Sunday, August 2, 2009

cost of feline immunisation for my kitten?

Do NOT get yourself or your cat vaccinated.

A vaccinated cat or person is MORE likely to get a disease than a non-vaccinated cat or person. The whole theory of vaccination is flawed. It causes a weakening of the immune system thus making those who are innoculated more susceptible to disease.
There are so many awful side effects to vaccination that it should be considered extremely dangerous.
Just sit back and think for a while.
Is there any sense in injecting a disease directly into the bloodstream.
We have been subjected to an awful mind control program to enable the drug manufacturers to make a fortune.

The Vaccination Hoax

If you go to the vaccination liberation web page, at
You will find all the forms necessary to provide exemption for your child.

If you want to study the history of vaccination, see
depends on the area you live in, typically it will run between $70-100 for the whole series of immunizations
There are now 4 immunizations that a kitten should have.


they are usually just under $20 each, no vet is going to just given them without an exam though, so that is about $50, and they will want to do a fecal exam too, I don't remember how that much is. Before they give the flv/fiv shots, they will want to do that test, it is about $40. They almost always find fleas and ear mites too, so you will need medicatino for that too. Just to be safe plan to spend about $250.

The ASPCA/Humane Society in your area may have lost cost clinics, which eliminates the exam fee.
Where I live first kitten shots run about 40$
go to petsmart they will put you on a kitten plan for $99 and $20 a month for 1 year and they will give your kitten all immunizations and spay her as well good idea if you dont have alot of money all at once
Depends on where you go and where you live but most likely $100 + you have to remember the cost of the app. and exam too
I have never gotten any shots for my cats and they have always been fine. So I am not sure.
In the UK you can expect to pay from 拢25 to about 拢45 i think depending on the vet. they immunize against Feline Influenza, Feline Leukeamia and anothr one which i can't remember right now. You normally have to go back twice. i think.

In my opinion, after having an un-immunized cat who contracted Leukaemia, it is worth getting done.

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