Sunday, August 2, 2009

Constipated cat & water.?

My cat got an enema today, and has shown no further results at home. She may have to have another one, but she is on laxatose or what not so hopefully she will improve with that.

She was dehydrated. I was curious, how to get her to drink more water? I set up more water stations around my apartment with different types of bowls (maybe she would prefer a different type) but that is about all I came up with.

How do you get your cat to drink more water? And do you have any tips for a constipated cat, I know of vegetable oil %26 pumpkin.
cats do not have a strong thrist drive as in the wild they get most of their moisture from a kill. You should definitely feed wet food daily as your cat will get some of it's water from this, also you can add a little water to make a gravy, or just buy the wettest food you can. The pouched food usually has lots of gravy in it. You can also buy one of those water dishes that has a little water fountain.this seems to get interested in drinking more water, or see if your cat will drink out of the sink. My cat really likes it and I get more water down her this way as she too does not drink much out of her bowl. Do make sure you provide fresh water on a daily basis.I notice my cats are more likely to drink when I change it daily.

suggested cat water dish or something similar:
I lost my cat to can kill them; they won't even want water.. don't worry about the water.get your favorite feline to the vet.NOW! ;-(
Make sure the water is fresh and the bowls are clean, sometimes it helps when they see you pour a little bottled water into the bowl. Constpation can be deadly. maybe since her enema, she may not need to poop again today, and make sure kitty has some canned cat food, chicken cat food helps. There is water for cats, it is fishy tasting. Also you can boil some white meat chicken, no salt nor anything else, just a little of it and give kitty the broth, not too greasy! I do this on occasion and it was recommended by the vet's office. Just a touch of white meat chicken, even a few wings, they like it and it is good for them. cats like bottled water. I buy it by the jugs! Never give a cat milk or cheese, this causes constipation in pets! been there, lost 2 of mine due to constipation. But give kitty a day, they usually only go once a day, 2 if they are really loose. If you suspect kitty is constipated, have the vet check it out again. There is stuff at the vets office you can buy. No dry food, strictly canned until kitty is over this. Kick back, maybe Kitty needs to relax for awhile after that enema. I am glad you took your cat into doctor. Good Luck. I have a feeling kitty will be OK. P.S. make sure that litter box is very clean, kitty will really want to go in it when it is clean. Use a scent free.
Try ice in the water or some broth, but make sure you don't leave the broth out too long and it spoils. It is typical if a cat is sick, that it would get dehydrated, but typically a vet will administer saline under the skin to rehydrate and the cat should feel better and be interested in water. Another option for now would be wet food.
But this all sounds very strange to me and I would seek a second opinion. If your cat is not drinking water, it will continue to get sick and constipated. It sounds like their may be an underlying illness.
Whenever I am worried about my cat's intake of water, I take him to the bathroom with me. I take the syringe I got from the vet (for oral medications) and fill it with water from the tap. Then I wrap a towel around my cat so that his leags and feet are confined. Then I I sit him on my lap, insert the syringe nozzle at the side of his mouth and squeeze the trigger. He drinks the water.

This way, I KNOW he has had a drink of water.
Tips for Cat Constipation

Cat experiences bowel movements 1-2 times everyday. If this movement is absent or if it has to force itself, excreting hard feces, implies the cat is constipated. It is a usual problem with cats, and if it happens once in a while, do not worry.

But if your cat experiences this problem regularly, it is a cause for concern. Old age aggravates the problem. The main cause of cat constipation is the presence of hairballs, tumors and external objects in the colon that hamper the proper movement of feces. As a result, the fecal matter collects within the colon, turns hard and dry and distends the colon. The colon becomes incapable of contracting and throwing out the feces, causing a condition called megacolon.
Fresh water changes in the water bowls daily will intice your cat to drink the water. But don't force the cat to drink, it will drink water when it wants to.

Make sure that your litter box is cleaned every morning and night or when you walk by it and notice a wet spot or a poo in it. A clean litter box is good for a cat. They do not like to go into a smelly cat box to do their duties.

Your cat will probably poo later on when food is eatened. If she doesn't go poo in another 12 hours from when you started to feed her, then take her back to the vets or call the vets and ask the techs what has happened they may give you advice on what to do next as in wait another 12 hours or bring her in again. Most of the time they will say to wait 12 hours before you bring her back in as the cat might pass poo later on.

Please update us on how she's doing. Thanks.
I add a small amount of milk to water when I need to encourage them to drink. Also here in UK specially formulated kitten milk is available so that might be an idea.

Make sure she gets plenty of exercise.lots of playtime.

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