Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cat sneezing with bloody mucus, course of action?

I have this young cat that was recently resuced from a tree and given to me. his name is Vincent Price and is male. when we brought him home, we noticed that his nose was runny and that he was skinny. so we fed him and he ate very well and still does. he has put on weight but sneezes alot, and has some difficulty breathing (noisy, congested) he doesnt act lethargic, runs around and plays well with his new companion Gabriel, is a lap cat, and is all around well tempered. The sneezing and bloody mucus is freaking me out and I have no idea how to treat this. or what the cause is. we have had him for over two weeks now and the "kitty flu" scenario seems to be wearing thin, and am afraid its something worse. any ideas?

Tigger's got it going on.I'd worry about Gabriel too!
Could be an upper respiratory infection (needing antibiotics to clear up), or allergies of some kind.

The only way you're going to know for sure is to take him to the vet. He should be taken anyway since he was recently rescued. Is his "companion" Gabriel another cat? If so, I hope he hasn't passed anything nasty to him.
quit letting him use cocaine.
SINUS INFECTION! A good round of antibiotics will fix him right up. just take him to your vet and ask for Cephalexin or Amoxicillin drops
take the cat to the vet for some antibiotics could be a sinus infection or an upper respitory infection. if the antibiotics don't clear it up it could be feline herpes.
a vet is your best bet
Go to the Vet ASAP. He could have a cold or something more serious. Sounds like an upper respiratory infection.
You should bring him to a vet. It could be a lot of things. My thought was a sinus infection. While you are there you can make an appt to get him neutered.
Sounds like an allergy or a cold, or lung problems.take to a vet.
Bloody mucus is not normal for a cat. Nor is constant sneezing and sniffling. Take Vincent to the vet and get him checked. And take Gabriel too, and make sure he hasn't caught whatever Vincent has.

Good luck!
Revo - get this cat to a vet!! Could be highly contagious to Gabriel and even could be life threatening to the new cat. Excessive sneezing is not healthy, especially with blood!! So many things could be wrong, get Mr Price checked out and on the road to a healthy life style!
The sneezing wouldn't worry me so much as the kitty flu he has with probably resolve as does our flu episodes.

The blood however is a matter of great concern and I would want a veterinary opinion about what might be the cause and if there is a treatment that would help VP.

Sounds like VP has a happy home, a fun companion and certainly is much better off than being in a tree! So find out what might be wrong medically and if it can be treated. His prospects for a happy, healthy life are excellent.
take the cat to a vet and see what helth problems that might be going on with the cat and the follow the vets directions on how to deal with this problem.
your cat is sick with a infection and if he does not get to the vet and get medicine he might die.
Colds are very dangerous in cats and more so in kittens, and commonly KILL them. They can cause blindness as well, as felines often will wipe their faces dragging debris into their eyes - causing conjunctivitis, scarring, and eye loss.

He needs to be seen by a vet for deworming, vax, and neutering, so bite the bullet and do the responsible thing.

It is against animal cruelty laws to deny the kitten vet care.
You should really save your money and take this poor animal to the vet because he really needs some kind of perscription medicine to clear up this congestion. You might talk with the vet and maybe he will work out some payment plan with you so that you won't have to make a big payment all at once. Maybe you could pay a certain amout every month.
Please take her to the vet >
Probably some sort of infection. But I'm wondering if it may be a matter of thin nose lining. Or perhaps a very dry invironment. If your cat has thin nose lining %26 you live in a dry climate, that could be a factor.

1 comment:

  1. Our new little boy, Smokey Joe has had this problem since we brought him in from outside Oct '09. We've been to the vet and spent bookoo bucks on all different flavors of anti-Bs and several of the most powerful dewormers, etc - all to no avail.

    Was hoping to get some clues from the web, but see everyone else is as puzzled as my vet. Other than the bloody boogers every day or so (really large for such a small kitty and fresh red blood when they fly out) this boy is the ideal of healthy.

    He lives with 3 other cats indoors and has not infected or affected them so far (we kept him separate for 6 weeks, but eventually gave up).

    I'm wondering if it's a function of being born outside. We live in Montana and are bombed with "aircraft pollution" almost daily.

    Or perhaps a nano sized parasite?

    Any other ideas or treatments?
