster.

Does the cat pee near the cat box, or just in the middle of the floor nowhere near it? We had a cat that would pee near the cat box, and it turned out that the cat box was too small for the cat. We bought a larger one and it solved the problem.
No that's not true, trust me on this one I have a fleet of cats who all know what NO means.
Get a water bottle and when kitty does something wrong squirt him with the bottle and in a firm voice tell him NO. It makes no difference how does it, they soon learn that NO means getting hit with water and they do not associate the water with you, just with the word no. It makes no difference who has the bottle they know what no means.

As far as having a litter box accident that could be a lot of things. He could be upset over being punished by someone he trusts, he could be having a kidney infection. Is there someone new in the house? He could be marking his territory.

As I said I have a fleet of cats they can all be doing their own thing but one could be screwing up when I yell no, the offender is always the one to take off running. The rest don't even pay attention. A water bottle is the humane way to teach a cat, and you will find a lot less gifts in unwanted places, not to mention no scratches from trying to hold a kitty that wants to get away from you.

After a while all you will have to do is pick the bottle up and you can see the halo above Kitty's head grow.
Flick there nose, it is one of the most sensitive spots on them, so naturally they don't like it. If you devote a single word to dicipilin, the cat will learn. Something simple like 'no' or 'stop'. Leave them like that for a bit then come back later and cuddle the poop out of em. I have had alot of cats, your in good hands ;)
get a bottle of feliway or the plug in type they won't pee no more but have to keep using it for awhile it worked for my cat
It is true that a cat with a uninary infection may not make it to the litter box. When they get the urge they just go. I would get your cat checked before you do any disiplinary actions. I would be like spanking a sick child because they vomit before they get to the toilet.
you should put on a united front, it just like raising kids if one of you says no but the other dont then you got problems, the cat sees you as the heavy now but that doesnt mean he wont ever like you did good in handling the situation just remember to remind kitty where the litter box is
No, you are not the "bad guy". by yelling at him, you were asserting your dominance.
Because the cat is male, he may be trying to define the house as "his" territory by peeing. Try spraying the spot with vinegar. It'll completely erase the scent of cat, and he won't pee there again.
Once your cat has pee'd..getting angry wont help the situation cats dont make that connection you have to catch her while she is doing it and put her in the box. But if she has never done this before she probalbly has an urinary infection. The reason they pee on the ground instead of the box is becuase they associate the box with pain of urinating so they are afraid to go back to it. Take your kitty to the vet chances are this is what it is and your poor kitty is in pain and need antibiotics.

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