Sunday, August 2, 2009

constant meowing?

my cat is constantly meowing .i give him love feed him .i talk to him he constantly meows even when hes outside i see him out the window or he will be walking around meowing all the time .cats meow yes but is it normal for always meowing
Some cats are very talkative especially Siamese. Mine talk all the time. My girl who only weighs 7 pounds is very loud. My boy who weighs 13 pounds sounds like a wimp--unless he is wet or is about to go to the vet. Then he loudly curses me. I like that they talk to me and I talk to them too.
Never had a cat before?

Yes, its normal.

Are you sure he is a he and not an in heat she?
lol this question made me laugh..i can just imagine a cat wandering about meowing at trees..
My older cat is very vocal too.
Do you own just the one cat?
Could he be looking for someone?
When my son moved into his own apt. our black cat cried constantly. The final solution was she went to live with him, and is now quite content and relatively quiet.
Good Luck
My Male cat Duke meows at me whenever I go to the kitchen and also when I wake up in the morning. and when I get back from work.. hell he never stops meowing. He seems to be constantly making sure I am feeding him enough, he was a rescue so he's scared of being without food. He does calm down and lay down when I am not as active in the house, like when I'm on the computer. It is normal for some cats yes, you just have to deal. I know it's annoying.
I think the cat might be a she oO
Keep talking to him. Buy some toys, too. It's normal.for him.
No, not normal. A female will meow all the time when in heat but all my other cats are pretty quiet except when they want something. It would drive me batty and i don't have very far to go.He wants something, you just have to figure out what!
meowing is cool
Your cat may be in heat or want to mate. Have you had him spayed or neutered?
dont know, dont care, i dont like cats
Maybe it misses a sibling or parent. If your cat acts weird in the house, you might check for illness with the vet. I also heard that dogs and cats go through something called "separation anxiety" which means the animal misses another animal or person. Not sure if this is what your cat has.
Yes, that is normally. If it is the only cat it could be looking for someone or if someone has moved out or soemthing then that could be the reason.
Does it sound like a "distress" meow? Like he's in pain? If so, I would take him to the vet. I would observe his eating, drinking, and sleeping habits. I would try to watch when he goes to the bathroom and check for straining, blood in his urine or feces, parasites, etc.
Some cats are just naturally vocal and communicate with their owners in this manner. Some ways to tell if kitty is happy are:
he purrs, he walks with his tail held high in the air, he weaves in and out your ankles, he wants to be petted, he rolls around and shows his throat and belly. He may "head butt," lick, or bite a little as means of showing affection.
If he seems healthy and happy, I wouldn't worry about the meowing. You would probably feel better, though, if you called your vet to get some professional advice. Joyce A
my brutus meows at me all the time, he's very talkative so I talk back to him it's normal.
I was going to give u some good advice but after reading the previously posted answers, I suggest you review the advise given by Joyce A or C (no foto) She is correct in her assessment. It is possible that he may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). This is common among male cats and often initiated by diet (dry cat food).You should ALWAYS rule out any physiological causes before you consider psychological or behavioral issues. Take him to the vet asap! No URL to offer but search UTI and male cats.
mine doesn't meow constantly, but she farts every 5 minutes it seems like and stinks to high heaven. I think she is half pole cat.
maybe he just wants to talk?
has ever done this before if so then maybe he is in pain
NO if he hasn't been nurtered 'that could be it )also I read in a book once that they could be in pain' take him to vet
I had a male cat one time who was very vocal. In fact sounded just like yours. He was part siamese %26 nerver shut up. I always thought there was something wrong with him, but he just liked to talk a lot. He had 8 toes on his front paws and 7 on the back. His name was thumbs.
usually when a cat meows alot he is bored. Some times it means they are hungry.

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