Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cat sick? Heaving panting, warm, nose running.?

My cat is giving signs he is not feeling well, but I am not sure what it could be or what I should do.

Last night he got a bath. He put up a struggle but nothing seemed out of the ordinary with it. After, he went under the kitchen table as he usually does.

This morning, he is panting really hard and his breathing is heavy. I noticed that he is also a little warm and his nose is running a bit.

He is very hyperactive this morning too. And more affectionate than normal (which for him is quite hard to do), he will not leave me alone and he will not settle down for two seconds.

Money is a very big issue so I think a vet would be out of the question.

Any ideas on what may be causing this or what to do?
it is not a good thing if a cat is panting. he might be having an asthma attack and needs to see the vet STAT! tell the vet about your money problems and most vets will let you do a payment plan.

here is some advice from now on set aside $5-$10 a month to put in a vet emergency fund. so you won't ever have to worry if your cat needs vet appointment and you don't have the money.
I know you don't want to hear this but he needs to go to a vet. Only a vet is going to be able to tell you whats wrong with your cat.

Is your cat an indoor or outdoor cat? If he's been outside there are a lot of serious things he could have.

If you can't afford a vet call the humane society and ask them where you can take him, sometimes they have "low cost" alternatives to your local vet.

I hope he gets better, good luck.
Your cat is obviously suffering greatly! I am sorry to say, if you can't afford to keep your pet from suffering its not fair for you to keep your pet. Try taking it to a vet or even an animal hospital and explain that it is suffering but you can't afford anything now. If they will not help you, go to another and another and another until someone will act compassionately on behalf of your animal. Good luck, I hope your kitty feels better. I know you are asking because you really do care
afraid to tell you but the cat has to go to the vet. Ask the vet if he will take payments. Call the local shelter they may be able to help you. You should learn how to take your cats temperature for events like this. Make a kitty bank so you will have money for the cat. If he feels hot put some sugar in water and give it to him to drink, they should help with dehydration. Best thing is the vet.
Do you know if he is actually dehydrated?
You can tell by stretching "up" the skin on the back of his neck (not to hurt him though) %26 seeing if it springs back quickly to fully flat.
It sounds like he has caught a cold. I would never bathe a cat. They do a good job of it themselves. Is he wheezing? These could also be symptoms of the stress of having a bath. His change in behavior indicates he thinks that he has to get back in your good graces. He probably thinks he was punished by the bath. I wish you well and hope your kitty is better soon.
Hate to add to the growing list of answers that your cat really needs to see a vet (unfortunately his health cannot determine whether you can pay your rent or not). :-(

His behavior is very unusual, as you obviously know, and he is trying to ask for your help! Call the humane society(s) and see if there is a low cost clinic you can take him to. The panting could be an emergency situation!

If all else fails, I would simply take him to a vet as a "walk in" (no appointment) and explain you feel this is an emergency, can they help you. It will be hard for them to turn you away. After treatment, explain your dilemma, and pay them as much as you can possibly afford - even $10 - to show good faith. (And if it's a check, make sure it will clear!). Then set up a payment plan.

It's easy for the "office people" to say, no $, no service. A lot of people "rip off" vets. But a decent VET will help. Beg if you must!

In the meantime, consider if you can truly afford to have a pet. Give this some serious thought. If you were deathly ill, wouldn't YOU want to see a doctor? If you think you cannot afford your kitty, please find him a loving home that will be able to take care of him. I also like the idea of a "kitty fund" where small amounts could help him in the future should he need it.

Good luck to you both!

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