He is a 4 yo fixed male, he has been acting "horny" rolling around and meowing, always licking himself down there. He does use his box, alot. He also got out a couple weeks ago for about 12 hours, could he have found a 'girlfriend'? He doesnt act like hes in pain, still very playful and active. Just weird acting. I dont have much money to take him to the vet, if nothing is wrong. Any ideas?
well if your cat is fixed, he isn't going to get horny. if you are concerned about his behavior you can call the vets office and explain to them what he is doing and they should be able to tell you if it is anything to be conserned about and maybe even what to do to help him.
Sounds to me like your kitten is a normal acting cat. If he is neutered then there is no way he could have found a girlfriend. And usually if there is an infection he would show some discomfort when urinating.
it could just be him. but i would never advise against taking a pet to the vet if one is concerned. i once took my dog to the vet and i was diagnosed as an over cautious mother! which i am not really! not to discourage you, what you could do is ring the vet and get advise.over the phone. for free..
yes, your cat will have urinary track infection.symptom: screaming while doing his toiletries
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Could my 4 month old kitten have ear mites?
My 4 month old kitten has black wax in one of his ears and He also has that ear kind of bent could this be ear mites or an ear infection? Also does anyone know any remedies? or should I just take him to the vet? Also his other ear a couple days ago had normal wax in it but is now getting black!
Get your kitty to the vet. Smell the cats ears, and if it stinks, it is and ear infection. Black wax sounds like mites. Only a doctor can help with that. I work at a vets. so I clean ears alot during the day. I know mites and infectionl. take kitty to the vet.
Yes, But if he's cute, I hope NOT!
use sweet oil
Take him to the vet. He has mites.
If it's black, then yes it could be an infection or ear mites, or both. Take him to the vet. They'll give you something to help treat it. Probably some ear drops.
Look inside his ears and if you see alot of black crud its a great posibility. Beleive it or not mineral oil and viniger are a great home remedy to get rid of the little pests. But it will annoy him so be careful of the fight he will put up
this is earmites i hate to say.its best to go to the vet and get it treated you can buy over the counter stuff but it may or may not work if you take him to the vet you can get stuff that will clear it right up once i used the hartz ear mite treatment on a kitten and she had the shakes and almost went into a seizure because that stuff was so harsh just be safe and get the stuff from the vet good luck
I think you should take him to the vet so the vet can take care of him.
it could be either one. please don't try any home remedies, he is a young kitten and should be treated and diagnosed properly by your vet. good luck.
Cats can get ear mites from the time that they are just a couple weeks old. They can also get them if the mother has them. To take care of this problem, use q-tips and a little bit of vegetable oil. The vegetable oil will kill the ear mites. Use that to clean out the ears. Do this about one to two times a day depending on how bad the ears are. If it is just a wax build up, the vegetable oil will also help break that down so it would be easier to clean the ears out. This method is also consistent for dogs.
You need to take him to the vet to have a correct diagnosis made. It could be mites but it could also be an ear infection. Either way your vet needs to prescribe the best treatment to deal with the problem.
Almost certainly ear mites. Ear mites are quite common in cats, but are very simple to treat with medication you get from your vet (drops to put in each ear). Don't buy any pet-store remedies -- they don't work. If treated promptly, you'll get rid of them and they won't return unless your cat associates with another cat that has them (ear mites are extremely contagious).
yes it is an infection i advise you to go to a vet i know that can be pricey otherwise try a Q-tip and warm water and see if that clears it up!!
Get your kitty to the vet. Smell the cats ears, and if it stinks, it is and ear infection. Black wax sounds like mites. Only a doctor can help with that. I work at a vets. so I clean ears alot during the day. I know mites and infectionl. take kitty to the vet.
Yes, But if he's cute, I hope NOT!
use sweet oil
Take him to the vet. He has mites.
If it's black, then yes it could be an infection or ear mites, or both. Take him to the vet. They'll give you something to help treat it. Probably some ear drops.
Look inside his ears and if you see alot of black crud its a great posibility. Beleive it or not mineral oil and viniger are a great home remedy to get rid of the little pests. But it will annoy him so be careful of the fight he will put up
this is earmites i hate to say.its best to go to the vet and get it treated you can buy over the counter stuff but it may or may not work if you take him to the vet you can get stuff that will clear it right up once i used the hartz ear mite treatment on a kitten and she had the shakes and almost went into a seizure because that stuff was so harsh just be safe and get the stuff from the vet good luck
I think you should take him to the vet so the vet can take care of him.
it could be either one. please don't try any home remedies, he is a young kitten and should be treated and diagnosed properly by your vet. good luck.
Cats can get ear mites from the time that they are just a couple weeks old. They can also get them if the mother has them. To take care of this problem, use q-tips and a little bit of vegetable oil. The vegetable oil will kill the ear mites. Use that to clean out the ears. Do this about one to two times a day depending on how bad the ears are. If it is just a wax build up, the vegetable oil will also help break that down so it would be easier to clean the ears out. This method is also consistent for dogs.
You need to take him to the vet to have a correct diagnosis made. It could be mites but it could also be an ear infection. Either way your vet needs to prescribe the best treatment to deal with the problem.
Almost certainly ear mites. Ear mites are quite common in cats, but are very simple to treat with medication you get from your vet (drops to put in each ear). Don't buy any pet-store remedies -- they don't work. If treated promptly, you'll get rid of them and they won't return unless your cat associates with another cat that has them (ear mites are extremely contagious).
yes it is an infection i advise you to go to a vet i know that can be pricey otherwise try a Q-tip and warm water and see if that clears it up!!
Could I train my cat to be a ninja?
She fits all the requirements, she's super-smart, fast and stealthy. I think it's totally possible, don't you? Plus she'd be so adorable in her little ninja outfit.;-)
LOL is all I can say. LOL
no..cat's cannot be ninjas cuz they are too lazy
lol sure im teaching my cat to be a pirate we should have them fight each other.
my can is totally a ninja..
* ya u should try
Listen yumyum..it already is. Watch your face at night time.
I have no idea but you can try my aunt had a boxer cat and it would box your foot!!
NO you cant.ninja's are NOT puss ies..
Set fire to her tail, then she will at least look like a ninja!
Go for it! I trained my cat to walk on a leash, why not sport combat.
well have her be ninja for halloween 4 all you know she could be a ninja in disguise
Possibly. Watch Shrek 2 - that cat could fight like hell!
well my dog is a professional opera singer and my bird is a ballet dancer, so i think a ninja cat is possible!!
(ps) can u be a little more ridiculous and dumb?
It is impossible for an animal to be a ninja except in movies and cartoons.
don't try that
Cool, she could team up with my four turtles!
cats don't have apposible thumbs, so they can't hold any weapons, so I would say that they can't become a ninja.
Arrrrrrrrrg, My kitty's a Pirate and it's National Talk Like A Pirate Day. She'll take on any ninja.
Have your cat challenge a fight with me and I will tell you if your cat is good enough to be a ninja.
Cats and ladies go first, I will go easy on them.
thats so cute! she has a ninja costume!! i used to have golfer sweaters for my dogs in the winter time.
My cat is a ninja he is better than any watch dog could ever be. so yes you can train yours to be like mine and he is the master.
actually ur cat is
1. super-dumb
2. slow, lazy, and weak
3. ugly in any outfit
please be smart enough to think that cats will only lick their paws, scrath furniture, jump everywhere, and pee
oh yeah, and, ur cat could tear me up? nice try, cuz other people had tried to make their cats get into a fight, and i ended up eliminating them all in a small ninja fight. hahahahaha.
i wouldnt let her just be a cat:) good luck
Train her? She already IS a ninja! All cats are ninjas from birth! :-)
LOL, when my youngest cat was a kitten, I called him my "ninja cat," just because of the speed and accuracy of his jumps, and how high he could jump! Not to mention the razor sharp claws!
id give it a shot go for it
LOL is all I can say. LOL
no..cat's cannot be ninjas cuz they are too lazy
lol sure im teaching my cat to be a pirate we should have them fight each other.
my can is totally a ninja..
* ya u should try
Listen yumyum..it already is. Watch your face at night time.
I have no idea but you can try my aunt had a boxer cat and it would box your foot!!
NO you cant.ninja's are NOT puss ies..
Set fire to her tail, then she will at least look like a ninja!
Go for it! I trained my cat to walk on a leash, why not sport combat.
well have her be ninja for halloween 4 all you know she could be a ninja in disguise
Possibly. Watch Shrek 2 - that cat could fight like hell!
well my dog is a professional opera singer and my bird is a ballet dancer, so i think a ninja cat is possible!!
(ps) can u be a little more ridiculous and dumb?
It is impossible for an animal to be a ninja except in movies and cartoons.
don't try that
Cool, she could team up with my four turtles!
cats don't have apposible thumbs, so they can't hold any weapons, so I would say that they can't become a ninja.
Arrrrrrrrrg, My kitty's a Pirate and it's National Talk Like A Pirate Day. She'll take on any ninja.
Have your cat challenge a fight with me and I will tell you if your cat is good enough to be a ninja.
Cats and ladies go first, I will go easy on them.
thats so cute! she has a ninja costume!! i used to have golfer sweaters for my dogs in the winter time.
My cat is a ninja he is better than any watch dog could ever be. so yes you can train yours to be like mine and he is the master.
actually ur cat is
1. super-dumb
2. slow, lazy, and weak
3. ugly in any outfit
please be smart enough to think that cats will only lick their paws, scrath furniture, jump everywhere, and pee
oh yeah, and, ur cat could tear me up? nice try, cuz other people had tried to make their cats get into a fight, and i ended up eliminating them all in a small ninja fight. hahahahaha.
i wouldnt let her just be a cat:) good luck
Train her? She already IS a ninja! All cats are ninjas from birth! :-)
LOL, when my youngest cat was a kitten, I called him my "ninja cat," just because of the speed and accuracy of his jumps, and how high he could jump! Not to mention the razor sharp claws!
id give it a shot go for it
could couples counseling really help with unconditional acceptance and long term self esteem issues?
for my guy and my cat.
Unconditionally! I'm sure this fellow has no problem with ahem, petting the cat.
does your self esteem accept?
Is that really an issue?
Umm..couples counseling so your guy will accept your cat? I'm having a hard time understanding what it is you're asking.
Sound wierd; but try it. It just might work. Luck..
it couldn't hurt, but thay have to want it to work. that's what i heard anyway.
I'm with barryc; with the issue involved, its worth a try.LOL
not sure about that, for couples couseling to work both parties must be willing to listen and accept change along with actually going through with working on changing. and both guys and cats think that they are purrrfect.
(but i doubt the CAT has self esteem issues)
i think if your guy hates your cat that much he will resent you paying to try to make him like the cat.
I would send him to a therapist and your cat to a cat counselor, and if that doesn't work, with hold sex until he can learn to accept your *ahem* pussycat
Unconditionally! I'm sure this fellow has no problem with ahem, petting the cat.
does your self esteem accept?
Is that really an issue?
Umm..couples counseling so your guy will accept your cat? I'm having a hard time understanding what it is you're asking.
Sound wierd; but try it. It just might work. Luck..
it couldn't hurt, but thay have to want it to work. that's what i heard anyway.
I'm with barryc; with the issue involved, its worth a try.LOL
not sure about that, for couples couseling to work both parties must be willing to listen and accept change along with actually going through with working on changing. and both guys and cats think that they are purrrfect.
(but i doubt the CAT has self esteem issues)
i think if your guy hates your cat that much he will resent you paying to try to make him like the cat.
I would send him to a therapist and your cat to a cat counselor, and if that doesn't work, with hold sex until he can learn to accept your *ahem* pussycat
could anybody give me some general info about Abyssinian cats?
I'm thinking about adopting one if I ever find one at my local SPCA! hopefully one will be there. I'm NOT going to a breeder!! I refuse! if I never find one at the shelter then I just won't own one. but, could anybody tell me about their temperment, their size, do they get along with other cats (I have 2 other indoor cats), how much they tend to weigh, what their diet should consist of (if different from any other cat). I've been looking up their breed on the internet and have found out some specific stuff about them and still wanted to know if anybody ever owned one before or does own one and what their really like. if you know anything about them then please answer! Abyssinians are one of my fav breeds (besides my 2 kitties breeds of course)!!
Hi April Michelle.Abys are overly affectionate and love to follow you about the home. Of course each individual Aby has some variation of the standard temperament that you've already researched. Their size is slender yet muscular. Males can weigh up to 14 pounds while females up to 10. Their diet isn't much different from any other domestic cat, yet it their coat will really benefit from eating the premium quality cat foods (e.g. Nature's Variety Prairire, Innova EVO, Wellness, Chicken Soup for the Cat's Lover's Soul, etc). It adds a lot of shine and keeps shedding low.
My little guy who was a rescue loves to go for walks on a leash, snuggle next to me when I'm working on the computer, sometimes he lets out this delicate mew when he needs something, for instance when he needs to go to the toilet since he's toilet trained. He likes to make sure I watch him so I'll give him praise for a good job. He's very light on his feet like a dancer. He's very docile and lives for the tummy rubs.
Abys are wonderful and very tolerant of people and pets.
i found this link.. i hope it'll be helpful!
4 legs, 2 eyes, a tail, they go meow and are furry. Hope this helps--
Abyssinians aren’t for folks who want decorative cats that sit around looking lovely, or for those who crave a contented lap cat. Courageous, curious and high-spirited, Abys give new meaning to the word “active.” Abyssinians perform antics for your amusement, earning them a reputation as the clowns of the cat kingdom. They perch on shoulders, crawl under covers and sit beside you purring loudly before dashing off to make flying leaps at the tallest bookcases. They are natural athletes, and no closed room or cupboard is safe from their agile paws and inquiring minds.
When restrained, Abys tend to become struggling bundles of fur with more than the usual number of elbows. However, that’s not to say that Abyssinians are not affectionate. Abys are loving and loyal, and are most happy when involved in every aspect of your life. The Aby becomes your friend, your confidant and your devoted companion who loves you unconditionally. She is there to comfort you when you’re feeling down and there to share your joy when you’re happy. And she is certainly there to share your food at dinnertime. All that activity burns a lot of calories.
The Abyssinian’s coat is easy to care for; a good brushing once or twice a week to remove dead hair and a claw clipping every three to four weeks will keep your ruddy buddy looking great.
Abyssinians are very active, extroverts, playful, extremely curious, but well balanced. They have a strong personality, are quite independent, but yet sociable and affectionate. Abys are very sweet and sensitive, and demands a lot of attention. They hate been left alone. They are very faithful to their owner. Abyssinians will follow you around the house, but they are very soft-spoken, and their "maows" are very discreet. While they may be a little brash during kittenhood, this will diminish with age.
Abyssinians are great athletes, they like to hunt and require a regular workout and a lot of space. A backyard (with a high fence) would be greatly appreciated. Grooming is easy. Your Abyssinian should be brushed or combed about once a week. When he sheds, you must regularly remove dead hair. Occasional shampooing is permitted.
I have seen a gorgeous female at our shelter. She was so petite and perfect in every way. She only weighed about 5 pounds and had a lovely shiny coat. I think they are always orange in their coloring and I will read what the other posters have to say about the breed.
I adopted a feral cat from the shelter. I swear she's an Aby. She is very sweet but yet aloof. She is very athletic, sleek, and long. The kids describe her as "slinky". She is full grown and 7 pounds. She doesn't like to be held or carried, but loves to have her tummy rubbed.
We adopted her sight unseen because she was bonded to the first cat we adopted, and when they were split up, both cats seemed a little depressed. So their foster mother told us if we were to take Sugar Bear also (she's the Aby) we could have her for free. The cats had been apart five months and started sniffing and head-butting each other as soon as they were united. I don't know if it's breed specific, but Sugar Bear loves our other cat and they do everything together. She is a very social cat.
