Friday, May 21, 2010

cruelty too animals ?

i know a lady who has kept 5 very healthy looking cats in a outdoor wire cage about 8x10 ft for 5 yrs.. she feeds and loves them but has never and will never let them out of the cage. how do i [ or should i ] convince her to let to take the door off the cage and let them come and go as they choose??
Ask her how she would like it if she were kept confined. Do you know why she confines them? Maybe she doesn't understand that cats will not leave the one who feeds them.
I hate animals so I say do away with them all. Cats stay in my moms yard messing up eveything in her yard. I hate them. Dogs too.
Have the authorities convince her. =(
convince her?

hell, do it your damned self.
im not shur abut that but its very mean to the cats
call animal control or the humane society
I prefer dogs, so let the cats rot
she's old man leave her alone almost all old people have cats. since there children are gone they replace them with cats and they treat them as her daughter or something. i dont intend on understanding the old mind kapish?
Report her to you local humane society. They can then investigate the situation and take proper action. Tell them exactly what you know and have seen. I wouldn't necessairly suggest confronting her yourself, you never know what type of a reaction she could give you
if they are healthy then you cant do anything there is no law saying that you cant keep cats in an outdoor enclosure.maybe suggest to her to have a bigger enclosure built or offer to help her build one if you help her and get a letter from her saying you helped her it will be considered community service and you can then add it to your resume
Well, that's not near enough room for 5 cats. They needs lots more room so they can run/exercise etc. I would see if she would put them in her house with her. I mean, if she's taking good care of them anyway, I can't see why she won't put them in the house. Do they have shelter from the weather outside? Look at the quality of life these guys have. If they're being fed and taken care of, that's one thing. Even so though, that cage is way to small for them. Although, if she IS taking good care of them, and they have shelter from the weather, being in a cage outside is safer than them being allowed to run loose. I hope that they are at least in a proper cage. Cats can hang themselves on regular chain link fencing.

Added: Yes, safety is paramount :) Sounds like your looking out for these cats, keep it up!

In response to what some others have said: Yes it sucks that they are caged, BUT provided that they have all the necessary needs (food, water, shelter, health care etc.) then it is better for them to be caged and healthy, then running free and being attacked by dogs, poisoned, hit by cars etc. Assuming they are well taken care of, it could actually be detrimental to call an animal rescue orginization due to the fact that the cats would most likely be seperated, and confined to a much smaller cage than they are in now. Also you have to keep in mind if you call Humane Society or animal rescue of some sort, it's entirely possible that the cats would be put to sleep if a proper home wasn't found for them. Again, healthy, caged, and loved? Or healthy, seperated, and possibly dead?
The problem with letting them come and go as they choose, is that puts them at risk for getting in the street and getting hit by a car, wandering into the yard of someone who hates cats and would do harm to them. It could also expose them to animals that may attack and harm them, or give them some type of disease. They could get lost, or taken by someone else.

I don't like that that the cats are cooped up, either; but I think it would be worse to let them run. You say they're healthy and she loves them. do they have adequate shelter when it's cold or raining? Do they have shade from the sun? Plenty of water and food?

Perhaps you should talk to her and find out her situation before you get too angry. Perhaps she can't let them be indoor cats. Help her find a better solution to let the cats get some exercise - build a bigger enclosed area, or something?

Talk to her, get a better look at the cats, and if you really think there's a problem, call the Humane Society or whatever animal protective services you may have there. They may have a solution to the problem.

Edited to add: Yes, I guess I felt that you were angry about the cats being cooped up.

I also want to add. I feel like when I take in a cat as a pet, its total well-being is now my responsibility. That includes protecting it from humans and animals that might do it harm. So, my cats are not allowed to wander freely into the busy street, or over to the neighbors who may or may not feel tolerant (at best) toward cats in the yard. I do let them out under my supervision, but no, in good conscience, I won't let them run as they please.
That is sad. The cats are healthy, though? They have food and water and a warm place to hide in the rain, etc? If all their needs are met, maybe they are okay, though the cage seems small for only a few.

The alternative, letting them out, is pretty harsh. Then you have to worry about them gettign hit by traffic, mean people, or just plain disappearing. They are probably safe from other cats and cat diseases in there, too, but they definitly aren't outside.

I say, if this woman is nice and seems to love her pets talk to her and see what is going on. If she seems she wont' listen anyway and you are concerned for the cats' health call the ASPCA or Humane Society. Don't call the city's animal control, though, if you really are concerned and the cats are sick cuz they pretty much end up putting down adult animals as they generally only keep them for a couple days and if not adopted.. you know. Unfortunately, kittens and puppies usually go home first.

Good luck - you sound like a great person.
I don't like cats so I have no problem with them being in a cage if it has proper shelter, food and water and the animals have enough room to keep exercised.
that sounds cruel, i have five cats and they have freedom of most of the house, the way they run around i just can't image them in a cage, i guess the question is why have cats to cage them
I was under the impression that the authorities won't do anything if the pet is provided with shelter, food and veterinary care. If they don't then they will receive a warning to do so and if they don't follow through the pets are taken away.
It sounds really cruel to me and I say turn the lady in even if she is nice b/c that is just wrong to do to any animal.
contact the local humane society to see what your options are

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