Sunday, August 2, 2009

Congested Kitty?

Congested Kitty
My two month old kitten started sneezing 5 days ago and the symptoms have only gotten worse. He is on amoxacilin and in two days will be done with it. He developed stuffy nose and watery eyes and is getting more congested causing trouble breathing. What can I do?
Well, he may be allergic to something in the house if he is getting worse on the medicine. I would take him to the vet. I would also clean everything and that includes yours and his bedding.Poor kitty. I really hope he feels better.
He probley has an upper respiratory infection. Take him back to the vets. You may need to suction his nose out with saline to help him breathe. But first make sure the vet says its OK. Hope your cat feels better soon. Keep him indoors warm and safe.
the symptoms should have started to clear up a few days after the start of the amoxicillin..if it hasn't been clearing up, i would take him back to the vet.
becareful with these symptoms! my first kitten came home with me on a sunday, she was pretty sick that next day, so off to the vet we went and they told me she had a URI, gave me the same meds as you have. She also got worse, wouldnt eat, sleep, only would drink, i was force feeding her babyfood with an eye dropper every 2 hours of the day and night! she was getting skinnier by the day so by thursday i took her back.she ended up having some type of liver diesease! the new home triggered the illness to come to the surface! There was nothing i could do since she was so young so she had to be put down! dont ever thing a URI is nothing serious because it can be something else!
Ask your vet if Vicks works .
You need to take him back the vet a.s.a.p. He should be almost better since he only has a few days left on his prescription. He probably has and upper respiratory infection, which he would need to go back to the vet for, or an allergy. Regardless of what it is you should take him back to the doctor.
sounds like a respitory problem, i would ask you vet for his oppinion
You can certainly call the vet and alert him to the fact that the kitty is still having problems. He can suggest what you might do or prescribe more medication for him.
Rather than giving you a lengthy answer, I will direct you to a site, that will explain this condition, read the information carefully and head back to your vet,

This artcle will expalin Complex
Feline Upper Respiratory Disease,

rhinotracheitis virus,calicivirus,feline leukemia virus (FeLV) , feline immunodeficiency and panleukopenia, another viral disease of cats will all be expained to you and in inportance of incoculations
While you make arrangements for the vet, try this:

Get a deep bowl and smear some Vick's Vapor Rub in it. Then fill it up with really, really hot water. Make sure it is steaming. Then set it upon a table in a small room like a bedroom or bathroom.

Take your sick congested cat in that room and sit him on your lap as you sit real close to the bowl with Vicks. The menthol and eucalyptus should help clear or widen his airways.

But this is just a temporary remedial help. The cat needs to go back to the vet as soon as you judge he'll be OK for the trip.

Good luck!
Use a humidifier. It also sounds like he's not getting a high enough dosage of the amoxi, so you should also take him back to your vet. Normally 7-10 days of that stuff clears URI right up. Also, ask your vet for some vitamins. I think it's called Lysine. This will help boost your kitten's immune system to help battle the cold.

The humidifier will for sure help break up the congestion.

1 comment:

  1. He has that feline virus, that about 80 percent of cats are born with. It causes stuffy nose sneezing, eye discharge and in bad cases sometimes fever, basically a cold, caused by a feline herpes virus. The amoxicillin isn't helping because antibiotics don't treat viruses. There is a product you can buy at that is a Lysine supplement which has shown great promise in helping lessen the severity of the virus. It's called Enisyl-F it's an oral paste. I usually give 1 pump a day, but there should be dosing instructions available online. Keep your cat's eyes clean using a damp cotton ball or very soft cloth. A humidifier is fine if you have one. Try to keep their nose area clean as well, although this is difficult because their noses are so sensetive. Sometimes they will even get a little bloody nose from the drying mucus. Usually they will be sick 5-7 days, with different severity depending on the kitten.
    I of course also advise you to go to the vet just in case, sometimes this virus can cause an upper respiratory infection in which case anti-biotics would be necessary. I am not a vet, this is just based on my experiences as an un-weaned kitten foster mother. They almost ALL get this at some point. Usually they are born with it and it is expressed when they are under stress, which a new home is sure to provide.