She is also very BUSY. She likes to climb screens, chase moths, run down the hall for no apparent reason, jump down from six feet up, etc. She is also the most nocturnal of our three cats. She will eat rubber bands, so we have to be very careful to never leave them around. She's not very vocal, but she purrs a lot.
Keep looking at your local SPCA. Aby's have very distinctive features like their ears and profiles, and even if your new kitty is not a purebred, she'll be a wonderful addition to your family.
I love my aby. He's really more like a dog than a cat. When I walk through the door, he's there waiting for me. he wants to be with people at all times. Extremely affectionate, and very playful. It's kind of like having a small child in the house. If you can't see him, you can assume he's up to no good. He's a very busy little cat, and he loves my two other cats very much.
My Aby, Nelson, weighs 13 pounds and is 4 years old. He's ruddy, which is the typical color. There are several different colors that are recognized as abys. He very rarely meows, but he purrs and coos all the time. He only meows if he's locked out of a room.
They're wonderful pets, but if you want a cat that will sit around and look pretty, this isn't the right one for you. They need companionship, and they need a lot of time and attention.
Hi April Michelle.Abys are overly affectionate and love to follow you about the home. Of course each individual Aby has some variation of the standard temperament that you've already researched. Their size is slender yet muscular. Males can weigh up to 14 pounds while females up to 10. Their diet isn't much different from any other domestic cat, yet it their coat will really benefit from eating the premium quality cat foods (e.g. Nature's Variety Prairire, Innova EVO, Wellness, Chicken Soup for the Cat's Lover's Soul, etc). It adds a lot of shine and keeps shedding low.
My little guy who was a rescue loves to go for walks on a leash, snuggle next to me when I'm working on the computer, sometimes he lets out this delicate mew when he needs something, for instance when he needs to go to the toilet since he's toilet trained. He likes to make sure I watch him so I'll give him praise for a good job. He's very light on his feet like a dancer. He's very docile and lives for the tummy rubs.
Abys are wonderful and very tolerant of people and pets.
i found this link.. i hope it'll be helpful!
4 legs, 2 eyes, a tail, they go meow and are furry. Hope this helps--
Abyssinians aren’t for folks who want decorative cats that sit around looking lovely, or for those who crave a contented lap cat. Courageous, curious and high-spirited, Abys give new meaning to the word “active.” Abyssinians perform antics for your amusement, earning them a reputation as the clowns of the cat kingdom. They perch on shoulders, crawl under covers and sit beside you purring loudly before dashing off to make flying leaps at the tallest bookcases. They are natural athletes, and no closed room or cupboard is safe from their agile paws and inquiring minds.
When restrained, Abys tend to become struggling bundles of fur with more than the usual number of elbows. However, that’s not to say that Abyssinians are not affectionate. Abys are loving and loyal, and are most happy when involved in every aspect of your life. The Aby becomes your friend, your confidant and your devoted companion who loves you unconditionally. She is there to comfort you when you’re feeling down and there to share your joy when you’re happy. And she is certainly there to share your food at dinnertime. All that activity burns a lot of calories.
The Abyssinian’s coat is easy to care for; a good brushing once or twice a week to remove dead hair and a claw clipping every three to four weeks will keep your ruddy buddy looking great.
Abyssinians are very active, extroverts, playful, extremely curious, but well balanced. They have a strong personality, are quite independent, but yet sociable and affectionate. Abys are very sweet and sensitive, and demands a lot of attention. They hate been left alone. They are very faithful to their owner. Abyssinians will follow you around the house, but they are very soft-spoken, and their "maows" are very discreet. While they may be a little brash during kittenhood, this will diminish with age.
Abyssinians are great athletes, they like to hunt and require a regular workout and a lot of space. A backyard (with a high fence) would be greatly appreciated. Grooming is easy. Your Abyssinian should be brushed or combed about once a week. When he sheds, you must regularly remove dead hair. Occasional shampooing is permitted.
I have seen a gorgeous female at our shelter. She was so petite and perfect in every way. She only weighed about 5 pounds and had a lovely shiny coat. I think they are always orange in their coloring and I will read what the other posters have to say about the breed.
I adopted a feral cat from the shelter. I swear she's an Aby. She is very sweet but yet aloof. She is very athletic, sleek, and long. The kids describe her as "slinky". She is full grown and 7 pounds. She doesn't like to be held or carried, but loves to have her tummy rubbed.
We adopted her sight unseen because she was bonded to the first cat we adopted, and when they were split up, both cats seemed a little depressed. So their foster mother told us if we were to take Sugar Bear also (she's the Aby) we could have her for free. The cats had been apart five months and started sniffing and head-butting each other as soon as they were united. I don't know if it's breed specific, but Sugar Bear loves our other cat and they do everything together. She is a very social cat.
She is also very BUSY. She likes to climb screens, chase moths, run down the hall for no apparent reason, jump down from six feet up, etc. She is also the most nocturnal of our three cats. She will eat rubber bands, so we have to be very careful to never leave them around. She's not very vocal, but she purrs a lot.
Keep looking at your local SPCA. Aby's have very distinctive features like their ears and profiles, and even if your new kitty is not a purebred, she'll be a wonderful addition to your family.
I love my aby. He's really more like a dog than a cat. When I walk through the door, he's there waiting for me. he wants to be with people at all times. Extremely affectionate, and very playful. It's kind of like having a small child in the house. If you can't see him, you can assume he's up to no good. He's a very busy little cat, and he loves my two other cats very much.
My Aby, Nelson, weighs 13 pounds and is 4 years old. He's ruddy, which is the typical color. There are several different colors that are recognized as abys. He very rarely meows, but he purrs and coos all the time. He only meows if he's locked out of a room.
They're wonderful pets, but if you want a cat that will sit around and look pretty, this isn't the right one for you. They need companionship, and they need a lot of time and attention.
could a venus fly trap plant harm an animal if eaten?
i don't know but keep it away from animals
If it's eaten it would be quite bad! Not poisonous though to animals
Keep it away from your animals it only goes after things that fly lol
It could if eaten by kittens or pups or children. They catch insects and often insects are poisoned them selfs. Also they have anirritation order, and acidity interior for digesting insects and these chemicals could make kids or pets sick.
About the only animal I can thinkof which could eat them safely ar egoats and hogs maybe.
Here is a list of poisoness plants and Venus Flytrap are among theme: If an animal only eats a small amount, it will not kill them normally:
Table 3: Toxic Plants
Acokanthera Aconite (monk's hood) Amaryllis
Amsinckia (tarweed) Anemone Apple seeds
Apricot seeds Autumn crocus Avocado
Azalea Baneberry Beach pea
Betal nut palm Belladonna Bittersweet
Bird of paradise Black locust Bleeding heart
Bloodroot Bluebonnet Bottlebrush
Boxwood Buckeye horse chestnut Buttercup
Caladium Calla lily Cardinal flower
Carolina jessamine Casava Castor bean
Chalice of trumpet vine Cherry seeds Cherry laurel
China berry tree Christmas berry Christmas cactus (euphorbia)
Christmas rose Columbine Common privet
Coral plant Crocus Croton
Cyclamen Daffodil Daphne
Death camus Deadly nightshade Delphinium
Destroying angel (death cap) Dogwood Dumb cane
Eggplant Elderberry Elephant ear (taro)
English ivy Euphorbia (spurges) False hellebore
Fiddleneck (senecio) Fly agaric (amanita, deathcap) Four o'clock
Foxglove Gelsemium Golden chain
Hemlock roots (water %26 poison) Henbane Holly, English and American
Horse chestnut Horsetail reed (equisetum) Hyacinth
Hydrangea Impatiens (touch-me-not) Iris (flags)
Ivy (all forms) Jack-in-the-pulpit Jasmine
Jasmine, star Jatropha Jerusalem cherry
Jessamine Jimson weed (thorn apple) Johnson grass, wilted
Lambkill (sheep laurel) Lantana camara Larkspur
Laurel Lily of the valley Lobelia
Locoweed Locust Lupine
Machineel Marijuana May apple
Mescal Milk weed Mistletoe
Moccasin flower Monkshood Moonseed
Morning glory Mountain laurel Mushrooms (some wild forms)
Narcissus Natal cherry Nectarine (seeds)
Nicotine, tree, bush, flowering Nightshades Oak trees
Oleander Peach (seeds) Pear (seeds)
Pennyroyal Peony Periwinkle
Philodendron Pinks Plum (seeds)
Poinsettia Poison hemlock Poison ivy
Poison oak Poison sumac Pokewood or Pokeberry
Poppy (except California) Potato (raw foliage and sprouts) Privet
Redwood Rhubarb (uncooked foliage, stems) Rhododenderon
Rosary pea Rosemary Russian Thistle
Sage Salmonberry Scarlet pimpernel
Scotch broom Senecio (fiddle neck) Skunk cabbage
Snapdragon Spanish bayonet Squirrel corn
Sudan grass, wilted Star of Bethlehem Sundew
Sweetpea Tansy Taro (elephant ears)
Tarweed Tiger Lily Toad flax
Tomato plant (foliage and vines) Toyon berry Tree of heaven
Trillium Trumpet vine Tulip
Venus flytrap Verbena Vetch
Virginia creeper Water hemlock Wild parsnip
Wisteria Yellow star thistle Yew
Could a hair ball actually choke a cat to death?
it scares me when my cat has them
Technically they could if it was bad enough but that is very very rare. Don't worry.
No ..,, i don't think cat will eat it .. just bite little to play
If a hairball is to large and they can not cough it up, it can choke. I used to manage a pet shop and had one cat that did choke on a hairball. There is something that you can give your cat so that they pass the hairball you may want to speak to your vet for the product they recommend.
Its very rare for a cat to die choking from a hairball. To minimize hairballs groom your cat regularly with a soft brush. it removes loose hairs and the cat likes the attention.
iam not sure but if its big iam sure it can they have cat food you can buy that will help with that good luck
I suggest that if your cat has them often that you:
Brush as often as tolerated.
Feed them Hairball Formula as part of their diet - from any company - we use Science Diet.
Give them a hairball remedy so they will defecate it instead of throwing it up.
While I have never heard of a cat choking to death on a hairball, I have heard of cats intestines becoming blocked completely by hairballs and needing to have emergency surgery to correct the problem and save the cat. Giving your cat one of the hairball remedies on the market such as Laxatone, is a good preventive measure.
Hairballs can kill a cat. There is a hairball gel kind of stuff that you can get your cat at Wal-mart, and they just eat it. They usually like the taste so it's not hard to do. There is also a food brand named Science Diet and they have a special kind for cats to prevent hair balls. You can pick some up at your vet.
Technically they could if it was bad enough but that is very very rare. Don't worry.
No ..,, i don't think cat will eat it .. just bite little to play
If a hairball is to large and they can not cough it up, it can choke. I used to manage a pet shop and had one cat that did choke on a hairball. There is something that you can give your cat so that they pass the hairball you may want to speak to your vet for the product they recommend.
Its very rare for a cat to die choking from a hairball. To minimize hairballs groom your cat regularly with a soft brush. it removes loose hairs and the cat likes the attention.
iam not sure but if its big iam sure it can they have cat food you can buy that will help with that good luck
I suggest that if your cat has them often that you:
Brush as often as tolerated.
Feed them Hairball Formula as part of their diet - from any company - we use Science Diet.
Give them a hairball remedy so they will defecate it instead of throwing it up.
While I have never heard of a cat choking to death on a hairball, I have heard of cats intestines becoming blocked completely by hairballs and needing to have emergency surgery to correct the problem and save the cat. Giving your cat one of the hairball remedies on the market such as Laxatone, is a good preventive measure.
Hairballs can kill a cat. There is a hairball gel kind of stuff that you can get your cat at Wal-mart, and they just eat it. They usually like the taste so it's not hard to do. There is also a food brand named Science Diet and they have a special kind for cats to prevent hair balls. You can pick some up at your vet.
Could a Cat survive on the space station, or would it FREAK out?
Simple question:
Cat in Space, would it survive on the space station?
Would it adapt?
Would it freak out and poop all over the place?
Would it scratch the crap out of everyone?
Would it eat those space meals?
What do you think would happen?
It would scratch everyone, poop on everyone, refuse to eat anyhing, freak out, open the latch of the ship, fall out back to Earth, and land on it's feet.
It would only freak out if there were Chinese astronauts on board. Other than that the cat would be fine.
i think it freak
There is no simple answer. While cats do exhibit behavior driven by instincts, each cat is different. Each one has his or her own personality, experiences, etc. Some cats like to be snuggled in a tight spot. One of mine loves to climb into an empty 12 pak.he can barely fit.
Well socailized cats are very unlikely to scratch out of anger.most likely they would poop on funiture or hide and yowl.
Most cats are quite finicky.so getting them to eat any meal, let alone space meal can be tough if they are used to a certain type of food.
So really, it would all depend on the cat. Each being though, adapts to new enviroments to the best of their ability.
LOL!!..I would LOVE to see a cat freak out in zero-gravity.Heck, I would pay to see that
Don't you remember that Disney movie, "The cat from Outer Space"? He survive just find even controled situations with that magical space collar. Rigging football bets and such. SO sure I think yes,.yes the cat would do just fine. That's what they where made for.
Yes, it would survive on a space station. The major problem would be its constant spraying in every corner of the place, much as they do when kept as pets in people's homes on earth. Then when new visitors come to the space station they will be greeted by an astronaut who says, "Bet you didn't know we had a cat living here.". Then just like happens on earth, the visitor will have to act like they're surprised, even though their eyes are watering, and their nose hair are singeing from the stink of cat piss. The space station visitor will also have to let the cat jump in their laps with its freshly dug in the litter box paws, and muzzle its I just licked my butt face on them, or the hosts will be angry.
i think it would FREAK out
I had to laugh with this question. LOL. I never thought about that. You got me to thinking about a cat just floating with the people on the space station. Then picturing a cat in a space suit, on a space walk. I really don't think it would adapt up there, it would probably freak and scratch everyone trying to get a grip on something steady. And it would probably poop all over and that would be floating. They would have to have a hatch where the poop would casually float out and into space. Great question!!
Cat in Space, would it survive on the space station?
Would it adapt?
Would it freak out and poop all over the place?
Would it scratch the crap out of everyone?
Would it eat those space meals?
What do you think would happen?
It would scratch everyone, poop on everyone, refuse to eat anyhing, freak out, open the latch of the ship, fall out back to Earth, and land on it's feet.
It would only freak out if there were Chinese astronauts on board. Other than that the cat would be fine.
i think it freak
There is no simple answer. While cats do exhibit behavior driven by instincts, each cat is different. Each one has his or her own personality, experiences, etc. Some cats like to be snuggled in a tight spot. One of mine loves to climb into an empty 12 pak.he can barely fit.
Well socailized cats are very unlikely to scratch out of anger.most likely they would poop on funiture or hide and yowl.
Most cats are quite finicky.so getting them to eat any meal, let alone space meal can be tough if they are used to a certain type of food.
So really, it would all depend on the cat. Each being though, adapts to new enviroments to the best of their ability.
LOL!!..I would LOVE to see a cat freak out in zero-gravity.Heck, I would pay to see that
Don't you remember that Disney movie, "The cat from Outer Space"? He survive just find even controled situations with that magical space collar. Rigging football bets and such. SO sure I think yes,.yes the cat would do just fine. That's what they where made for.
Yes, it would survive on a space station. The major problem would be its constant spraying in every corner of the place, much as they do when kept as pets in people's homes on earth. Then when new visitors come to the space station they will be greeted by an astronaut who says, "Bet you didn't know we had a cat living here.". Then just like happens on earth, the visitor will have to act like they're surprised, even though their eyes are watering, and their nose hair are singeing from the stink of cat piss. The space station visitor will also have to let the cat jump in their laps with its freshly dug in the litter box paws, and muzzle its I just licked my butt face on them, or the hosts will be angry.
i think it would FREAK out
I had to laugh with this question. LOL. I never thought about that. You got me to thinking about a cat just floating with the people on the space station. Then picturing a cat in a space suit, on a space walk. I really don't think it would adapt up there, it would probably freak and scratch everyone trying to get a grip on something steady. And it would probably poop all over and that would be floating. They would have to have a hatch where the poop would casually float out and into space. Great question!!
