Friday, May 21, 2010


I have recently had to move into my parents house, before my moving transistion to California.
My cats (sisters,5 yrs old) never had dandruff problems until we moved into my parents house. The thing is I have to keep them in the basement b/c my dad is allergic. (but its like a living room down there for them..) I am wondering if the basement is too dry for them, and what I can do to help prevent some of their dandruff? I know all cats have it to some extent, but theirs seems a little extreme. Especially my short haired. (One has long hair and one has short hair) They both allow me to brush them daily and they in fact enjoy it..
Just wondering is anyone has some solutions for me to try and see if its just their new enviornment, before taking them to the vet.

Thanks for all responses.
You should look for Brewer's Yeast and Garlic. It's a supplement for cat's and dogs. I had the same problem with my cat having dandruff in the basement. Brewer's Yeast and Garlic cleared it up within a week. It's very cheap and you should be able to find it at any pet store. I got 500 chewable tablets that I don't have to force down my cats throat for maybe 6 dollars. I think there's also a powder that you can add directly to food.
Just get some kitty dandruff shampoo.
They need oil in their diet. Start giving them soft canned cat food once in morning and once at night or Tuna in oil. It doesn't have to be the entire cat.just a spoonful!
You have to put shampoo %26 scratch the top of your head in the shower always do this.
It's not dandruff that he is allergic to, it is Dander.

Cats secret a chemical in their mouth commonly known as Dander, When they clean themselves they coat their fur in the dander, and when your dad gets around them his eyes will get all puffy/watery/itchy and he may have some breathing problems.

Wash them regularly, and it will decrease his allergy, but won't get rid of it entirely.
I would say it is stress. Feed them a good quality cat food, such as science diet..It is also possible that they are having so much dander because you are not petting them as much, or the change in seasons?
Just get a humidifier! You can get one that puts out steam or cool mist, whichever one would be best for the basement.
My cat has dandruff too, and A LOT of it. My cat is also a short hair and is a somewhat stressed out cat. She is more of a nervous cat. Moving can stress a cat out, causing it to have dandruff. Stress is the main cause of dandruff in pets.
Here's a blog that is totally dedicated to information on dandruff. hope it helps.

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