Sunday, August 2, 2009

cats. i have a kitten?? and i came home..?

well i seen him/her scratching the butt but i gave him a worm pill but i checked his butt well i seen a string hanging from the kittens butt with poop but the string wont come out
wat should i do??
the kitten is goin 2 the "doctors" the 14th of this month
how would he/she get a string by his butt?
should i b worried?? i took off the poop but string is still there
it doesnt act like its hurting him/her
any suggestions??
would b most appreciated ty
The string is probably there because he ate it and it's now coming out. Don't pull on it! There is a chance (if it's a long string) that it could be wrapped up in his intestines and you could do serious damage by pulling it.

I would say to leave it alone right now (maybe cut it off so only an inch or so is sticking out). and wait till he goes potty again. If it still doesn't come out, a visit to the vet is needed. It might need to be surgically removed if it's wrapped up inside him.

Ribbons and strings can be VERY dangerous to cats (especially tinsel and curling ribbon). I have a cat that I'm constantly taking things away from. He LOVES to eat plastic grocery bags, hair ties (the fluffy kind), ribbons, etc. His pooh is always decorated like a Xmas tree. Lucky for me, it all passes. and I try to keep everything out of his reach, but he actively seeks it out!

Anyway. if the string doesn't come out next time he poohs, take him to the vet ASAP. The longer it waits, the more tangled up it'll get. Good luck.hope it all comes out ok (no pun intended, lol).
call your vet
Sounds like your cat ate something he shouldn't have. See if you can get into the vet earlier, and DON'T PULL ON IT!
If it's wrapped around the intestines, you could do serious damage.

just leave it until the vet can look, or it comes out on its own.
It sounds like your kitty ate something, a shoe lace or ribbon, and it's passing through the intestines. My guess is that it will come out with the next bowel movement, but if it isn't out by tomorrow make an appointment to see the vet early. You never know if it's stuck in there, so see if it'll pass on it's own ( that's what the vet will say ) and if it won't it will need to be operated on.
P.S. Cut the string shorter so that nothing can pull on it, that could cause injury to her insides! Leave an inch or so sticking out because you don't want to accidentaly cut her bottom.
maybe the kitten ate some string or something she found around the house, and she's just passing it?

You should try to keep in one room in the house where she won't get into too much trouble.
Having a cat is like having a baby. You have to put things like this out of the way. Kitten ate some string and now it is working it's way out. If you are lucky it will be in the litter box by moring. If not call the vet and ask what to do.
Did you try to cut it away!

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