Could a cat person find love with a dog person?
This is a typical question coming from a cat person, I know, but seriously, what do you think?
Being a cat, dog, horse, rabbit and reptile (kinda!) person, I would think my options could be pretty limited if a guy thought me a lesser being because of the company I keep!
Could a cat person be tempted to broaden his horizons to include other beasties.?
but the cat sure aint gonna like the dog!
i did
of course unless the dog eats the cat
Course they can.. I do
Yes, they can love each other.-
my boys a cat person and im a dog and cat person so its all good.
I doubt it..
ya get rid of the cats. dogs rule
Sure! ..Oh, are you asking such that you are the one to love another? Yeah. a guy and girl don't have to have everything in common with eachother.. Go for it.
Why not? After all we are talking about 2 people that appreciate the love of pets. Cats and dogs can be best friends when introduced properly.. If your relationship fails because of a difference in favorite pets, it would never triumph over lifes real problems anyway!
I did. I'm engaged to be married next year.
(I'm the dog person)
A cat person, half cat, half person? depends what half.
Seriously though, why on earth not? they are a n i m a l s I have a cat and a puppy they get on fine, so why shouldnt the owners?
why the heck not?
yes there may be problems getting a cat to co exist with a dog, but that can be overcome over time with carefull planning.
Well, if they already have a pet each, the pets probably wont get on, so that could be a problem if they want to live together - in fact getting a pet would always be an issue, so they would have to do without. However, hopefully people are more mature than to dismiss someone due to their animal preference.
I have to say I'm a dog person through and through, and, although I actually don't like cats, I also could never have one as I am allergic! I feel very lucky that I have fallen in love with another dog person!!
yes and no
Yes, you can. I did. But it depends on what kind of dog it is.
Well, my husband and I are both dog AND cat lovers, so that helps considerably:) The only problem I'd have with a dog person would be if they WEREN'T a cat person.
I tried it, but i found that when i wasn't about my dog lover would make sure my cats were not aloud in the house.so i got him outa the house with his dog.
Yes. When I was young I was definitely a dog person, they are so loyal and affectionate. However now I keep a cat because I will not leave a dog for long periods when I have to be out of the house.It is more of a challenge to win a cat's affection but more rewarding, and they can be just as loving. This does not, however, mean I like dogs any the less.
your query is too late, it is well known since long time .
as long as both ppl
give up on trying to
fight over which animal is better
Opposites attract
Well, yes - at least if either or both of them can / are willing to become a "cat%26dog" person (there are plenty of those too). But if both are not ready to compromise, it cannot work out - whatever type of person they are.
Anyway, everybody is thinking about pets because, you know, this is a sub-category of "Pets". If you don't want people thinking of pets, post your question someplace else. sort of logical, isn't it? :) Good luck!
Being a cat, dog, horse, rabbit and reptile (kinda!) person, I would think my options could be pretty limited if a guy thought me a lesser being because of the company I keep!
Could a cat person be tempted to broaden his horizons to include other beasties.?
but the cat sure aint gonna like the dog!
i did
of course unless the dog eats the cat
Course they can.. I do
Yes, they can love each other.-
my boys a cat person and im a dog and cat person so its all good.
I doubt it..
ya get rid of the cats. dogs rule
Sure! ..Oh, are you asking such that you are the one to love another? Yeah. a guy and girl don't have to have everything in common with eachother.. Go for it.
Why not? After all we are talking about 2 people that appreciate the love of pets. Cats and dogs can be best friends when introduced properly.. If your relationship fails because of a difference in favorite pets, it would never triumph over lifes real problems anyway!
I did. I'm engaged to be married next year.
(I'm the dog person)
A cat person, half cat, half person? depends what half.
Seriously though, why on earth not? they are a n i m a l s I have a cat and a puppy they get on fine, so why shouldnt the owners?
why the heck not?
yes there may be problems getting a cat to co exist with a dog, but that can be overcome over time with carefull planning.
Well, if they already have a pet each, the pets probably wont get on, so that could be a problem if they want to live together - in fact getting a pet would always be an issue, so they would have to do without. However, hopefully people are more mature than to dismiss someone due to their animal preference.
I have to say I'm a dog person through and through, and, although I actually don't like cats, I also could never have one as I am allergic! I feel very lucky that I have fallen in love with another dog person!!
yes and no
Yes, you can. I did. But it depends on what kind of dog it is.
Well, my husband and I are both dog AND cat lovers, so that helps considerably:) The only problem I'd have with a dog person would be if they WEREN'T a cat person.
I tried it, but i found that when i wasn't about my dog lover would make sure my cats were not aloud in the house.so i got him outa the house with his dog.
Yes. When I was young I was definitely a dog person, they are so loyal and affectionate. However now I keep a cat because I will not leave a dog for long periods when I have to be out of the house.It is more of a challenge to win a cat's affection but more rewarding, and they can be just as loving. This does not, however, mean I like dogs any the less.
your query is too late, it is well known since long time .
as long as both ppl
give up on trying to
fight over which animal is better
Opposites attract
Well, yes - at least if either or both of them can / are willing to become a "cat%26dog" person (there are plenty of those too). But if both are not ready to compromise, it cannot work out - whatever type of person they are.
Anyway, everybody is thinking about pets because, you know, this is a sub-category of "Pets". If you don't want people thinking of pets, post your question someplace else. sort of logical, isn't it? :) Good luck!
Could a cat from the UK understand a cat from Germany?
Would there be a problem with the language barrier?
Ha ha didnt 'they' (whoever they are) recently do an experiment which they found out that Cows have regional moo's and that you can tell by listening to a cow's moo where it is from? Hhahahahah so weird. Love it.
ve hav vays of making them understand!
No, haven't you heard of the International Language of Moggies (ILM), ratified by the EU in 2005.
There would be difficulties unless the cat from the UK had done A level German.
I think meow is the same is every language, but I wonder if animals speak with accents?
That's a very good question! Apparently animals do have their own language/accent don't they?
Ask a cat :)
Anyways, even if an English cat could speak/miaow toa German one, doesnt' mean he'd want to!
Stobart the moggie says
"Jawohl" . though I have to admit it sounded like "Meowwwl" to me.
I would say Cats have no respect for human boundaries - they would understand each other: "Get off my patch" works in any language when communicated through claws, spray and yowls!
i think they'd probably understand each other. perhaps they would have a weird accent that would take a little getting used to. good question.
Butt sniffing is universal.
hey.definitely they will understand each other.
cats from different countries can understand through sign language
of course they could understand each other - cats mainly commute in body language such as tail in the air or rubbing of the head
yes ,cat use body language and movements.its like sex its the same everywhere.
What a CATastrophe it would be if they couldn't comunicate.
I'm sure they understand each other.
They must have a universal language
I just asked my two cats (one is American and the other is Filipino) and they both said "yes because although they may have different accents, all understand and communicate in cata-linggo," the universal language of domestic cats.
Dont know would be interesting though lol
it depends whether the cat is multilingual .by the way does a German cat say guten tag? or myaooooooooooooooooo ?WERE ITS ancestors in WEIRMACHT ?
Yeah the cats in Germany meow backwards. I live in Germany and I know..
Seriously weird and stupid question!
of couse we don`t know what are the cat talking ,but I think it can understand
obviously they are cats they speak the same l-a-n-g-a-u-g-e not like humans!
Maybe there would be different pronounciations of "Miau".
der mite bee a probleem wif Z accent!
zig meaoooooow!
Mmmm that's a tricky one
Ha ha didnt 'they' (whoever they are) recently do an experiment which they found out that Cows have regional moo's and that you can tell by listening to a cow's moo where it is from? Hhahahahah so weird. Love it.
ve hav vays of making them understand!
No, haven't you heard of the International Language of Moggies (ILM), ratified by the EU in 2005.
There would be difficulties unless the cat from the UK had done A level German.
I think meow is the same is every language, but I wonder if animals speak with accents?
That's a very good question! Apparently animals do have their own language/accent don't they?
Ask a cat :)
Anyways, even if an English cat could speak/miaow toa German one, doesnt' mean he'd want to!
Stobart the moggie says
"Jawohl" . though I have to admit it sounded like "Meowwwl" to me.
I would say Cats have no respect for human boundaries - they would understand each other: "Get off my patch" works in any language when communicated through claws, spray and yowls!
i think they'd probably understand each other. perhaps they would have a weird accent that would take a little getting used to. good question.
Butt sniffing is universal.
hey.definitely they will understand each other.
cats from different countries can understand through sign language
of course they could understand each other - cats mainly commute in body language such as tail in the air or rubbing of the head
yes ,cat use body language and movements.its like sex its the same everywhere.
What a CATastrophe it would be if they couldn't comunicate.
I'm sure they understand each other.
They must have a universal language
I just asked my two cats (one is American and the other is Filipino) and they both said "yes because although they may have different accents, all understand and communicate in cata-linggo," the universal language of domestic cats.
Dont know would be interesting though lol
it depends whether the cat is multilingual .by the way does a German cat say guten tag? or myaooooooooooooooooo ?WERE ITS ancestors in WEIRMACHT ?
Yeah the cats in Germany meow backwards. I live in Germany and I know..
Seriously weird and stupid question!
of couse we don`t know what are the cat talking ,but I think it can understand
obviously they are cats they speak the same l-a-n-g-a-u-g-e not like humans!
Maybe there would be different pronounciations of "Miau".
der mite bee a probleem wif Z accent!
zig meaoooooow!
Mmmm that's a tricky one
Cost of spaying a cat? any vets out there?..please read?
Our vets office said they would put her under ($240 US) but at Anti-Cruelty its only $10 plus the rabies shot, but they only give the pet a LOCALand TIE THEM DOWN. Is this true??
You cannot give a local for a spay. There may be a difference between the gas anesthesia that a full price vet hospital uses, and an injectable anesthetic that a spay/neuter clinic uses. There are no bell and whistles at the clinic. No pre-op blood work. No fancy equipment to monitor the animal. Just a spay and off the table. I work at a spay/neuter clinic and we do it just by injectable anesthetic. No tube in throat, no gas anesthesia. One injection, and they are in fact "under" for the surgery. You always tie them down for a spay anyway.
I think you misheard or someone didn't explain it well. Can you imagine the scratches and bites that would come from holding a cat or dog down for a spay with just a local?? It is NOT possible!
And they are "tied down" to keep them on the back with the legs out of the way. They are asleep and it is not cruel in any way.
i never heard of that "tie them down" i would look for a little more info on that one doesnt sound right to me.is it worth saving the money to put your pet through something that sounds so cruel as that? i would ask for more details the price is appealing but i would never do anything to jeopardize the health of my pets
that doesn't seem right. especially for spaying I know that when my boys were neutered they were under general anestesia.
im not a vet but it cost 150$ here were i live and thats shots and all
you should call around. its normally about 60-80 dollars to spay a cat. 240 is ridiculous
around $100
I don't know if it is true about the Anti-cruelty society. $240 sounds about right. It has been 7 years since I needed it done.
My local SPCA offers low cost spaying/neutering but its not a local with a tie down, I have never heard of that. But some shelters still gas animals. I would check other shelters in your area and ask more questions. Good Luck KG
I agree---call around. You can find a much better price than the one you were quoted.
You cannot give a local for a spay. There may be a difference between the gas anesthesia that a full price vet hospital uses, and an injectable anesthetic that a spay/neuter clinic uses. There are no bell and whistles at the clinic. No pre-op blood work. No fancy equipment to monitor the animal. Just a spay and off the table. I work at a spay/neuter clinic and we do it just by injectable anesthetic. No tube in throat, no gas anesthesia. One injection, and they are in fact "under" for the surgery. You always tie them down for a spay anyway.
I think you misheard or someone didn't explain it well. Can you imagine the scratches and bites that would come from holding a cat or dog down for a spay with just a local?? It is NOT possible!
And they are "tied down" to keep them on the back with the legs out of the way. They are asleep and it is not cruel in any way.
i never heard of that "tie them down" i would look for a little more info on that one doesnt sound right to me.is it worth saving the money to put your pet through something that sounds so cruel as that? i would ask for more details the price is appealing but i would never do anything to jeopardize the health of my pets
that doesn't seem right. especially for spaying I know that when my boys were neutered they were under general anestesia.
im not a vet but it cost 150$ here were i live and thats shots and all
you should call around. its normally about 60-80 dollars to spay a cat. 240 is ridiculous
around $100
I don't know if it is true about the Anti-cruelty society. $240 sounds about right. It has been 7 years since I needed it done.
My local SPCA offers low cost spaying/neutering but its not a local with a tie down, I have never heard of that. But some shelters still gas animals. I would check other shelters in your area and ask more questions. Good Luck KG
I agree---call around. You can find a much better price than the one you were quoted.
cost of feline immunisation for my kitten?
Do NOT get yourself or your cat vaccinated.
A vaccinated cat or person is MORE likely to get a disease than a non-vaccinated cat or person. The whole theory of vaccination is flawed. It causes a weakening of the immune system thus making those who are innoculated more susceptible to disease.
There are so many awful side effects to vaccination that it should be considered extremely dangerous.
Just sit back and think for a while.
Is there any sense in injecting a disease directly into the bloodstream.
We have been subjected to an awful mind control program to enable the drug manufacturers to make a fortune.
The Vaccination Hoax
If you go to the vaccination liberation web page, at
You will find all the forms necessary to provide exemption for your child.
If you want to study the history of vaccination, see
depends on the area you live in, typically it will run between $70-100 for the whole series of immunizations
There are now 4 immunizations that a kitten should have.
they are usually just under $20 each, no vet is going to just given them without an exam though, so that is about $50, and they will want to do a fecal exam too, I don't remember how that much is. Before they give the flv/fiv shots, they will want to do that test, it is about $40. They almost always find fleas and ear mites too, so you will need medicatino for that too. Just to be safe plan to spend about $250.
The ASPCA/Humane Society in your area may have lost cost clinics, which eliminates the exam fee.
Where I live first kitten shots run about 40$
go to petsmart they will put you on a kitten plan for $99 and $20 a month for 1 year and they will give your kitten all immunizations and spay her as well good idea if you dont have alot of money all at once
Depends on where you go and where you live but most likely $100 + you have to remember the cost of the app. and exam too
I have never gotten any shots for my cats and they have always been fine. So I am not sure.
In the UK you can expect to pay from 拢25 to about 拢45 i think depending on the vet. they immunize against Feline Influenza, Feline Leukeamia and anothr one which i can't remember right now. You normally have to go back twice. i think.
In my opinion, after having an un-immunized cat who contracted Leukaemia, it is worth getting done.
copeing with the loss of my cat?
My 9 year old cat(my baby girl) was diagnosed 3 months ago with kidney disease weve treated her as yet but shes relasped now and refused to eat they put her back on a drip but it made her chest bad so took her off she came home lastnight is very weak but seems comfortable My vet said this is probably the time to let go and we have an appointment at 12 to put her to sleep but i dont think i can do it,if i new how long it was going to be id keep her home and let her die here am i being cruel and if i do go thropugh with it how do i cope without my best freind?One side is saying shes ready to go but to see here curled up sleeping shes in no pain just comfortable breaks my heart to think gives a little purr now and then looks up i cant live without my girl!Please help
(((((( Hayley ))))))
I am very, very, very sorry that you are having to go through this . you love your kitty and you have been a wonderful kitty parent. Because you love your kitty, you know in your heart that you need to do what is best for her .. and it will be hard.
Prayers and purrs for you .. that you will allow yourself to grieve while remembering all the wonderful, furry, purry times that you had with your special friend. Your kitty has left pawprints on your heart, and little fuzzy cat hairs on your soul.
To be loved by a kitty is a gift from God . your kitty's passing will never change that love.
