Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cat question (again) plz help (again)?

my cat is having diarriia (how ever u spell it u get the idea) but could it be possible its from being in a new home cloud someone please give me a list of things that would cause diarria.

Causes of diarrhea:
Intestinal parasites
Change in food
Viral infection
Bacterial overgrowth within gastrointestinal tract
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Ingestion of foreign body
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficency
Feline panleukopenia (feline parvovirus)
Hepatic disease
Renal disease
Food allergy
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
. and so on
stress, a new diet.
the stress of changing environments (moving) can most certainly bring on all kinds of illnesses.especially digestive. make sure he or she gets enough liquid (they can get dehydrated from diarrhea) and talk to a vet if it doesn't stop soon
There are so many possibilities your cat has diarrhea. Could be from stress of moving, could be that it got into something, could be illness, could be new food? need more info.
LOTS of things can cause diarrhea. Stress is one, but it usually does not last long. Crappy food can do it. Worms. Coccidia..a protozoa.sometimes hard to pick up on a fecal exam. Certain diseases.Imflammatory Bowel Disease.
See a vet. Unless it is crappy food, you would need their help.
Has your cat found his/her way into the trash or someplace else where there was old food, a plant or something else that should be off limits to him/her?
look at the ingredients in your cats diet, certain things in the food will give the cat the trots, and not only that, your cat is adapting to a new place, so give your kitty lots of love!!
Your cat probably ate something diarreia is very bad for a cat they can dehydrate keep giving her water and get her to a vet. Its not normal at all for a cat to have this.
Stress, the brand of food your feeding your cat, it;s sick, or maybe it's something worse.
What is a new home cloud?

My cat only had dierriah once when it had a parasite. please take it to the vet before it gets any sicker and they will be able to tell you what it is for sure. But i know that dierriah can be a sign of cat Luckemia. (sorry i suck at spelling too)
Take the cat to the vet and take some of the stool with you. It may have worms or parasites or an infection.
I've read a book for my cat and you may want to look into it. I know there are some serious illnesses taht cause it. But if you've fed it some table scraps lately that might have done it. Or milk. These both make my cat really bad.
honestly, really, take it to a vet, it could be sick in the intestines, have worms and all if you want a pet then it has to have regular checkups and shots.
Eating plants is the most common reason. Sometimes certain foods and air fresheners can cause it too. Make sure all of your plants are out of reach, and be careful in the garden.
My kittens had dihharea pretty bad, so I tried just changing the type of food I was giving them. Which was whiskas wet food.but not only whiskas but any wet food seems to give little kittens the runs, try going to dry. It might be hard for them to adjust but its worth it.

Good Luck!
from being in somewhere new plenty of dry food an water will be ok in a couple of days
Alright, It depends on the age if its a kitten its very normal as long as theres no blood and he/she is not crying. If its an adult cat I would take it to the vet. Cause adult cats shouldnt normally have diariah.
Hope it helps.
Also if its a kitten if it doesn't stop I'd bring it to the vet.
Personally, I would take the cat to a vet if it has been going on for longer than a few days. Yes, environment changes can make a cat nervous and not feel well. But if you think the cat is sick, the vet is the place to go.
what are you feeding him can food can cause that and i think i would take him to a vet and if you cant afford one there are humane shelter that may help with that
Maybe stress.
changing food
your cat could have worms
intestinal virus

lots of things make this happen but cats can dehydrate quickly. If no better in morning I would go to vet with kitty
ok u spell it diarrhea, and its because the cat hasnt gone potty for a long time, or the food did not digest well due to the lack of solids and nutrients.

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