Thursday, May 7, 2009

cat scratches in litter box for 10 minutes +?

Every time my guy uses his litter box, he is in there scratching %26 digging for 10 or more minutes. He never poops anywhere else %26 I clean it out every day, I just don't know what he could be digging %26 scratching for that long for. ANyone else heard of this or know why?

Our cat, Thomas, he's the man, will scratch like he is digging to China. He is very particular about finding that right spot and then as particular about covering it up.

Feel lucky that your cat does this. There are many cats that will use the litter box and jump right out without covering it up.
Its normal for a kitty to do that. Some are more picky than others about covering their waste.

Also, cats have scent glands on their paws and they like to mark their territory. Do you have other animals? If not it is still normal, he is letting everyone know that this is HIS territory by marking it well with waste and his scent.

So nothing to be worried about, be glad that he defecates in the litter box.
My cat did this for a long time, then he started crying when he was in there. it turns out he has crystals in his urine, which are making it hard for him to pass that is why he spent so much time in there. I would watch to see if it seems like hes in pain. It could be that its just starting. Good Luck.
Make sure the litter in the box is at least 5cm in depth, and that it is covering every corner of the box.Cats are very clean creatures, and he is just making sure that he is covering in it up for you! What a lovely clean cat he sounds!!

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