((( hug )))
All the best .. thinking and praying for you. Feel free to email me if I can help in any way, ok?
You need to do what's best for HER. You know it and that's part of what's hurting you. I had to let go of my cat, my baby, and have him put to sleep a couple years ago and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life. I cried and cried.but I did it because it wasn't fair to him to let exist in the condition he was in. Yes, I mourned him and yes, I miss him terribly still. But I know I did what was right. Make peace with her and say your goodbyes, but dont make her suffer anymore. You have my sympathies.I am very sorry for your loss. It's never easy to let go.
I think al though you love the cat you have to put her down it will be sad at first be at least she isn't in pain and you will feel better about it later it will be worse waking up one day finding her past away at your door
2 weeks ago we had to put our cat to sleep due to kidney failure.
She was diagnosed just a few weeks back after losing weight and eating less. She seemed to be in no pain and seemed happy, but we made the decision of putting her to sleep BEFORE she got really sick and lost more weight. You have to do this for your cat, anything else would be cruel, in my opinion. This is not the time for you to be selfish and keep the cat because you would be sad och feel sorry when she's gone. Think of this as the last favour you're able to do you cat. Wouldn't you rather remember her as the sweet and cuddly cat she was instead of remembering how sick she was at the end. If you let the cat live on with this condition she will only get worse and worse - and that's not fair on your pet.
I know it's really hard - I've been there and have put pets to sleep. It hurts, but please - do this for your cat!
Kitty was a totally black cat, who lived til hewas 24 human yrs. old. I can't put into words what he meant to me. He got urinary disease and I had to put a sort of diaper on him an change it like you do with a baby. I had to hold up his rear when he ate. Went through this for about amonth. Finally I had to make the decision. I held him inmy arms when he was uthinated. When I handed him to the vet, I nearly collapsed. It wasn't fair of me to let him go on living in that condition only because I didn't want to let him go. I have him on video and a framed photo of me holding him. I now have a female who is 21 yrs old, and she is still doing good, but I know the time is near. Let her go, but hold her when she is put down. Don't let her suffer to die at home, if you really love her. You are being cruel if you let her suffer because you can't let go. You will never get over her, but you the pain will ease knowing you did the right thing FOR HER> EMAIL me if you need support.
the loss of your best friend is the hardest ever. I can't tell you what to decide. it kills you to see them hurting, but realize that if she is hurting she isn't her self anymore .. what kind of friend would you be to make her endure for your own purposes? (forgive me if that's harsh- I have had to make this choice too, and it kills me to think about it, because in my greed I didn't want to let my dearest friend go either, but now I realize two things he was there when I needed him most, and still lives in my memories, and second nothing no matter how wonderful and perfect it may seem can ever last forever --excluding friendship and memories, death can not end either one.) I do hope I have not offended.and I truly feel for you and your loss..may you find peace of heart again.
hiya, i know how you feel, i had to put me 16 year old to sleep a week before christmas last year, it broke my heart but i came to the conclusion that she was in pain with the same thing. she would not eat at the end and she lost so much weight that i thought it was best. i would rather think of her running around as a young kitten again than her being in pain. your little girl probably does not want to upset you so does not make a fuss, however you do have to go with what the vet says. if you leave her to it at home, she will be in pain. at least this way you know you will be with her to tell her you love her at the end.
I am very sorry, but she is dying! When the Kidneys go, that is it! My cat had the same problem and went away to die, so I took him to the Vet and he was put down! It is heart-breaking to watch a loved friend go through this and the kindest thing is to put her down! It is devastating, but you get over it in time,and you will always have the memories of your beloved companion.I have another cat now who is coming up to 10 and in good health and I think I love her more than I loved the cat who died from the Kidney problems! I will always remember the other cat,but I have my girl now and she is my best friend! So, don`t let your cat suffer,and one day when you are ready, you may find another furry friend and love it as much,or more than your poor friend now.Do the right thing and put her out of her misery!It is heart-breaking,but you will recover! I promise! All the very best and I am sorry for your pain,truly! I understand where you are at completely, and I sympathise! God Bless.
Well I really think you should give her piece and let her go because if you don't then she will be in pain until she dies.And believe me I know how you feel because I had to do the same for my cat ace when he was dieing.
Because he had a real bad cut on his ear and he wouldn't eat or drink any thing ether when he was getting weak from all the blood that he had lost and I tried every thing with him but it just wasn't enough.
So the vet told me to give him up for dead and when he told me that I cried for week's after I did but now he is in a better place and isn't in any pain anymore and there is just no easy way to deal with a lost of an love one.
So you are going to have to deal with it in your own way like I had to but just think of the good thing's you guy's did and tell your self that she is in a better place and just keep telling your self that until you believe that she is in a better place.
That is pretty much how I had to do to cope with it and you should just think about it because if you really do care about her you'll do the same and get to keep her out of pain misery and sorrow ok and may god bless the both of you'se =(
I'm so very sorry. I know exactly what your feeling. I went through it last year, with Pepper. He was my best friend and went every where with me since he fit in my sweat shirt pocket. It's so hard to loss them and even harder to watch them die slowly. I knew in my heart a vet couldn't fix what was wrong and after taking him to many vets who, hurt him, by taking blood and putting him through that. He never liked vets. Then not one of them could tell me exactly what was wrong A couple wanted to do exploatory surgery, but he was to weak. They wanted to do more invasivive proccedures all the time he was getting weaker and hating me for putting him through this. I stopped I brought him home, I carried him to his kitty pan every few hours for over 3 months, feeding him anything he had ever liked to eat purred by a spoon, forced water down him, gave him subq fluids a few times, kept him warm and on pillows as he was getting thinner by the day. I slept with him in my lap or next to me for a few hours at a time. Only to wake, to make sure he was as comfortable as I could make him and still breathing. I talked to him constantly and petted his head.
It was the hardest thing I've ever done. I had taken seriouly injured animals to vets to be put down, but I knew they were in terrible pain and that was the last and kindest thing I could do for them, to stop their pain a ease their surffering.
So it's a question only you can answer. Look into your cat eyes and you'll know what the right thing is. If you see pain, you can't let that continue. You can make dam sure the vet will allow you to hold her, that he gives her a sedative first or a little gas, so the procedure doesn't cause her any more pain or distress. That's how you say good bye.
Afterwards, the pain in your heart, is because they take a tiny piece of your heart with them whe they go to the Rainbow bridge and there they are happy, healthy and cared for until it's your turn. I have to believe that they are there waitng for you and you'll be together again someday.
The only thing that eases the pain is time. And in time, the pain will become love again and you'll remember the happiness you shared. It will always hurt, but it will get easier in time.
My heart goes out to you.. I have some resources for you I'll add that, will make you cry. but they'll help too. I strongly recommend that you check out the support/pet loss chats held at the Cathobbyist.com. It is comforting to be able to talk to others who really understand . I have a much longer list of source for grief and support. If you need them. I also am a chat host at cathobbyist.com. Just ask anyone for PHStray and they'll tell you how to get hold of me if you need to talk.
If your cat is not experiencing pain why not keep her close to you while you can. She knows and feels the love for you and knows that you are caring for her. She is sleeping more and one day she will fall asleep and not wake up. Knowing that she is in her own home will help her to be calm. I don't think she want to leave you anymore than you want to lose her. You have been very blessed by this cat and it will be hard when she is gone. You will be sad for a long time but then it gets better a little bit at a time. Remember its ok to be sad because this little friend was a big part of your life. God bless you and your cat.
(((((( Hayley ))))))
I am very, very, very sorry that you are having to go through this . you love your kitty and you have been a wonderful kitty parent. Because you love your kitty, you know in your heart that you need to do what is best for her .. and it will be hard.
Prayers and purrs for you .. that you will allow yourself to grieve while remembering all the wonderful, furry, purry times that you had with your special friend. Your kitty has left pawprints on your heart, and little fuzzy cat hairs on your soul.
To be loved by a kitty is a gift from God . your kitty's passing will never change that love.
((( hug )))
All the best .. thinking and praying for you. Feel free to email me if I can help in any way, ok?
You need to do what's best for HER. You know it and that's part of what's hurting you. I had to let go of my cat, my baby, and have him put to sleep a couple years ago and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life. I cried and cried.but I did it because it wasn't fair to him to let exist in the condition he was in. Yes, I mourned him and yes, I miss him terribly still. But I know I did what was right. Make peace with her and say your goodbyes, but dont make her suffer anymore. You have my sympathies.I am very sorry for your loss. It's never easy to let go.
I think al though you love the cat you have to put her down it will be sad at first be at least she isn't in pain and you will feel better about it later it will be worse waking up one day finding her past away at your door
2 weeks ago we had to put our cat to sleep due to kidney failure.
She was diagnosed just a few weeks back after losing weight and eating less. She seemed to be in no pain and seemed happy, but we made the decision of putting her to sleep BEFORE she got really sick and lost more weight. You have to do this for your cat, anything else would be cruel, in my opinion. This is not the time for you to be selfish and keep the cat because you would be sad och feel sorry when she's gone. Think of this as the last favour you're able to do you cat. Wouldn't you rather remember her as the sweet and cuddly cat she was instead of remembering how sick she was at the end. If you let the cat live on with this condition she will only get worse and worse - and that's not fair on your pet.
I know it's really hard - I've been there and have put pets to sleep. It hurts, but please - do this for your cat!
Kitty was a totally black cat, who lived til hewas 24 human yrs. old. I can't put into words what he meant to me. He got urinary disease and I had to put a sort of diaper on him an change it like you do with a baby. I had to hold up his rear when he ate. Went through this for about amonth. Finally I had to make the decision. I held him inmy arms when he was uthinated. When I handed him to the vet, I nearly collapsed. It wasn't fair of me to let him go on living in that condition only because I didn't want to let him go. I have him on video and a framed photo of me holding him. I now have a female who is 21 yrs old, and she is still doing good, but I know the time is near. Let her go, but hold her when she is put down. Don't let her suffer to die at home, if you really love her. You are being cruel if you let her suffer because you can't let go. You will never get over her, but you the pain will ease knowing you did the right thing FOR HER> EMAIL me if you need support.
the loss of your best friend is the hardest ever. I can't tell you what to decide. it kills you to see them hurting, but realize that if she is hurting she isn't her self anymore .. what kind of friend would you be to make her endure for your own purposes? (forgive me if that's harsh- I have had to make this choice too, and it kills me to think about it, because in my greed I didn't want to let my dearest friend go either, but now I realize two things he was there when I needed him most, and still lives in my memories, and second nothing no matter how wonderful and perfect it may seem can ever last forever --excluding friendship and memories, death can not end either one.) I do hope I have not offended.and I truly feel for you and your loss..may you find peace of heart again.
hiya, i know how you feel, i had to put me 16 year old to sleep a week before christmas last year, it broke my heart but i came to the conclusion that she was in pain with the same thing. she would not eat at the end and she lost so much weight that i thought it was best. i would rather think of her running around as a young kitten again than her being in pain. your little girl probably does not want to upset you so does not make a fuss, however you do have to go with what the vet says. if you leave her to it at home, she will be in pain. at least this way you know you will be with her to tell her you love her at the end.
I am very sorry, but she is dying! When the Kidneys go, that is it! My cat had the same problem and went away to die, so I took him to the Vet and he was put down! It is heart-breaking to watch a loved friend go through this and the kindest thing is to put her down! It is devastating, but you get over it in time,and you will always have the memories of your beloved companion.I have another cat now who is coming up to 10 and in good health and I think I love her more than I loved the cat who died from the Kidney problems! I will always remember the other cat,but I have my girl now and she is my best friend! So, don`t let your cat suffer,and one day when you are ready, you may find another furry friend and love it as much,or more than your poor friend now.Do the right thing and put her out of her misery!It is heart-breaking,but you will recover! I promise! All the very best and I am sorry for your pain,truly! I understand where you are at completely, and I sympathise! God Bless.
Well I really think you should give her piece and let her go because if you don't then she will be in pain until she dies.And believe me I know how you feel because I had to do the same for my cat ace when he was dieing.
Because he had a real bad cut on his ear and he wouldn't eat or drink any thing ether when he was getting weak from all the blood that he had lost and I tried every thing with him but it just wasn't enough.
So the vet told me to give him up for dead and when he told me that I cried for week's after I did but now he is in a better place and isn't in any pain anymore and there is just no easy way to deal with a lost of an love one.
So you are going to have to deal with it in your own way like I had to but just think of the good thing's you guy's did and tell your self that she is in a better place and just keep telling your self that until you believe that she is in a better place.
That is pretty much how I had to do to cope with it and you should just think about it because if you really do care about her you'll do the same and get to keep her out of pain misery and sorrow ok and may god bless the both of you'se =(
I'm so very sorry. I know exactly what your feeling. I went through it last year, with Pepper. He was my best friend and went every where with me since he fit in my sweat shirt pocket. It's so hard to loss them and even harder to watch them die slowly. I knew in my heart a vet couldn't fix what was wrong and after taking him to many vets who, hurt him, by taking blood and putting him through that. He never liked vets. Then not one of them could tell me exactly what was wrong A couple wanted to do exploatory surgery, but he was to weak. They wanted to do more invasivive proccedures all the time he was getting weaker and hating me for putting him through this. I stopped I brought him home, I carried him to his kitty pan every few hours for over 3 months, feeding him anything he had ever liked to eat purred by a spoon, forced water down him, gave him subq fluids a few times, kept him warm and on pillows as he was getting thinner by the day. I slept with him in my lap or next to me for a few hours at a time. Only to wake, to make sure he was as comfortable as I could make him and still breathing. I talked to him constantly and petted his head.
It was the hardest thing I've ever done. I had taken seriouly injured animals to vets to be put down, but I knew they were in terrible pain and that was the last and kindest thing I could do for them, to stop their pain a ease their surffering.
So it's a question only you can answer. Look into your cat eyes and you'll know what the right thing is. If you see pain, you can't let that continue. You can make dam sure the vet will allow you to hold her, that he gives her a sedative first or a little gas, so the procedure doesn't cause her any more pain or distress. That's how you say good bye.
Afterwards, the pain in your heart, is because they take a tiny piece of your heart with them whe they go to the Rainbow bridge and there they are happy, healthy and cared for until it's your turn. I have to believe that they are there waitng for you and you'll be together again someday.
The only thing that eases the pain is time. And in time, the pain will become love again and you'll remember the happiness you shared. It will always hurt, but it will get easier in time.
My heart goes out to you.. I have some resources for you I'll add that, will make you cry. but they'll help too. I strongly recommend that you check out the support/pet loss chats held at the Cathobbyist.com. It is comforting to be able to talk to others who really understand . I have a much longer list of source for grief and support. If you need them. I also am a chat host at cathobbyist.com. Just ask anyone for PHStray and they'll tell you how to get hold of me if you need to talk.
If your cat is not experiencing pain why not keep her close to you while you can. She knows and feels the love for you and knows that you are caring for her. She is sleeping more and one day she will fall asleep and not wake up. Knowing that she is in her own home will help her to be calm. I don't think she want to leave you anymore than you want to lose her. You have been very blessed by this cat and it will be hard when she is gone. You will be sad for a long time but then it gets better a little bit at a time. Remember its ok to be sad because this little friend was a big part of your life. God bless you and your cat.
Contact for the world's smallest cat?
World's Smallest Cat Weighs Only Three Pounds
POSTED: 10:01 am EDT July 21, 2004
UPDATED: 10:07 am EDT July 22, 2004
PEKIN, Ill. -- He lives in central Illinois, is two years old, weighs about three pounds and is the world's smallest cat. He's Mr. Peebles.
The cat's small stature has been verified by the Guinness Book of World Records. It officially lists him as the smallest living domestic cat.
Mr. Peebles lives in the Good Shepherd Veterinary Clinic in Pekin. The clinic's employees serve as collective co-owners.
"I was at a house doing vaccines on a dog and saw Mr. Peebles. He was very cute and I asked the owner 'Can I have him?' She said, 'Yes, if you can catch him,'" says Dr. Donna Sassman.
A doctor at the clinic said that Mr. Peebles has a genetic defect, and he's expected to hold onto his title for some time. Because he's already past the age when a cat reaches normal size, Mr. Peebles probably won't get any bigger.
"I have to feed him at least four times a day to sustain his weight," says Robin Sbendsen, co-owner of Mr. Peebles. "I do bring him to bed with me at night between my husband and I. And he curls up in my arms and sleeps next to my neck when it's cold. And one of his best habits, he'll lick me on the chin at night to give me a kiss."
The clinic said he was named after a ventriloquist's dummy on an episode of "Seinfeld."
Owner of Mr. Peebles is Veterinarian Dr. Donna Sassman
Good Shepherd Veterinary Clinic
20235 State Route 9
Pekin, IL 61554
(309) 925-2226
huh? ok its tinyer than ur pinky
how small?
I think this might be a hoax, but contact them, maybe she's really done it.
Here's another,
I think it's either trick photography or all that fur covering the cat's true size.
Constipated cat?
My cat is constipated and I have gone to 3 pet stores and none of them had any laxatives. I bought some hairball laxitive medicine because I was told it includes simular ingredients.
Are there any home remedies to help her along? She has loss her appetite and used to throw up but hasn't for four days.
give her canned pumpkin
u really should take her to a vet and see what the prob is
you can try giving her a small amount of corn oil..that will lube up her system and help move things along.
take her to the vet.
Feed her milk,water,etc. And if she does not poop normally the n bring her to the vet!
how do you know it's constipation?
there is an infant suppository that you can buy at walmart or any pharmacy its made by fleet called babylax its in a blue box and its a gylcerin only suppository.i have used this and it will produce results within 20 minutes..to give it to the cat you will have to wrap her up in a towel exposing only her rear end and if you have an extra set of hands this would be best you just have to make sure you get as much as the suppository into her to get results or you may have to do it again.this is the only safe method because there is NO additives except for glycerin in these and no medication that can harm your cat
Please be aware this not a pleasant thing for you or your kitty. We have delt with this a handful of times. The Vet has a solution they use, but it is saturday, and you could lose her between now and monday. We use serenges we found at walmart to be used for feeding smaller animals. We take luke warm water, mix in a lite soappy solution, (liquid dish soap is best, non sented), draw some into the serenge, and lube the end with vasoline or eqivilent. Even soft butter will work. Place the kittie on the table with some rags, lots of rags, under her. Try to calm it and work very very slow. Place the end of the serenge (the smaller the end the better) into the rectum, and inject the liquid slowly. Place your thumb over the opening when done to keep the liquid in the cat for a few secounds. Let the little one pass the solution, and see if it dont help relieve the constipation. Repeat a couple more times if necessary. If that dont work, you need a Vet asap. Good luck. A pet is a wonderful thing to have, and being a responible pet owner is heaven sent.
My Human Society said the only time you should give a cat milk is when their constipated.
Also, mineral oil in their food works. That was what my veternarian told me to do.
I will go on the assumption that your cat does not have a life-threatening impaction of her bowels.
The laxatone (which is probably what you got) can help relieve her. Give a small amount on your finger three times today and then three times tomorrow to see if she can then defecate.
For the bowels to move properly fat and moisture are needed in the diet. So if your cat eats only dry food this could definitely result in constipation. You can get some salmon oil from a health food store and added that to food, even dry food. I am trying to get my 22 yr old cat to take some Vitamin E with her food and at first she wouldn't eat it, each day she is eating a little more of it. So you have to stand your ground on it. If your cat eats a little less it won't hurt her. She might like the salmon oil a lot because she will like the fish taste. You can also use olive oil and that it not quite as good as the salmon oil because it is not animal-based. Mineral oil has no nutritional value so why not use something that will have benefits other than just greasing her up?
you can give laxatone, vaseline, mineral oil, canned pumpkin, or milk (since this usually causes loose stool). You cannot just give your cat ANY human laxative. You have to ask your vet which kind is safe for cats. I had to give my cat a human stool softner once (recommended by a vet.but cannot remember the brand name). If she has other symptons, like you said she has lost her appetite, then there may be MORE going on than just constipation!! Maybe she has a blockage, which can be a serious maybe life threatening problem. If this has been on going you need to get her check out by a vet.
Eating dry food all the time might be the reason.Try tuna fish about a teaspoon ,not mixed in the dry though.It helps my cat. If that doesnt work call a vet they can advise you without taking it in.
Hope this helps..I am reading from a cat medical book, it says to give the cat 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil or vegetable oil twice daily. Not more than 3 days in a row. One more thing you can try is giving the cat Metamucil, 1/2 teaspoon twice a day. To prevent this from happening you can feed the cat canned pumpkin,mix 1-2 tablespoons with its food daily. You can always give it milk to drink which if its over one year old that will cause it to have loose stools. I do hope this helps..I am at mfroeh@yahoo.com if I can help any futher.
I had a cat that had this problem of loving to eat linear things. The vet had a name for it, but don't remember. Anyway, one day she at a knee-high stocking. The vet had me feed the cat Metamucil. The stocking came out..
Are there any home remedies to help her along? She has loss her appetite and used to throw up but hasn't for four days.
give her canned pumpkin
u really should take her to a vet and see what the prob is
you can try giving her a small amount of corn oil..that will lube up her system and help move things along.
take her to the vet.
Feed her milk,water,etc. And if she does not poop normally the n bring her to the vet!
how do you know it's constipation?
there is an infant suppository that you can buy at walmart or any pharmacy its made by fleet called babylax its in a blue box and its a gylcerin only suppository.i have used this and it will produce results within 20 minutes..to give it to the cat you will have to wrap her up in a towel exposing only her rear end and if you have an extra set of hands this would be best you just have to make sure you get as much as the suppository into her to get results or you may have to do it again.this is the only safe method because there is NO additives except for glycerin in these and no medication that can harm your cat
Please be aware this not a pleasant thing for you or your kitty. We have delt with this a handful of times. The Vet has a solution they use, but it is saturday, and you could lose her between now and monday. We use serenges we found at walmart to be used for feeding smaller animals. We take luke warm water, mix in a lite soappy solution, (liquid dish soap is best, non sented), draw some into the serenge, and lube the end with vasoline or eqivilent. Even soft butter will work. Place the kittie on the table with some rags, lots of rags, under her. Try to calm it and work very very slow. Place the end of the serenge (the smaller the end the better) into the rectum, and inject the liquid slowly. Place your thumb over the opening when done to keep the liquid in the cat for a few secounds. Let the little one pass the solution, and see if it dont help relieve the constipation. Repeat a couple more times if necessary. If that dont work, you need a Vet asap. Good luck. A pet is a wonderful thing to have, and being a responible pet owner is heaven sent.
My Human Society said the only time you should give a cat milk is when their constipated.
Also, mineral oil in their food works. That was what my veternarian told me to do.
I will go on the assumption that your cat does not have a life-threatening impaction of her bowels.
The laxatone (which is probably what you got) can help relieve her. Give a small amount on your finger three times today and then three times tomorrow to see if she can then defecate.
For the bowels to move properly fat and moisture are needed in the diet. So if your cat eats only dry food this could definitely result in constipation. You can get some salmon oil from a health food store and added that to food, even dry food. I am trying to get my 22 yr old cat to take some Vitamin E with her food and at first she wouldn't eat it, each day she is eating a little more of it. So you have to stand your ground on it. If your cat eats a little less it won't hurt her. She might like the salmon oil a lot because she will like the fish taste. You can also use olive oil and that it not quite as good as the salmon oil because it is not animal-based. Mineral oil has no nutritional value so why not use something that will have benefits other than just greasing her up?
you can give laxatone, vaseline, mineral oil, canned pumpkin, or milk (since this usually causes loose stool). You cannot just give your cat ANY human laxative. You have to ask your vet which kind is safe for cats. I had to give my cat a human stool softner once (recommended by a vet.but cannot remember the brand name). If she has other symptons, like you said she has lost her appetite, then there may be MORE going on than just constipation!! Maybe she has a blockage, which can be a serious maybe life threatening problem. If this has been on going you need to get her check out by a vet.
Eating dry food all the time might be the reason.Try tuna fish about a teaspoon ,not mixed in the dry though.It helps my cat. If that doesnt work call a vet they can advise you without taking it in.
Hope this helps..I am reading from a cat medical book, it says to give the cat 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil or vegetable oil twice daily. Not more than 3 days in a row. One more thing you can try is giving the cat Metamucil, 1/2 teaspoon twice a day. To prevent this from happening you can feed the cat canned pumpkin,mix 1-2 tablespoons with its food daily. You can always give it milk to drink which if its over one year old that will cause it to have loose stools. I do hope this helps..I am at mfroeh@yahoo.com if I can help any futher.
I had a cat that had this problem of loving to eat linear things. The vet had a name for it, but don't remember. Anyway, one day she at a knee-high stocking. The vet had me feed the cat Metamucil. The stocking came out..
Constipated cat & water.?
My cat got an enema today, and has shown no further results at home. She may have to have another one, but she is on laxatose or what not so hopefully she will improve with that.
She was dehydrated. I was curious, how to get her to drink more water? I set up more water stations around my apartment with different types of bowls (maybe she would prefer a different type) but that is about all I came up with.
How do you get your cat to drink more water? And do you have any tips for a constipated cat, I know of vegetable oil %26 pumpkin.
cats do not have a strong thrist drive as in the wild they get most of their moisture from a kill. You should definitely feed wet food daily as your cat will get some of it's water from this, also you can add a little water to make a gravy, or just buy the wettest food you can. The pouched food usually has lots of gravy in it. You can also buy one of those water dishes that has a little water fountain.this seems to get interested in drinking more water, or see if your cat will drink out of the sink. My cat really likes it and I get more water down her this way as she too does not drink much out of her bowl. Do make sure you provide fresh water on a daily basis.I notice my cats are more likely to drink when I change it daily.
suggested cat water dish or something similar:
I lost my cat to constipation..it can kill them; they won't even want water.. don't worry about the water.get your favorite feline to the vet.NOW! ;-(
Make sure the water is fresh and the bowls are clean, sometimes it helps when they see you pour a little bottled water into the bowl. Constpation can be deadly. maybe since her enema, she may not need to poop again today, and make sure kitty has some canned cat food, chicken cat food helps. There is water for cats, it is fishy tasting. Also you can boil some white meat chicken, no salt nor anything else, just a little of it and give kitty the broth, not too greasy! I do this on occasion and it was recommended by the vet's office. Just a touch of white meat chicken, even a few wings, they like it and it is good for them. cats like bottled water. I buy it by the jugs! Never give a cat milk or cheese, this causes constipation in pets! been there, lost 2 of mine due to constipation. But give kitty a day, they usually only go once a day, 2 if they are really loose. If you suspect kitty is constipated, have the vet check it out again. There is stuff at the vets office you can buy. No dry food, strictly canned until kitty is over this. Kick back, maybe Kitty needs to relax for awhile after that enema. I am glad you took your cat into doctor. Good Luck. I have a feeling kitty will be OK. P.S. make sure that litter box is very clean, kitty will really want to go in it when it is clean. Use a scent free.
Try ice in the water or some broth, but make sure you don't leave the broth out too long and it spoils. It is typical if a cat is sick, that it would get dehydrated, but typically a vet will administer saline under the skin to rehydrate and the cat should feel better and be interested in water. Another option for now would be wet food.
But this all sounds very strange to me and I would seek a second opinion. If your cat is not drinking water, it will continue to get sick and constipated. It sounds like their may be an underlying illness.
Whenever I am worried about my cat's intake of water, I take him to the bathroom with me. I take the syringe I got from the vet (for oral medications) and fill it with water from the tap. Then I wrap a towel around my cat so that his leags and feet are confined. Then I I sit him on my lap, insert the syringe nozzle at the side of his mouth and squeeze the trigger. He drinks the water.
This way, I KNOW he has had a drink of water.
Tips for Cat Constipation
Cat experiences bowel movements 1-2 times everyday. If this movement is absent or if it has to force itself, excreting hard feces, implies the cat is constipated. It is a usual problem with cats, and if it happens once in a while, do not worry.
But if your cat experiences this problem regularly, it is a cause for concern. Old age aggravates the problem. The main cause of cat constipation is the presence of hairballs, tumors and external objects in the colon that hamper the proper movement of feces. As a result, the fecal matter collects within the colon, turns hard and dry and distends the colon. The colon becomes incapable of contracting and throwing out the feces, causing a condition called megacolon.
Fresh water changes in the water bowls daily will intice your cat to drink the water. But don't force the cat to drink, it will drink water when it wants to.
Make sure that your litter box is cleaned every morning and night or when you walk by it and notice a wet spot or a poo in it. A clean litter box is good for a cat. They do not like to go into a smelly cat box to do their duties.
Your cat will probably poo later on when food is eatened. If she doesn't go poo in another 12 hours from when you started to feed her, then take her back to the vets or call the vets and ask the techs what has happened they may give you advice on what to do next as in wait another 12 hours or bring her in again. Most of the time they will say to wait 12 hours before you bring her back in as the cat might pass poo later on.
Please update us on how she's doing. Thanks.
I add a small amount of milk to water when I need to encourage them to drink. Also here in UK specially formulated kitten milk is available so that might be an idea.
Make sure she gets plenty of exercise.lots of playtime.
She was dehydrated. I was curious, how to get her to drink more water? I set up more water stations around my apartment with different types of bowls (maybe she would prefer a different type) but that is about all I came up with.
How do you get your cat to drink more water? And do you have any tips for a constipated cat, I know of vegetable oil %26 pumpkin.
cats do not have a strong thrist drive as in the wild they get most of their moisture from a kill. You should definitely feed wet food daily as your cat will get some of it's water from this, also you can add a little water to make a gravy, or just buy the wettest food you can. The pouched food usually has lots of gravy in it. You can also buy one of those water dishes that has a little water fountain.this seems to get interested in drinking more water, or see if your cat will drink out of the sink. My cat really likes it and I get more water down her this way as she too does not drink much out of her bowl. Do make sure you provide fresh water on a daily basis.I notice my cats are more likely to drink when I change it daily.
suggested cat water dish or something similar:
I lost my cat to constipation..it can kill them; they won't even want water.. don't worry about the water.get your favorite feline to the vet.NOW! ;-(
Make sure the water is fresh and the bowls are clean, sometimes it helps when they see you pour a little bottled water into the bowl. Constpation can be deadly. maybe since her enema, she may not need to poop again today, and make sure kitty has some canned cat food, chicken cat food helps. There is water for cats, it is fishy tasting. Also you can boil some white meat chicken, no salt nor anything else, just a little of it and give kitty the broth, not too greasy! I do this on occasion and it was recommended by the vet's office. Just a touch of white meat chicken, even a few wings, they like it and it is good for them. cats like bottled water. I buy it by the jugs! Never give a cat milk or cheese, this causes constipation in pets! been there, lost 2 of mine due to constipation. But give kitty a day, they usually only go once a day, 2 if they are really loose. If you suspect kitty is constipated, have the vet check it out again. There is stuff at the vets office you can buy. No dry food, strictly canned until kitty is over this. Kick back, maybe Kitty needs to relax for awhile after that enema. I am glad you took your cat into doctor. Good Luck. I have a feeling kitty will be OK. P.S. make sure that litter box is very clean, kitty will really want to go in it when it is clean. Use a scent free.
Try ice in the water or some broth, but make sure you don't leave the broth out too long and it spoils. It is typical if a cat is sick, that it would get dehydrated, but typically a vet will administer saline under the skin to rehydrate and the cat should feel better and be interested in water. Another option for now would be wet food.
But this all sounds very strange to me and I would seek a second opinion. If your cat is not drinking water, it will continue to get sick and constipated. It sounds like their may be an underlying illness.
Whenever I am worried about my cat's intake of water, I take him to the bathroom with me. I take the syringe I got from the vet (for oral medications) and fill it with water from the tap. Then I wrap a towel around my cat so that his leags and feet are confined. Then I I sit him on my lap, insert the syringe nozzle at the side of his mouth and squeeze the trigger. He drinks the water.
This way, I KNOW he has had a drink of water.
Tips for Cat Constipation
Cat experiences bowel movements 1-2 times everyday. If this movement is absent or if it has to force itself, excreting hard feces, implies the cat is constipated. It is a usual problem with cats, and if it happens once in a while, do not worry.
But if your cat experiences this problem regularly, it is a cause for concern. Old age aggravates the problem. The main cause of cat constipation is the presence of hairballs, tumors and external objects in the colon that hamper the proper movement of feces. As a result, the fecal matter collects within the colon, turns hard and dry and distends the colon. The colon becomes incapable of contracting and throwing out the feces, causing a condition called megacolon.
Fresh water changes in the water bowls daily will intice your cat to drink the water. But don't force the cat to drink, it will drink water when it wants to.
Make sure that your litter box is cleaned every morning and night or when you walk by it and notice a wet spot or a poo in it. A clean litter box is good for a cat. They do not like to go into a smelly cat box to do their duties.
Your cat will probably poo later on when food is eatened. If she doesn't go poo in another 12 hours from when you started to feed her, then take her back to the vets or call the vets and ask the techs what has happened they may give you advice on what to do next as in wait another 12 hours or bring her in again. Most of the time they will say to wait 12 hours before you bring her back in as the cat might pass poo later on.
Please update us on how she's doing. Thanks.
I add a small amount of milk to water when I need to encourage them to drink. Also here in UK specially formulated kitten milk is available so that might be an idea.
Make sure she gets plenty of exercise.lots of playtime.
constant meowing?
my cat is constantly meowing .i give him love feed him .i talk to him he constantly meows even when hes outside i see him out the window or he will be walking around meowing all the time .cats meow yes but is it normal for always meowing
Some cats are very talkative especially Siamese. Mine talk all the time. My girl who only weighs 7 pounds is very loud. My boy who weighs 13 pounds sounds like a wimp--unless he is wet or is about to go to the vet. Then he loudly curses me. I like that they talk to me and I talk to them too.
Never had a cat before?
Yes, its normal.
Are you sure he is a he and not an in heat she?
lol this question made me laugh..i can just imagine a cat wandering about meowing at trees..
My older cat is very vocal too.
Do you own just the one cat?
Could he be looking for someone?
When my son moved into his own apt. our black cat cried constantly. The final solution was she went to live with him, and is now quite content and relatively quiet.
Good Luck
My Male cat Duke meows at me whenever I go to the kitchen and also when I wake up in the morning. and when I get back from work.. hell he never stops meowing. He seems to be constantly making sure I am feeding him enough, he was a rescue so he's scared of being without food. He does calm down and lay down when I am not as active in the house, like when I'm on the computer. It is normal for some cats yes, you just have to deal. I know it's annoying.
I think the cat might be a she oO
Keep talking to him. Buy some toys, too. It's normal.for him.
No, not normal. A female will meow all the time when in heat but all my other cats are pretty quiet except when they want something. It would drive me batty and i don't have very far to go.He wants something, you just have to figure out what!
meowing is cool
Your cat may be in heat or want to mate. Have you had him spayed or neutered?
dont know, dont care, i dont like cats
Maybe it misses a sibling or parent. If your cat acts weird in the house, you might check for illness with the vet. I also heard that dogs and cats go through something called "separation anxiety" which means the animal misses another animal or person. Not sure if this is what your cat has.
Yes, that is normally. If it is the only cat it could be looking for someone or if someone has moved out or soemthing then that could be the reason.
Does it sound like a "distress" meow? Like he's in pain? If so, I would take him to the vet. I would observe his eating, drinking, and sleeping habits. I would try to watch when he goes to the bathroom and check for straining, blood in his urine or feces, parasites, etc.
Some cats are just naturally vocal and communicate with their owners in this manner. Some ways to tell if kitty is happy are:
he purrs, he walks with his tail held high in the air, he weaves in and out your ankles, he wants to be petted, he rolls around and shows his throat and belly. He may "head butt," lick, or bite a little as means of showing affection.
If he seems healthy and happy, I wouldn't worry about the meowing. You would probably feel better, though, if you called your vet to get some professional advice. Joyce A
my brutus meows at me all the time, he's very talkative so I talk back to him it's normal.
I was going to give u some good advice but after reading the previously posted answers, I suggest you review the advise given by Joyce A or C (no foto) She is correct in her assessment. It is possible that he may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). This is common among male cats and often initiated by diet (dry cat food).You should ALWAYS rule out any physiological causes before you consider psychological or behavioral issues. Take him to the vet asap! No URL to offer but search UTI and male cats.
mine doesn't meow constantly, but she farts every 5 minutes it seems like and stinks to high heaven. I think she is half pole cat.
maybe he just wants to talk?
has ever done this before if so then maybe he is in pain
NO if he hasn't been nurtered 'that could be it )also I read in a book once that they could be in pain' take him to vet
I had a male cat one time who was very vocal. In fact sounded just like yours. He was part siamese %26 nerver shut up. I always thought there was something wrong with him, but he just liked to talk a lot. He had 8 toes on his front paws and 7 on the back. His name was thumbs.
usually when a cat meows alot he is bored. Some times it means they are hungry.
Some cats are very talkative especially Siamese. Mine talk all the time. My girl who only weighs 7 pounds is very loud. My boy who weighs 13 pounds sounds like a wimp--unless he is wet or is about to go to the vet. Then he loudly curses me. I like that they talk to me and I talk to them too.
Never had a cat before?
Yes, its normal.
Are you sure he is a he and not an in heat she?
lol this question made me laugh..i can just imagine a cat wandering about meowing at trees..
My older cat is very vocal too.
Do you own just the one cat?
Could he be looking for someone?
When my son moved into his own apt. our black cat cried constantly. The final solution was she went to live with him, and is now quite content and relatively quiet.
Good Luck
My Male cat Duke meows at me whenever I go to the kitchen and also when I wake up in the morning. and when I get back from work.. hell he never stops meowing. He seems to be constantly making sure I am feeding him enough, he was a rescue so he's scared of being without food. He does calm down and lay down when I am not as active in the house, like when I'm on the computer. It is normal for some cats yes, you just have to deal. I know it's annoying.
I think the cat might be a she oO
Keep talking to him. Buy some toys, too. It's normal.for him.
No, not normal. A female will meow all the time when in heat but all my other cats are pretty quiet except when they want something. It would drive me batty and i don't have very far to go.He wants something, you just have to figure out what!
meowing is cool
Your cat may be in heat or want to mate. Have you had him spayed or neutered?
dont know, dont care, i dont like cats
Maybe it misses a sibling or parent. If your cat acts weird in the house, you might check for illness with the vet. I also heard that dogs and cats go through something called "separation anxiety" which means the animal misses another animal or person. Not sure if this is what your cat has.
Yes, that is normally. If it is the only cat it could be looking for someone or if someone has moved out or soemthing then that could be the reason.
Does it sound like a "distress" meow? Like he's in pain? If so, I would take him to the vet. I would observe his eating, drinking, and sleeping habits. I would try to watch when he goes to the bathroom and check for straining, blood in his urine or feces, parasites, etc.
Some cats are just naturally vocal and communicate with their owners in this manner. Some ways to tell if kitty is happy are:
he purrs, he walks with his tail held high in the air, he weaves in and out your ankles, he wants to be petted, he rolls around and shows his throat and belly. He may "head butt," lick, or bite a little as means of showing affection.
If he seems healthy and happy, I wouldn't worry about the meowing. You would probably feel better, though, if you called your vet to get some professional advice. Joyce A
my brutus meows at me all the time, he's very talkative so I talk back to him it's normal.
I was going to give u some good advice but after reading the previously posted answers, I suggest you review the advise given by Joyce A or C (no foto) She is correct in her assessment. It is possible that he may have a urinary tract infection (UTI). This is common among male cats and often initiated by diet (dry cat food).You should ALWAYS rule out any physiological causes before you consider psychological or behavioral issues. Take him to the vet asap! No URL to offer but search UTI and male cats.
mine doesn't meow constantly, but she farts every 5 minutes it seems like and stinks to high heaven. I think she is half pole cat.
maybe he just wants to talk?
has ever done this before if so then maybe he is in pain
NO if he hasn't been nurtered 'that could be it )also I read in a book once that they could be in pain' take him to vet
I had a male cat one time who was very vocal. In fact sounded just like yours. He was part siamese %26 nerver shut up. I always thought there was something wrong with him, but he just liked to talk a lot. He had 8 toes on his front paws and 7 on the back. His name was thumbs.
usually when a cat meows alot he is bored. Some times it means they are hungry.
Conjuctivitis symptoms?
I may sound like an over worried mother but i really care about my two kittens and today i have seen that one of them has a problem with her eye. She looks half the way with it and it seems to bothering her, she cleans it often. First thought i had is that the other kitty hurt her when playing, since they usually play rough between each other. She is 8 weeks old. I have checked her eye and seems normal, normal fluids coming out. Is there any way to know if it is a beginning of an eye disease?
Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the pink membrane part of the eye, which lines the white part (sclera) and the inner eyelid. The conjunctiva can become quite reddened and swollen in some cats, and often it is just in one eye and not in both. This causes intermittent or constant squinting. It can occur on and off, for months to years. The conjunctivitis may occur without any other eye problems, or the eye may also have a corneal ulcer or erosion (painful open sore on the cornea, which is the "clear windshield" part of the eye), Keratitis (corneal inflammation), and/or uveitis (intraocular inflammation). Corneal involvement and uveitis are often caused by Feline Herpesvirus-1 (see discussion below).
secretions around the eyes, yellowish fluid coming from the eyes, loss of heart beat, an insatiable craving for human brains..sorry i was watching south park again.its just pink eye, pretty common
Symptoms include:
鈥ink/ red, watery eyes
鈥nflamed inner eyelids
A scratchy feeling to the eyes
Watery discharge
Sensitivity to light
Swelling of the eyelid
What is Conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is an infection of the outer layer of the eye, the conjunctiva.
The conjunctiva produces mucus that lubricates and protects the surface of the eye. This membrane is made up of tiny blood vessels and when they become irritated the eye becomes red.
Treatment for Conjunctivitis:
Viral conjunctivitis usually runs its course in one to two weeks. It does not respond to antibiotics. Artificial tears may also help relieve symptoms.
Bacterial conjunctivitis can be treated with antibiotic eye drops or ointment. Symptoms will then generally clear within a few days, if not an oral antibiotic may be prescribed.
Allergic conjunctivitis can be treated with antihistamine or steroid eye drops, but these should not usefor either bacterial or viral conjunctivitis.
If the kitten only had the problem with her eye for a short time (no more than a day), its nothing to worry about. However,kittens of that age very often get a conjunctivitis problem caused by a herpes virus. You can get an eye ointment from the vet or from pet supply catalogs that will help if the kitten has conjunctivitis.
Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the pink membrane part of the eye, which lines the white part (sclera) and the inner eyelid. The conjunctiva can become quite reddened and swollen in some cats, and often it is just in one eye and not in both. This causes intermittent or constant squinting. It can occur on and off, for months to years. The conjunctivitis may occur without any other eye problems, or the eye may also have a corneal ulcer or erosion (painful open sore on the cornea, which is the "clear windshield" part of the eye), Keratitis (corneal inflammation), and/or uveitis (intraocular inflammation). Corneal involvement and uveitis are often caused by Feline Herpesvirus-1 (see discussion below).
secretions around the eyes, yellowish fluid coming from the eyes, loss of heart beat, an insatiable craving for human brains..sorry i was watching south park again.its just pink eye, pretty common
Symptoms include:
鈥ink/ red, watery eyes
鈥nflamed inner eyelids
A scratchy feeling to the eyes
Watery discharge
Sensitivity to light
Swelling of the eyelid
What is Conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is an infection of the outer layer of the eye, the conjunctiva.
The conjunctiva produces mucus that lubricates and protects the surface of the eye. This membrane is made up of tiny blood vessels and when they become irritated the eye becomes red.
Treatment for Conjunctivitis:
Viral conjunctivitis usually runs its course in one to two weeks. It does not respond to antibiotics. Artificial tears may also help relieve symptoms.
Bacterial conjunctivitis can be treated with antibiotic eye drops or ointment. Symptoms will then generally clear within a few days, if not an oral antibiotic may be prescribed.
Allergic conjunctivitis can be treated with antihistamine or steroid eye drops, but these should not usefor either bacterial or viral conjunctivitis.
If the kitten only had the problem with her eye for a short time (no more than a day), its nothing to worry about. However,kittens of that age very often get a conjunctivitis problem caused by a herpes virus. You can get an eye ointment from the vet or from pet supply catalogs that will help if the kitten has conjunctivitis.
Congested Kitty?
Congested Kitty
My two month old kitten started sneezing 5 days ago and the symptoms have only gotten worse. He is on amoxacilin and in two days will be done with it. He developed stuffy nose and watery eyes and is getting more congested causing trouble breathing. What can I do?
Well, he may be allergic to something in the house if he is getting worse on the medicine. I would take him to the vet. I would also clean everything and that includes yours and his bedding.Poor kitty. I really hope he feels better.
He probley has an upper respiratory infection. Take him back to the vets. You may need to suction his nose out with saline to help him breathe. But first make sure the vet says its OK. Hope your cat feels better soon. Keep him indoors warm and safe.
the symptoms should have started to clear up a few days after the start of the amoxicillin..if it hasn't been clearing up, i would take him back to the vet.
becareful with these symptoms! my first kitten came home with me on a sunday, she was pretty sick that next day, so off to the vet we went and they told me she had a URI, gave me the same meds as you have. She also got worse, wouldnt eat, sleep, only would drink, i was force feeding her babyfood with an eye dropper every 2 hours of the day and night! she was getting skinnier by the day so by thursday i took her back.she ended up having some type of liver diesease! the new home triggered the illness to come to the surface! There was nothing i could do since she was so young so she had to be put down! dont ever thing a URI is nothing serious because it can be something else!
Ask your vet if Vicks works .
You need to take him back the vet a.s.a.p. He should be almost better since he only has a few days left on his prescription. He probably has and upper respiratory infection, which he would need to go back to the vet for, or an allergy. Regardless of what it is you should take him back to the doctor.
sounds like a respitory problem, i would ask you vet for his oppinion
You can certainly call the vet and alert him to the fact that the kitty is still having problems. He can suggest what you might do or prescribe more medication for him.
Rather than giving you a lengthy answer, I will direct you to a site, that will explain this condition, read the information carefully and head back to your vet, http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?.
This artcle will expalin Complex
Feline Upper Respiratory Disease,
rhinotracheitis virus,calicivirus,feline leukemia virus (FeLV) , feline immunodeficiency and panleukopenia, another viral disease of cats will all be expained to you and in inportance of incoculations
While you make arrangements for the vet, try this:
Get a deep bowl and smear some Vick's Vapor Rub in it. Then fill it up with really, really hot water. Make sure it is steaming. Then set it upon a table in a small room like a bedroom or bathroom.
Take your sick congested cat in that room and sit him on your lap as you sit real close to the bowl with Vicks. The menthol and eucalyptus should help clear or widen his airways.
But this is just a temporary remedial help. The cat needs to go back to the vet as soon as you judge he'll be OK for the trip.
Good luck!
Use a humidifier. It also sounds like he's not getting a high enough dosage of the amoxi, so you should also take him back to your vet. Normally 7-10 days of that stuff clears URI right up. Also, ask your vet for some vitamins. I think it's called Lysine. This will help boost your kitten's immune system to help battle the cold.
The humidifier will for sure help break up the congestion.
My two month old kitten started sneezing 5 days ago and the symptoms have only gotten worse. He is on amoxacilin and in two days will be done with it. He developed stuffy nose and watery eyes and is getting more congested causing trouble breathing. What can I do?
Well, he may be allergic to something in the house if he is getting worse on the medicine. I would take him to the vet. I would also clean everything and that includes yours and his bedding.Poor kitty. I really hope he feels better.
He probley has an upper respiratory infection. Take him back to the vets. You may need to suction his nose out with saline to help him breathe. But first make sure the vet says its OK. Hope your cat feels better soon. Keep him indoors warm and safe.
the symptoms should have started to clear up a few days after the start of the amoxicillin..if it hasn't been clearing up, i would take him back to the vet.
becareful with these symptoms! my first kitten came home with me on a sunday, she was pretty sick that next day, so off to the vet we went and they told me she had a URI, gave me the same meds as you have. She also got worse, wouldnt eat, sleep, only would drink, i was force feeding her babyfood with an eye dropper every 2 hours of the day and night! she was getting skinnier by the day so by thursday i took her back.she ended up having some type of liver diesease! the new home triggered the illness to come to the surface! There was nothing i could do since she was so young so she had to be put down! dont ever thing a URI is nothing serious because it can be something else!
Ask your vet if Vicks works .
You need to take him back the vet a.s.a.p. He should be almost better since he only has a few days left on his prescription. He probably has and upper respiratory infection, which he would need to go back to the vet for, or an allergy. Regardless of what it is you should take him back to the doctor.
sounds like a respitory problem, i would ask you vet for his oppinion
You can certainly call the vet and alert him to the fact that the kitty is still having problems. He can suggest what you might do or prescribe more medication for him.
Rather than giving you a lengthy answer, I will direct you to a site, that will explain this condition, read the information carefully and head back to your vet, http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?.
This artcle will expalin Complex
Feline Upper Respiratory Disease,
rhinotracheitis virus,calicivirus,feline leukemia virus (FeLV) , feline immunodeficiency and panleukopenia, another viral disease of cats will all be expained to you and in inportance of incoculations
While you make arrangements for the vet, try this:
Get a deep bowl and smear some Vick's Vapor Rub in it. Then fill it up with really, really hot water. Make sure it is steaming. Then set it upon a table in a small room like a bedroom or bathroom.
Take your sick congested cat in that room and sit him on your lap as you sit real close to the bowl with Vicks. The menthol and eucalyptus should help clear or widen his airways.
But this is just a temporary remedial help. The cat needs to go back to the vet as soon as you judge he'll be OK for the trip.
Good luck!
Use a humidifier. It also sounds like he's not getting a high enough dosage of the amoxi, so you should also take him back to your vet. Normally 7-10 days of that stuff clears URI right up. Also, ask your vet for some vitamins. I think it's called Lysine. This will help boost your kitten's immune system to help battle the cold.
The humidifier will for sure help break up the congestion.
Confusing cat.??
The breeder said that the persian cat i acquired from her is female. but as she was growing up.but i think she's a MALE. can somebody post a link here differentiating a male cat from a female cat.
Hi there.here are a photo and illustration on how to sex a cat:
male cats have a penis and female cats go on heat
ask ur vet about hemaphroditis (where a human appears to have both male and female parts) in cats
Ignore the stupid "male has a penis" answer because you can't see that.
How old is your cat? You can tell from 3 weeks of age whether it is male of female.
Normally, the backend of the male kitten, under the tail, should look like a colon (:). The top dot is the anus, the bottom dot is where the penis is sheathed.
Normally, the backend of the female kitten, under the tail, should look line an upside doen exclamation point(! turned upside down). The top dot is the anus, the bottom line is the entrance to the vagina.
the male has balls the female doesn't
I would just go to the vet, sometimes both testicles don't drop and you may have a cat with just one thats why your confused. You should have them spayed or nuetered anyways so just make an appt and see what they say. Not a stupid question, just like you said confusing, good luck!!
Since he/she needs fixed anyway, just go to the vet. They can tell you for sure (and check out the bump)!
Look below the cats butthole, if there is a lump (balls) growing there, then your cat is probably a male.
i was actually ina simalar situation myself. i took in a stray and it appeared to have 'male parts' but after a couple weeks 'he' became a 'she' or at least became more noticably a she. so you can either wait it out for her to grow a bit bigger to see if things get cleared up, or take her to the vet. call ahead of time if need be to see how much it may cost to have the vet just do a 'sex check' if money it any issue. =)
Does it have the little thing over its butt?
dude ur not stupid for instnace i stabbed my self in the eye with an atari joystick and i could go into gruseme detail but id rather answer ur question.okay do know what testicles are?Look around their privates if there are 2 sacks its a boy.IM SO SORRY IF THIS SOUNDED PERVERTED!
um not stupid at all, I had a cat that me and the vet thought was a girl. But one day this "girl" was humping on my other girl, so I called the vet to ask if cats could be gay or have we made a mistake. Mind you this vet was gay and I didn't want to offend him, so I was saying, not that I care, but..
Anyways to find out if it is a boy%26lt; they have little cotton balls starting to grow, and where the urinate is clearly a hole in front of these puffs. Now a girl will have a definete slit, hence being a girl. they only problem is when they are dark (black) down there, the you might have to do some feeling around. But once you notice the difference > you can see it even when they are born.
A female has a definite slit, it will be more obvious the bigger she grows - when I got mine at the shelter I thought it might be a male as well after a few days but the obvious slit became evident. A boy will have a hole below his anus and a girl will have a definite up and down line or slit.
Hi there.here are a photo and illustration on how to sex a cat:
male cats have a penis and female cats go on heat
ask ur vet about hemaphroditis (where a human appears to have both male and female parts) in cats
Ignore the stupid "male has a penis" answer because you can't see that.
How old is your cat? You can tell from 3 weeks of age whether it is male of female.
Normally, the backend of the male kitten, under the tail, should look like a colon (:). The top dot is the anus, the bottom dot is where the penis is sheathed.
Normally, the backend of the female kitten, under the tail, should look line an upside doen exclamation point(! turned upside down). The top dot is the anus, the bottom line is the entrance to the vagina.
the male has balls the female doesn't
I would just go to the vet, sometimes both testicles don't drop and you may have a cat with just one thats why your confused. You should have them spayed or nuetered anyways so just make an appt and see what they say. Not a stupid question, just like you said confusing, good luck!!
Since he/she needs fixed anyway, just go to the vet. They can tell you for sure (and check out the bump)!
Look below the cats butthole, if there is a lump (balls) growing there, then your cat is probably a male.
i was actually ina simalar situation myself. i took in a stray and it appeared to have 'male parts' but after a couple weeks 'he' became a 'she' or at least became more noticably a she. so you can either wait it out for her to grow a bit bigger to see if things get cleared up, or take her to the vet. call ahead of time if need be to see how much it may cost to have the vet just do a 'sex check' if money it any issue. =)
Does it have the little thing over its butt?
dude ur not stupid for instnace i stabbed my self in the eye with an atari joystick and i could go into gruseme detail but id rather answer ur question.okay do know what testicles are?Look around their privates if there are 2 sacks its a boy.IM SO SORRY IF THIS SOUNDED PERVERTED!
um not stupid at all, I had a cat that me and the vet thought was a girl. But one day this "girl" was humping on my other girl, so I called the vet to ask if cats could be gay or have we made a mistake. Mind you this vet was gay and I didn't want to offend him, so I was saying, not that I care, but..
Anyways to find out if it is a boy%26lt; they have little cotton balls starting to grow, and where the urinate is clearly a hole in front of these puffs. Now a girl will have a definete slit, hence being a girl. they only problem is when they are dark (black) down there, the you might have to do some feeling around. But once you notice the difference > you can see it even when they are born.
A female has a definite slit, it will be more obvious the bigger she grows - when I got mine at the shelter I thought it might be a male as well after a few days but the obvious slit became evident. A boy will have a hole below his anus and a girl will have a definite up and down line or slit.
conerning a kitten..?
If you knew of someone who does not take care of a kitten well at all..what would you do?? It's outside without food and water for days somtimes.should I take it to the spca? My heart breaks for it. I love animals and I want it to have a better life but I don't know what to do cause I don't want any friction or anyone knowing I took it to the spca if I decided to do that. Plz help.give me some advice on what to do.thanks everyone!
Talk to the owner(s) expressing your concern about the kitten.If they still treat the kitten badly.report them to the SPCA. Your identity stays anonymous.
I will never fathom how anyone could treat a kitten that way. If they can't take care of it, put it up for adoption at a shelter.
call the sspca straight away, this cat should be talken away, if they dont you should put food and water out if u can
Yes turn it over to the spca. it is wrong to treat animals that way.
Call Animal Control and tell them what you saw, they should come and take a look and if things are really bad they will take the kitten and place it for adoption (or euthanize him if really sick or agressive).
Yes, call the SPCA. Sorry if it causes friction but they can educate that person that that is not how you treat an animal. That is cruel, abusive and against the law.
maybe the family is away on vacation and left food and water outside but it ran out. the best thing for you to do is to offer to take care of their pets next time they're on vacation.
call the spca, they can help you.
A simple call to the animal control center and telling them of the location of the kitty and how it's being treated will be kept confidential and the person would never know it was you that was called. It's illegal to mistreat animals like that. People need to be just as responsible to animals as they would be to a child.
If you want to remain annonymous, call the police or animal shelter. Have them come pick it up. If they do nothing( which happens alot, unfortunately), I would go pick it up myself and to heck with causing friction. I love animals, also, and hate to see them mistreated in any way. Good Luck!
If you take it somewhere, you will be asked if you are the owner. I suggest calling the humane society and inform them of the situation. You don't have to give your name, even if they ask.
well if you really feel that sorry for the kitten im sure anyone else would too, so you probably should just take it there. and if they actually DO want it back maybe they will go look for it and check there.but its just a kitten they shouldnt leave it outside that little.take it in.poor thing.
was this one time I was taking a walk down my road and there were three cats tied up to a tree. They were all tangled and had no food or water. I called animal control and they came and ticketed the owners. Alot of people do not realize they are not caring for there animals the right way. Ma bey in your situation I would leave a letter on their door saying if they did not start taking care of there cat that you will call animal control and they will get an animal abuse ticket. Depending on where you live it is probably a misdemeanor still. but a ticket will cost alot more than a bag of cat food!!
I would call the spca.in the meantime maybe take that poor kitty some water and food, and if you can provide a better home for it take the animal yourself since you are already familiar with it.
Definitely call the ASPCA (if you live in the US, or the equivalent agency wherever you are)--this is unlawful and inhumane. I have a soft spot for animals, especially cats.call ASAP! Your identity will be protected if you ask them to do so. Don't worry--that animal's welfare comes before anyone's hurt feelings. Let the ppl get mad if they want; tough for them. They should've taken better care of their pets.
Do it! If they don't feed or water it, take it there and give it a chance for a new home. I was in the same situation with a neighbor's dog, and a friend of mine wanted it. I guess you could say I stole the dog and gave it to my friend. This was 8 years ago, and my friend still has her dog, and loves her. I know I did the right thing, because my neighbor was starving this poor dog. Take the poor kitten to the spca!
i rescued a cat that was in these exact conditions now it has a wonderful life.please take it and save the poor baby
give it food and water. One time a man in my neighborhood had kittens. They were all over our busy road. We took 2 of them without permission. He was grateful in the end.That was 4 years ago and we still have them both.
I'd call the SPCA and see if they can help. Or ask if you can borrow a cage trap to catch the cat which may be sick or diseased. Don't get bit trying to catch it.
Hardware stores will sometimes have trap/cages you can rent from them too to catch live animals.
The SPCA should be able to handle this for you though.
Blessing to your kind heart for your Kitty Love.
Good luck.
dont get to close the the kitty.
throw some food.
and spy on it.
call spca when its eating.
I would confront the owners and tell them that you feel that the kitten isn't receiving adequate care.maybe offer to take it off of their hands if they can't take care of it..if you get it, you can give it a good home or find someone else to.but don't stand around and let this keep going on, try to work it out yourself i don't think the spca is necessary
I think that first I would talk to the owner about it and really, even though you might not want to talk to them, you should tell them that you don't think that it's very humane and that they should try to take better care of it and mabe that there is a better choice of animal for them if a cat is just too much!
leave it alone, its not ur cat.
Try to find a family who will adopt it first, then go take it. The family it has now probably won't even notice, or they'll think it ran away.
If you can't find a family first, decide if it would truly be better off at the shelter. If it's a cute, younger kitten, it'll probably get adopted right away. Older cats have a harder time.
Or, maybe you can be a foster parent to the cat while you look for a home for it. Go to www.craiglist.org and post for free under "Free" or "Pets."
call animal protection they can deal with the situation plus there not meant to say who called them so it shouldnt cause friction. but do u really want friends who treat animals so bad? this kitten needs ur help it cant do it itself. or take it to spca and make it look like the cat ran away.
This is a great question, and thank you for your concern. A kitten is just a baby and we don't let babies roam around outside do we?
I would try to talk to the owners first, with the hope that you can educate them. Just as above, they need to be made aware of the dangers of a cat (never mind a kitten!) being outdoors. It could be run over, a neighborhood dog or wild animal might consider it "lunch", it could catch a fatal disease. Kittens especially cannot forage for their food and water. If you are tactful and kind, perhaps they will reconsider their current methods of ownership.
If NOT - it's time to go into second gear! Warn them that mistreating an animal is against the law, and they will be reported for cruelty. To heck with the friction. Is it worth sacrificing an innocent kitten's life for that? Call humane societies to ask for help. The police may also help too. If you're a juevenile, please have your parents, preferably your dad, help you! Investigate to see if there are kitty rescue or no-kill agencies that will help.
If you don't receive the expected response from the appropriate agencies, and the owners are doing nothing, I personally would resort to helping the kitten "disappear" to someone who will treat it kindly. Vets often have clients who recently lost a pet and might be very interested in taking in a helpless, neglected kitten.
Call the human society don't worry you will remain anonymous and report the neighbours for animal abuse. They will either warn them to take better care of the kitten or take the kitten away, they will call you after they leave and tell you what was done and if they just gave them a warning then they will ask you to notify them again if the kitten is still being abused so they can take it away and find a new home for it! You would be doing the right thing! That poor kitten cannot speak for itself you have to do it for the poor thing :Good Luck and PLEASE call !
Talk to the owner(s) expressing your concern about the kitten.If they still treat the kitten badly.report them to the SPCA. Your identity stays anonymous.
I will never fathom how anyone could treat a kitten that way. If they can't take care of it, put it up for adoption at a shelter.
call the sspca straight away, this cat should be talken away, if they dont you should put food and water out if u can
Yes turn it over to the spca. it is wrong to treat animals that way.
Call Animal Control and tell them what you saw, they should come and take a look and if things are really bad they will take the kitten and place it for adoption (or euthanize him if really sick or agressive).
Yes, call the SPCA. Sorry if it causes friction but they can educate that person that that is not how you treat an animal. That is cruel, abusive and against the law.
maybe the family is away on vacation and left food and water outside but it ran out. the best thing for you to do is to offer to take care of their pets next time they're on vacation.
call the spca, they can help you.
A simple call to the animal control center and telling them of the location of the kitty and how it's being treated will be kept confidential and the person would never know it was you that was called. It's illegal to mistreat animals like that. People need to be just as responsible to animals as they would be to a child.
If you want to remain annonymous, call the police or animal shelter. Have them come pick it up. If they do nothing( which happens alot, unfortunately), I would go pick it up myself and to heck with causing friction. I love animals, also, and hate to see them mistreated in any way. Good Luck!
If you take it somewhere, you will be asked if you are the owner. I suggest calling the humane society and inform them of the situation. You don't have to give your name, even if they ask.
well if you really feel that sorry for the kitten im sure anyone else would too, so you probably should just take it there. and if they actually DO want it back maybe they will go look for it and check there.but its just a kitten they shouldnt leave it outside that little.take it in.poor thing.
was this one time I was taking a walk down my road and there were three cats tied up to a tree. They were all tangled and had no food or water. I called animal control and they came and ticketed the owners. Alot of people do not realize they are not caring for there animals the right way. Ma bey in your situation I would leave a letter on their door saying if they did not start taking care of there cat that you will call animal control and they will get an animal abuse ticket. Depending on where you live it is probably a misdemeanor still. but a ticket will cost alot more than a bag of cat food!!
I would call the spca.in the meantime maybe take that poor kitty some water and food, and if you can provide a better home for it take the animal yourself since you are already familiar with it.
Definitely call the ASPCA (if you live in the US, or the equivalent agency wherever you are)--this is unlawful and inhumane. I have a soft spot for animals, especially cats.call ASAP! Your identity will be protected if you ask them to do so. Don't worry--that animal's welfare comes before anyone's hurt feelings. Let the ppl get mad if they want; tough for them. They should've taken better care of their pets.
Do it! If they don't feed or water it, take it there and give it a chance for a new home. I was in the same situation with a neighbor's dog, and a friend of mine wanted it. I guess you could say I stole the dog and gave it to my friend. This was 8 years ago, and my friend still has her dog, and loves her. I know I did the right thing, because my neighbor was starving this poor dog. Take the poor kitten to the spca!
i rescued a cat that was in these exact conditions now it has a wonderful life.please take it and save the poor baby
give it food and water. One time a man in my neighborhood had kittens. They were all over our busy road. We took 2 of them without permission. He was grateful in the end.That was 4 years ago and we still have them both.
I'd call the SPCA and see if they can help. Or ask if you can borrow a cage trap to catch the cat which may be sick or diseased. Don't get bit trying to catch it.
Hardware stores will sometimes have trap/cages you can rent from them too to catch live animals.
The SPCA should be able to handle this for you though.
Blessing to your kind heart for your Kitty Love.
Good luck.
dont get to close the the kitty.
throw some food.
and spy on it.
call spca when its eating.
I would confront the owners and tell them that you feel that the kitten isn't receiving adequate care.maybe offer to take it off of their hands if they can't take care of it..if you get it, you can give it a good home or find someone else to.but don't stand around and let this keep going on, try to work it out yourself i don't think the spca is necessary
I think that first I would talk to the owner about it and really, even though you might not want to talk to them, you should tell them that you don't think that it's very humane and that they should try to take better care of it and mabe that there is a better choice of animal for them if a cat is just too much!
leave it alone, its not ur cat.
Try to find a family who will adopt it first, then go take it. The family it has now probably won't even notice, or they'll think it ran away.
If you can't find a family first, decide if it would truly be better off at the shelter. If it's a cute, younger kitten, it'll probably get adopted right away. Older cats have a harder time.
Or, maybe you can be a foster parent to the cat while you look for a home for it. Go to www.craiglist.org and post for free under "Free" or "Pets."
call animal protection they can deal with the situation plus there not meant to say who called them so it shouldnt cause friction. but do u really want friends who treat animals so bad? this kitten needs ur help it cant do it itself. or take it to spca and make it look like the cat ran away.
This is a great question, and thank you for your concern. A kitten is just a baby and we don't let babies roam around outside do we?
I would try to talk to the owners first, with the hope that you can educate them. Just as above, they need to be made aware of the dangers of a cat (never mind a kitten!) being outdoors. It could be run over, a neighborhood dog or wild animal might consider it "lunch", it could catch a fatal disease. Kittens especially cannot forage for their food and water. If you are tactful and kind, perhaps they will reconsider their current methods of ownership.
If NOT - it's time to go into second gear! Warn them that mistreating an animal is against the law, and they will be reported for cruelty. To heck with the friction. Is it worth sacrificing an innocent kitten's life for that? Call humane societies to ask for help. The police may also help too. If you're a juevenile, please have your parents, preferably your dad, help you! Investigate to see if there are kitty rescue or no-kill agencies that will help.
If you don't receive the expected response from the appropriate agencies, and the owners are doing nothing, I personally would resort to helping the kitten "disappear" to someone who will treat it kindly. Vets often have clients who recently lost a pet and might be very interested in taking in a helpless, neglected kitten.
Call the human society don't worry you will remain anonymous and report the neighbours for animal abuse. They will either warn them to take better care of the kitten or take the kitten away, they will call you after they leave and tell you what was done and if they just gave them a warning then they will ask you to notify them again if the kitten is still being abused so they can take it away and find a new home for it! You would be doing the right thing! That poor kitten cannot speak for itself you have to do it for the poor thing :Good Luck and PLEASE call !
concrete poems?
school time again lol i need a topic for a concrete poem that i can form the words of the poem into pictures with. nothing too complicated please. like a snowflake. lol i cant do that cuz my teacher did it.
Even better, make it about Nine Lives Cat Food. It's creative, and most of the work will be making an outline in this shape:
Just do the words outline. Keep the fish.
Since this is in the cat section, which it shouldn't be, make it a cat head, and make the poem be about cats.
why is this on the cat thing any way?
a raindrop
cat silhouette
You want a poem about concrete written by cat lovers?
heh heh heh heh
Even better, make it about Nine Lives Cat Food. It's creative, and most of the work will be making an outline in this shape:
Just do the words outline. Keep the fish.
Since this is in the cat section, which it shouldn't be, make it a cat head, and make the poem be about cats.
why is this on the cat thing any way?
a raindrop
cat silhouette
You want a poem about concrete written by cat lovers?
heh heh heh heh
Concerned about sick cat's friend?
We recently got rid of Princess, a female cat who acted like a pregnant cat, although we recently found out from her previous owners that she's acted like this for as long as she had been dropped off there for a year, so she's not preggo.
Even after a month inside, she becomes filthy for no reason! We've given her three shampoos and red dirt and black specks come out everytime. You can't pick her upwithout getting filthy, even two days after shampooing her. She sneezes a ton, wheezes, and coughs a lot. Today she had diahreah as well. That's when I decided to take her back to her former owner's farm.
A coworker suggested that her swollen stomach could be cancer since she's not pregnant. That worries me because we had our boy cat Tidus around her for like a month. He got the sniffles for the first week he was around her but he acts like a normal cat and his sinuses have cleared up and he acts healthy.
If Princess did have cancer, do I need to worry about Tidus catching it?
The red dirt was blood from the fleas, the black specks was flea dirt! Why did you take on the responsibility of owning a cat if you weren't ready to get her to a vet to get vaccines and an exam. Didn't you consider the health risk you were posing to your male cat?
She was sneezing, wheezing and coughing because she probably had either an upper respiratory infection or something more serious.
If you didn't want to get her to a vet, you should have just put her down rather than return her to someone who didn't give a darn about her in the first place.
When one decides to take a pet there's more than just food to consider. This is a living, breathing animal. It has a heart that's beating, a brain that functions. To disregard the care of a living animal in ones possession is criminal.
PEOPLE, if you don't want to take the time, or money, or whatever excuse it may be, to care for a pet - Please don't consider one!
Cancer is not contagious.
It sounds like Princess needs a trip to the vet.
If Tidus has any symptoms, you could always have him checked out by your vet . I assume he has had his yearly shots? (vaccinations?)
your friends cat needs to see a vet right away tell her Your cat should go to the vet to be on safe side
Cats dont catch cancer.
Sounds like she was riddled with fleas . black and red spots = flea dirt. Did you ever flea her?
Fat stomach could be worm infestation.
"Sniffles" could be cat flu which by the sounds he has got over. But sounds like the female has a decent bout and needs anti-biotics. THAT is contageous.
Make sure you flea and worm Tidus and watch for more coughing and sneezing. De flea your house/carpets and wherever the cats have been
The cat had FLEAS!! She probably has parasites/worms.how cruel to just dump her off on a farm!!
Why didnt you take her to the VET??
Do your other kitty a favor and take him to the vet.what are you going to do with him if he has the same symptoms..go dump him off too?
I have taken in so many kitties that are sick and uncared for because people do the same thing around here. People who dump their animals instead of taking care of them suck.
I guess you should of brought the cat to the vet, but hey you might not have money to pay for it.
looks like the cat princess needed to go to the vet and you didn't take her as an owner you failed her it sounds like hyperthyroid this is a condition that gives off to many hormones and leads to a slow and painful death FYI your cat tidus doesn't need to go to the vet as this condition is not catching but I'd take him anyway but then i love my cat to death and have spent hundreds just in vaccinations and health checks plus when she did get diarrhea i spent $104 on medication and treatment .
Cats do get Feline Leukemia which is communicable, but the symptoms you described don't match. maybe the "bloating" was her being in heat, or cancer (a different kind) or parasites, only a vet would know for certain.
this cat may have FIP, usually a swollen stomach is a telltale sign, and it is highly contagious to other cats. Okay, you say you bathe her and "red dirt" and black specks come out..DUH this is flea dirt (fleas eggs and feces) and the red I am sure is from dried blood from the fleas biting her. It is not HER fault that you are not using a flea treatment on her! Have the current owner take Princess to the vet ASAP and take Tidus too to get him tested for FIP.
Even after a month inside, she becomes filthy for no reason! We've given her three shampoos and red dirt and black specks come out everytime. You can't pick her upwithout getting filthy, even two days after shampooing her. She sneezes a ton, wheezes, and coughs a lot. Today she had diahreah as well. That's when I decided to take her back to her former owner's farm.
A coworker suggested that her swollen stomach could be cancer since she's not pregnant. That worries me because we had our boy cat Tidus around her for like a month. He got the sniffles for the first week he was around her but he acts like a normal cat and his sinuses have cleared up and he acts healthy.
If Princess did have cancer, do I need to worry about Tidus catching it?
The red dirt was blood from the fleas, the black specks was flea dirt! Why did you take on the responsibility of owning a cat if you weren't ready to get her to a vet to get vaccines and an exam. Didn't you consider the health risk you were posing to your male cat?
She was sneezing, wheezing and coughing because she probably had either an upper respiratory infection or something more serious.
If you didn't want to get her to a vet, you should have just put her down rather than return her to someone who didn't give a darn about her in the first place.
When one decides to take a pet there's more than just food to consider. This is a living, breathing animal. It has a heart that's beating, a brain that functions. To disregard the care of a living animal in ones possession is criminal.
PEOPLE, if you don't want to take the time, or money, or whatever excuse it may be, to care for a pet - Please don't consider one!
Cancer is not contagious.
It sounds like Princess needs a trip to the vet.
If Tidus has any symptoms, you could always have him checked out by your vet . I assume he has had his yearly shots? (vaccinations?)
your friends cat needs to see a vet right away tell her Your cat should go to the vet to be on safe side
Cats dont catch cancer.
Sounds like she was riddled with fleas . black and red spots = flea dirt. Did you ever flea her?
Fat stomach could be worm infestation.
"Sniffles" could be cat flu which by the sounds he has got over. But sounds like the female has a decent bout and needs anti-biotics. THAT is contageous.
Make sure you flea and worm Tidus and watch for more coughing and sneezing. De flea your house/carpets and wherever the cats have been
The cat had FLEAS!! She probably has parasites/worms.how cruel to just dump her off on a farm!!
Why didnt you take her to the VET??
Do your other kitty a favor and take him to the vet.what are you going to do with him if he has the same symptoms..go dump him off too?
I have taken in so many kitties that are sick and uncared for because people do the same thing around here. People who dump their animals instead of taking care of them suck.
I guess you should of brought the cat to the vet, but hey you might not have money to pay for it.
looks like the cat princess needed to go to the vet and you didn't take her as an owner you failed her it sounds like hyperthyroid this is a condition that gives off to many hormones and leads to a slow and painful death FYI your cat tidus doesn't need to go to the vet as this condition is not catching but I'd take him anyway but then i love my cat to death and have spent hundreds just in vaccinations and health checks plus when she did get diarrhea i spent $104 on medication and treatment .
Cats do get Feline Leukemia which is communicable, but the symptoms you described don't match. maybe the "bloating" was her being in heat, or cancer (a different kind) or parasites, only a vet would know for certain.
this cat may have FIP, usually a swollen stomach is a telltale sign, and it is highly contagious to other cats. Okay, you say you bathe her and "red dirt" and black specks come out..DUH this is flea dirt (fleas eggs and feces) and the red I am sure is from dried blood from the fleas biting her. It is not HER fault that you are not using a flea treatment on her! Have the current owner take Princess to the vet ASAP and take Tidus too to get him tested for FIP.
computer probs.can anyone help me?
every time i get on the computer my cat wont leave me alone. she is so very lovable and sweet and i feel bad making her get down. what can i do to make her stay down without hurting her feelings?
You can't stop it. It's evolution in action!
Five thousand years ago an enterprising Felis sylvestris lybicus came out of the desert to hunt the rodents that were infesting some Egyptian farmer's grainery. The farmer, depressed at his inability to keep his grain free of rodent droppings, was sitting at his breakfast table perusing the help wanted ads in his morning newspapyrus. He'd decided that agriculture was just one of those good ideas that wasn't going to work out, and he was looking for a job as a nomadic hunter-gatherer.
The F.s.lybicus saw the farmer sitting there, and she saw that the the grainery was locked. She leaped up onto his table and sat on his papyrus, her way of telling him to forget about the help wanted ads, get to back work and open the grainery so she could hunt the rodents within.
He did, she did, agriculture became practical, civilization was born, and that clever F.s.lybicus became the founding mother of a new species, Felis cattus, the kitty we love and admire today.
Ever since, cats have sat and sprawled on papyrus scrolls, books, newspapers and magazines as their way of displaying their domestication. Now modern cats have expanded this deeply instinctive behavior to include sitting and sprawling on keyboards and standing in front of computer screens.
You can't stop it. Five thousand years of kitty genetics are working against you!
A difficult situation. You love your cat and likewise so it's hard for both. Maybe you might feel better if you encourage her with a treat this way you won't feel guilty. Try it?
Take your cat out of the room
Ever heard of catnip.try it and your cat won't even know you are there..
Tab her.
Well according pets and computers again : what you should do is gently pick up cat and say" this is an no no kitty" tell her it plus she must be put out side until done
One of my cats used to sit on my lap when I was using the computer. He was a pretty big cat and kinda heavy. I would give anything to have him on my lap again!
You can't stop it. It's evolution in action!
Five thousand years ago an enterprising Felis sylvestris lybicus came out of the desert to hunt the rodents that were infesting some Egyptian farmer's grainery. The farmer, depressed at his inability to keep his grain free of rodent droppings, was sitting at his breakfast table perusing the help wanted ads in his morning newspapyrus. He'd decided that agriculture was just one of those good ideas that wasn't going to work out, and he was looking for a job as a nomadic hunter-gatherer.
The F.s.lybicus saw the farmer sitting there, and she saw that the the grainery was locked. She leaped up onto his table and sat on his papyrus, her way of telling him to forget about the help wanted ads, get to back work and open the grainery so she could hunt the rodents within.
He did, she did, agriculture became practical, civilization was born, and that clever F.s.lybicus became the founding mother of a new species, Felis cattus, the kitty we love and admire today.
Ever since, cats have sat and sprawled on papyrus scrolls, books, newspapers and magazines as their way of displaying their domestication. Now modern cats have expanded this deeply instinctive behavior to include sitting and sprawling on keyboards and standing in front of computer screens.
You can't stop it. Five thousand years of kitty genetics are working against you!
A difficult situation. You love your cat and likewise so it's hard for both. Maybe you might feel better if you encourage her with a treat this way you won't feel guilty. Try it?
Take your cat out of the room
Ever heard of catnip.try it and your cat won't even know you are there..
Tab her.
Well according pets and computers again : what you should do is gently pick up cat and say" this is an no no kitty" tell her it plus she must be put out side until done
One of my cats used to sit on my lap when I was using the computer. He was a pretty big cat and kinda heavy. I would give anything to have him on my lap again!
Compatibility between cats and dogs-How to?
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